100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 457: Crimson Crimson


The black-green heart placed in front of Ivan and Black Bolt was beating violently, and the tentacles that had previously extended from the prototype platform had wilted.

Ivan looked at the supreme wisdom in the shape of the heart in front of him. As knowledge was continuously absorbed in his mind, his brain capacity was constantly filled.

After this time... Ivan learned a skill, or ability.

Ivan didn't know how to create a spiritual world with spiritual power before, but now... Ivan, who defeated the supreme wisdom, completely mastered this skill.

"I lost."

The heart... or the supreme wisdom made a strange voice, and it was different from the nice voice that imitated Ivan before, and now its voice is extremely ugly.

This is the true voice of the Supreme Intelligence in reality.

It's like a virtual anchor who used to be the voice of nature has removed her strongest sound card, becoming ordinary... or even inferior.

"Yeah... I won." Ivan smiled faintly.

"From the moment you ascended our continent, I knew that you were destined to be the winner, either you win, or you and I win."

The heart said: "When I know your choice, I know that the outcome will be the former, and I try to reverse... I try to make you lose, but this is something that I can't do with my ability. Luxurious hope...”

"Now it's time for you to fulfill your obligations. You have to give Black Bolt an explanation."

"Isn't this an account of my fate? My spiritual world has been destroyed, and I can no longer do what I did before... Through the spirit to talk to my people, I have always been like a god, but you Now look at..."

After a pause, the heart wailed: "I am an ugly machine."

Ivan looked at Supreme Wisdom and thought that it was indeed a bit miserable, but the Kerry Empire did a lot of evil under its leadership.

They have invaded the life planets in the farther star regions, and suppressed other populations, such as 'Inhumans' and 'Skuru people'.

It is said that the Skrulls were beaten by them to hide where they could not find it.

"I can kill your remaining life with one blow now, but I will give you a chance to live and let you continue to manage the Kerry planet, but there is a big premise."

Ivan raised his voice slightly: "You have to do as I say, everything."

Heart beating... Silence for a few seconds.

"I don't have a choice, you... just say so."

Speaking of this, Ivan turned his head and looked at Black Bolt standing beside him.

Black Bolt felt Ivan's gaze, and also looked at Ivan: "You... why are you looking at me?"

"You should know that the decision I just made means that Supreme Wisdom will not die. I want to know if you have any opinion on this?" Ivan asked calmly.

"No, no." Black Bolt took a deep breath and waved his hand, "You have done enough for me, I am satisfied to see the Kree Empire lose its sovereignty, although I prefer to kill it, but ..."

He looked at Ivan with burning eyes: "I understand you and respect your every decision, because without you, Ivan, I can't even give an explanation to my people."

At first, Black Bolt thought he could fight against the Kerry Empire, but the drone swarm manipulated by Supreme Wisdom made him despair.

Although the huge swarm of drones that covered the sky was destroyed by Ivan as soon as he shot, it looked very weak and seemed to be easy to destroy.

But assuming Ivan is away, leaving Black Bolt alone to face these drone swarms, then he may have become a Kree prisoner.

The reason is that his super voice can only act on the human body, and cannot cause damage to pure machinery that "has no hearing". Before Black Bolt came, he never thought that the technology of the Kerry Empire had become so powerful.

Everything is simple because Ivan exists.

"Thank you for your understanding." Ivan smiled back at Black Bolt.

"Good brother, you have already offered a place for me to communicate with the universe, how can I ask for too much?"

Black Bolt approached Ivan slightly, and cautiously reached out and patted Ivan's shoulder lightly: "That's it, I'm very satisfied! If there is anything in the future... you can ask our Inhumans for help!"

Ivan shook his head and smiled bitterly. He saw through his micro-expression that Black Bolt was a little bit afraid of himself in addition to being grateful to him.

Fear the power that makes all enemies despair!


In the next step, Ivan appointed a treaty to the Supreme Wisdom.

One, from now on, the Kree Empire is not allowed to invade any pacifist planet.

Second, fully implement the new version of the "Cosmic Balance Clause" made by Ivan, which includes a series of advanced policies such as fewer births and better births, and energy conservation, which will help extend the life of Harrah's star and reduce the burden on the universe.

Third, human experiments in any form are not allowed in the future.

Fourth, cherish Hara, and cherish any existing planet of life in the universe.

Fifth, no farting.

Of course, this fifth item is purely a spoof, and Ivan made up the number with a playful attitude.

However, he did not expect that in the future, the Kerry Empire really evolved a law from Ivan's joke...!


After 'talking' with Supreme Wisdom, Ivan and Black Bolt came outside.

At this moment, every building in the Kerry Empire became less mysterious and less advanced in Ivan's eyes.

Just because Ivan, who has obtained the knowledge of supreme wisdom... knows too much about the structure of these buildings.

They were constructed with a special technology of the Kree Empire, a unique technology, a unique creative scheme.


Between Ivan's thoughts! The floating Kerry Empire Continent crashed down!

Then, with a snap of Ivan's fingers, the meteorites over the empire exploded one after another... dyeing the sky a continuous red!

This scene is a scene that all Kree people will never forget!


Black Bolt looked up at the sky, admiring this rare sight... His neck was sore.

"It's so beautiful." He sighed, "Ivan, I thought I was the coolest before I met you."

Ivan smiled and said nothing.

Black Bolt continued: "Now I find that I am not, you are the coolest, and I, it seems that I will never be able to be like you..."

"Don't be humble, your voice ability... is a rare ability to make me feel 'discomfort'."

Ivan has never been stingy with praise to his own people.

So boasting, his hands are not idle... He took out the white egg stored in the space gem.

Gaining the knowledge of Supreme Wisdom... also unlocks everything about the Kree Empire, and he now finally knows what this egg is!

—This is a ‘prime-devouring beast egg’, UU reading www.uukanshu. com was stolen by the Kree Empire at a great cost.

- The stuff inside... is an orange cat.

- Of course, it is also possible that it is not orange, but other colors such as white, black, and flower colors.

- But in any case, this is a very terrifying creature in the universe.

- Fortunately, it is 'possible' to have a friendly relationship with it.

- When it comes out of its shell...the 'first face' you see is the easiest to bond with it.

All kinds of knowledge about the Primordial Devourer quickly flowed through Ivan's mind, and at the same time, it may be because the explosion of the meteorite group caused the temperature below to rise...

This primordial beast egg... turned red, and the shell on its surface gradually cracked!

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