Billy's forehead was dripping with sweat.

——This guy came to my place alone!

——Damn it! Those two idiots were lured away by a clown in a blue leather jacket!

Billy gritted his teeth. This was not the first time he had confronted Frank. The last time Frank was not so strong, he suffered some losses under his own hands.

And now it has the power to destroy dozens of people!


He is not sure that he can win this battle, he is quite clear about his ability!

Billy's gang can grow big, mainly relying on his two top players: Crazy Jim and Fool Barracuda.

Either of the two of them alone is much stronger than him!

"Frank, we can talk!"

Billy said so, he doesn't dare to show his face now, he knows that Frank is faster than him!

"No talk." Frank said coldly.

"You know it wasn't my order to kill your family! It was my subordinate who made the premise! I didn't even know it!"

"I know... but countless women died at your hands. You even killed children and dug up their livers and sold them! You are no different from your subordinate!"

"What does that have to do with you!" Billy shouted angrily, "What does it have to do with you Frank, no matter how many women I **** and how many organs I sell!"

"It doesn't matter, it's just that you are guilty, so you should die!"

Frank's voice just fell! Hearing a loud 'bang'!

The door of the gym was smashed into pieces, and Barracuda and Jim, wearing steel helmets, rushed in one after the other!

Frank heard the sound and instinctively avoided, and several needles brushed his face and scratched his ears!

how come?

The pupils contracted slightly. Frank did not expect the two to come back. The plan was that Bullseye had already held them back!

The rumored bullseye...isn't it reliable?

Frank, who had investigated Bullseye's information, knew about Bullseye's deeds. He knew that Bullseye had killed the existence of the gang leader 'Tombstone' alone, which is why he chose to cooperate with Bullseye to increase the success rate of this operation.

——Sure enough, no one is reliable...Sometimes only oneself.

Frank remembers what happened today! Immediately turned around and pulled the trigger at the two freaks!

Bang bang bang bang!

While he was shooting, he was also walking, looking for the next bunker!

Five large-caliber bullets hit Barracuda's body, shattering his shirt.

Barracuda looked down at the tattered clothes, revealing a special body armor, he giggled: "Are you... tickling me?"

There is a reason why Frank chose to cooperate with people this time, because according to the information he found, this barracuda not only has rough skin and thick flesh, but also has full body armor. He is a typical number one fighter under Billy! The one who is always ready for battle!

And although that Jim is much weaker, throwing a flying needle is still hard to guard against!


In a fierce shootout, Frank ran out of ammunition and was forced into a corner by the Barracuda. ​​He pulled out the M9 saber at his waist...

His eyes were a little blurry, and his body began to get tired, but he didn't fall down, and he didn't give up!

And until now, Billy was still in his room under the pressure of Frank and did not dare to show his face, he only laughed loudly inside: "Frank, you are finished! You will know how weak you are now!"

Holding the saber tightly, Frank avoided the incoming flying needle and slaughtered the barracuda in front of him!


The blade cuts through the body armor! At the same time, Barracuda laughed and elbowed Frank in the face to push him back, but failed to knock him down! It came back, and the two started a fierce hand-to-hand battle.

Jim smiled oddly and walked away from the fight between the two. When he aimed at the timing in the distance, a flying needle shot into Frank's body!

Every time he saw Frank's expression changing because of the flying needles, he laughed wildly and seemed extremely happy!

It seems that he was affected by the flying needle. Frank felt that he was getting weaker and weaker. During the swing of the knife, the Barracuda grabbed his right wrist!

"Hehehe..." Barracuda smirked.

And Frank didn't give up his resistance, his left hand slammed off the steel helmet protecting Barracuda, and then a short punch slammed into Barracuda's nose!


Feeling a little stunned by this punch, Barracuda shook his head, then twisted Frank's wrist with a smirk, and hit Frank's stomach with a revenge punch!

With a muffled groan, a mouthful of blood spurted out from Frank's beating in the severe pain!

But he still didn't give up, and clenched his steel fist again! He was screaming in his heart: I will kill you! I will do...

Right now! Frank suddenly felt an inexplicable force pulling him back!

Not only did this pull make him miraculously free from the Barracuda's control! He also let the punch he threw forward miss!

This is again... what's going on?

Barracuda's eyes He just felt a huge force force open his palm, making Frank free, and now Frank floats backwards again! Retreat like the wind!

Jim also stopped laughing wildly. He blinked strangely, not understanding the situation in front of him!

In a blink of an eye, Frank was pulled out of the gym by that force and flew into the sky in the rain!


He only heard someone calling his name, and he was already in the air! Strangely suspended under the support of a mysterious force!

Frank saw... a black-haired youth also in midair!

That's Ivan!

Looking at Frank whose face was bruised and shocked, Ivan smiled.

"I'm Ivan Jones, I'm a little late, don't mind."

In the state of spiritual vision, Ivan has seen everything inside, so he imagined to capture Frank!

"You...all this..." Frank was shocked, he had many questions!

"Because little Lisa doesn't want to have no father..."

Ivan answered Frank's question with a smile. Seeing that Frank wanted to ask again, he waved his hand and pointed to the sky: "Look."

With so many questions...

Frank followed Ivan's hand and looked to the sky...

I saw a fire above the dim sky! It was a huge crimson meteorite falling down at high speed!

The goal is exactly: Aubaton Entertainment and Fitness Club!


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