100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 102: unacceptable weight

In the past few days, Johnny has been fighting with the evil spirits in his body. In the past, he was the assistant director, and the evil spirits dominated.

Now, in order to save his girlfriend, he has a stronger will in the desperate situation.

"It's a pity you put it away too early."

As soon as Johnny's palms became hot, the contract was completely burned with a 'beep'!

"You burned it."

Wu Xinmo smiled and said nonchalantly, "It seems that humans are not trustworthy."

"I won't let you become a 'group of ghosts'."

Johnny's voice, who turned into an evil spirit skeleton, became strange and powerful.

"Unfortunately, you are wrong, hahahaha!"

In an instant, countless black air currents surged out from the scorched air! Crazy hovering in the sky, mighty!

Wu Xinmo laughed, his ethereal voice and the black air hovering in the sky formed a strange aura!

"The contract is broken! These cursed evil spirits have been released by you! They have nowhere to go, and I, the Witch Heart Demon, will accept them!"

In an instant, a strong black energy erupted from Wuxinmo's body, causing the evil spirits in the sky to madly enter his body one by one, and his jet-black pupils flashed terrifyingly at this moment!

Seeing this scene, Johnny stomped on the ground and rushed towards Wuxin Demon, and the ground on the rooftop rose up with wisps of fire under his feet!

He wants to stop! Although he didn't know it was too late to stop it now.

Johnny has a plan. He is eager to save his girlfriend, and he can sacrifice himself for his girlfriend, but it does not mean that he can sacrifice the whole world.

He knows this, he knows that the witch heart demon is a full-fledged demon with great ambitions.

But he only gambled.

The first bet is that the witch demon is willing to let her girlfriend go first. If you are willing, burn the contract to see if you can erase the power in the contract. If you can, then go up and fight with the witch! Even if they die together!

The second bet, Wuxin Demon was not afraid of his 'eye of judgment' ability to burn the soul. If Wuxin Demon successfully becomes a group of ghosts, then Wuxin Demon, who has no soul, may become a soul, and bet the 'judgment' Whether the eye' can cause damage to the Witch Heart Demon.

However, only a rumbling sound was heard!

Johnny was swept upside down by a black air, and slammed into the small house that bulged on the roof!

He fell to the ground...the hellfire on the skull gradually extinguished...

At this moment, the entire rooftop was slightly cracked...

With a 'bang', the door of the small house was kicked open again, and a man in a blue leather jacket and a man in a cowboy uniform and a cowboy hat broke in.

Shocker Digg Garcia and full-haired cowboy Robert Wilson.

"Mr. Wilson, it's a pleasure to work with you this time!" Garcia looked at Cowboy Wilson next to him and said hello.

"But the situation doesn't seem optimistic..."

Full-haired cowboy Robert Wilson said this as he looked at the Witch Heart Demon who was standing on the edge of the rooftop with his arms outstretched and looking up at the night sky.

Indeed, at this time, not only was the sky full of dark shadows, but Wu Xinmo himself was also exuding faint black smoke. Looking at these kinds of 'potentials', people felt that the goal this time was not simple.

"I can't handle that much anymore, kill him!"

Garcia took out the electric baton that he was carrying around his waist, and rushed towards the witch-heart demon!


The flashing electricity of the electric baton in his hand makes no doubt that it can easily bring down ordinary people!

The medal on Garcia's chest seems to be a heroic brilliance under his current charge!

There is no doubt that he is a superhero who has received medals and is recognized by the military, and he is a righteous man who has achieved victories! he is the one...

With a 'bang', he flew upside down!

He is the electric shocker...

With a 'thump' sound, the electric shocker Garcia fell next to the cowboy, dying.

Before he could get close, he was hit by the black fog and flew away, and Wu Xinmo didn't even attack him deliberately.

The cowboy looked sideways at Garcia, was stunned, and then quickly pointed the revolver at the black-spirited witch.

Six bullets in a row! 'bang bang bang bang bang'

He is... full-haired cowboy Robert Wilson!

After six bullets, turn around and run!

Madd, what did S.H.I.E.L.D. think? Call me to support such a powerful thing? Do you have any idea how much I weigh?

That thing, I modified the revolver to no avail! Fortunately, I am long-range, and I can run after shooting! What if I was a melee?

Wu Xinmo smiled, the thousand cursed evil spirit power... was finally completely absorbed by him, and now it's only a matter of digesting it.

He could feel that his strength was more than three times stronger than before, and his strength was still increasing as he digested the evil spirits.

In other words, he is constantly upgrading! The very fast one!

"Ah, this intoxicating power... This is the power of ghosts!"

Immersed in the power, he didn't notice that Johnny, who had recovered, rushed towards him!

The Eye of Judgment!

Johnny, who rushed towards him, launched his killer move without hesitation!

With a 'click' sound, the Wuxin Demon who reacted stretched out **** and inserted two of Johnny's holes, bang!

Black glow erupts! The hellfire on Johnny's body was stagnant, and the whole person flew out backwards. This time he flew very far and fell directly from the tall building!

At the same time, Wu Xinmo saw a hand on the right edge of the rooftop!

Then a black-haired woman jumped up!


This woman was dressed as an Ogu warrior, with light armor covering her head, body, legs and other parts in all directions, and holding a giant shield nearly the size of a person in her hand! The whole person exudes the brilliance of fluorescent blue!

Her face is beautiful and cold~www.NovelMTL.com~ Her eyes are imposing!

The woman 'bang' smashed the ground with her shield, and the shield engraved with the rabbit's head lit up with bright blue light!

Dark Knight, Jessica Jones!

A few seconds ago...

Power music video game hall.


A heavy sound faintly overshadowed the video game music in the entertainment hall! It was like the sound of someone falling heavily from a tall building!

"What's the sound?" Ivan, who was watching Thor play video games, frowned.

"What sound?"

Saul didn't understand what Ivan asked, and in the process of speaking, he was distracted by Angel!

The character under control is severely combo hit!

"Fuck! You don't have the ability to block the corner!" Sol said sharply.


It was like a crash coming from outside, and at the same time, Sol smashed the remote stick of the game console hard!


A commercial building not far away...

Wu Xinmo, who was lying on the street directly opposite the building, stared blankly at the sky, and the second sound was undoubtedly that he was beaten from the rooftop!

"What kind of equipment is that... a tortoise shell and a tortoise shield, human woman..."

The witch heart demon murmured...

Just then he saw a blue dot in the sky attacking at high speed! That's Jessica jumping off the building! She put a giant shield on the soles of her feet, mastered the balance and aimed at the witch heart demon lying on the street!

Heaven brings justice!


With a loud noise, the witch heart demon was smashed by Jessica and her giant shield, and the whole person was flattened into a flat man by the giant shield with blue glow!

He bears a weight he shouldn't bear!

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