1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 1084: .Retreat (message+)

  In short, it seems that Mu Qingyu's "heart-to-heart" words made Leng Yunlin make up his mind, and he finally said: "Okay then. I live in Unit 602, Unit 3, Building 9, Classic Homeland, and I will be home after four o'clock in the afternoon. Come and have a look when the time comes. After all, I'm going abroad too, and the house will be open for half a year once it's vacated."

   "I see, thank you."

  The two are singing together here. Mu's mother believed it completely this time, and she immediately said: "That's good. After all, we are classmates, so it's more reliable. It's just that we have to go there, so don't damage his things."

  Mu Qingyu nodded, this matter is over.

   After a hectic day, several people, including Mu Shangen, were exhausted. But outside, Mu Qingyu didn't dare to say anything, especially since she was still in confinement, and she was most afraid of suffering from the cold, so she settled this mess and went to bed early.

  I just hope that tomorrow I can live in the room arranged by Leng Yunlin early, so that my mother can change her mind soon.

   If she continues to toss, she will be useless.


  The next afternoon.

  Leaving Enen in the hotel room to take a nap, before going, Mu Qingyu ran to the business hall, got a mobile phone card, and finally managed to contact someone. As soon as she got the mobile phone card, she just inserted the card into the mobile phone. Over there, Leng Yunlin's calls overwhelmingly flooded her mobile phone.

  Mu Qingyu turned her head and glanced at Mu's mother who was sitting with her child in her arms: "Mom, these are all messages that Yunlin sent me—there are hundreds of them."

  Mother Mu didn't say anything, but she still had a proud face. She didn't care too much, snatched Mu Qingyu's mobile phone, and said in a euphemistic way: "You are carrying a child now, the mobile phone radiates a lot, it is not safe."

  Mu Qingyu curled her lips, what, she was worried about her private contact with Leng Yunlin.

   Sure enough, within ten minutes after she signed up for the mobile phone card, Leng Yunlin called. Mu's mother looked at the name jumping on the screen, thought about it and handed it to her.

  Mu Qingyu immediately connected the phone: "Yunlin."

   "Qingyu!" Leng Yunlin replied immediately: "My God, you finally have a mobile phone! You..."

  He was about to ask her about the afternoon, when he suddenly thought that if Mu's mother turned on the speakerphone, he would be in trouble. So he immediately changed his mouth: "Where did you go last night, I was looking for you all night!"

   "It's okay, I live in my classmate's house, my classmate has gone abroad, and the house is empty."

   "Student's family, which classmate's family, aren't you coming back?" Leng Yunlin pretended to be confused, "It's a man and a woman."

   "It's a man, it's okay." Mu Qingyu rolled his eyes, and sure enough, he saw Mu's mother frowning, as if she was not very satisfied that she kept calling.

   "If you want me and Xiaotuanzi to come back sooner, then hurry up and get your mother!" Mu Qingyu smiled, "Yunlin, it's all up to you!"

   "Honey, I will work hard as soon as possible!" Leng Yunlin immediately expressed his loyalty, and added by the way: "Let Xiaotuanzi call Dad."

   "She can't speak yet!" Mu Qingyu was a little speechless.

   "I know, but if you hit her, she will cry, and I can hear her voice." A certain father said shamelessly.

   "Why don't you hit yourself!" Mu Qingyu was angry.

   "Okay, okay. I will try my best to take care of my mother and pick you up as soon as possible, and you too. My image in your mother's heart depends entirely on you." Leng Yunlin prayed to God and Buddha here, and only hoped that Mu Qingyu could say something nice.

  Sorry, I'm a little bit stuck today, update and add more~

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