13 Mink Street

Chapter 10 Black Notes

When I drove there, there were two VIPs sitting in the car;

When I drove back, there were two VIPs sitting in the car.

Although the funeral was a bit simple, it could even be called scribbled, but when the cremation returned, the sky gave me face and it rained, which can be regarded as helping Jeff and Mr. Mosang to say goodbye to the atmosphere of this world.

Karen looked at the ashes urn in front of him. Sure enough, those urns in the basement cannot be used for pickling!

Freshly incinerated ashes are hot;

So sometimes, in order to catch up with time, the family always brings a jar in the basement to install it, and after it is installed, it is replaced with an urn with the label of the family company;

Jeff's urn needs to go through the last procedure to be placed in the cemetery in the welfare list area, and none of Mr. Mosang's children is willing to take over his urn;

A normal cemetery, even if it is not buried, is not cheap, so they would rather spend an extra sum of money to help clear up the relationship with the Inmeles family, so that their father can clip a benefit.



Geoff lay down for Mr. Mowthorne's funeral;

And Mr. Mosang,

Will also rub Jeff's welfare bill;

If there is no accident, the urns of the two will be placed in two adjacent spaces after being sent to the welfare cemetery together.

It's also very good.

if lonely

They can smash each other's walls with their skulls.

Karen was still thinking about the cost price of the urn mentioned by old Darcy, and asked curiously to Uncle Mason who was driving:

Uncle, what is the profit of our coffin?

Ordinary coffins are about double the profit, and special or specially designed coffins can be double or triple the profit;

Some decent people who worked in the government would choose to be solemn and restrained;

Those with noble titles and wealthy families will customize luxurious coffins belonging to nobles according to their family traditions, and will engrave the family emblem on it.

It is much simpler for the nouveau riche, they like the splendor most.

By the way, there is a special coffin selection color book at home. There are more than two hundred coffins on it. If you are interested, you can go back and look through it.

Oh, the above prices are basically five times the purchase cost. When selling to customers, we will give customers a 'discount'.

several times the profit,

Karen thought to herself,

That's okay, it's not as exaggerated as the urn in the Hughes Crematorium. They cost less than 50 and sell it for 1000, twenty times the profit!


Uncle Mason also opened up the chatter box, just taking the previous incident as an example:

Don't look at our profits are not as exaggerated as the urns of the Hughes Crematorium, but how much do they sell for an urn even if they double that?

Our most basic coffin is 10,000 rupees.

Also, our customer base is different from theirs. In our case, the last ones sent to cremation are... well, low-quality customers, but they are also their main customer base.

They burn the corpses there every day for a month, and we only need to make three normal orders to make the same profit as them.

Of course, Mr. Mosang is not a normal customer.

Have you thought about expanding the scale, Uncle? Karen asked.

Mason shook his head and said, My investment failed and I added leverage. By the way, do you know what leverage is?


Well, it's good to know; anyway, I'm sorry to tell you, my poor nephew, your grandfather's money, that is, the part of the inheritance you can inherit in the future, has shrunk a lot because of your unworthy uncle.


Mason added:

Don't be mad at Uncle.

According to the tradition of Ruilan Country, the eldest son is usually responsible for inheriting the family business, while the youngest son goes out to make a living.

Therefore, from a custom point of view, Karen, as the eldest grandson of the eldest house, should be the future talker of the funeral club, while Mason, at most, can share some money or shares, and has no right to speak.

I don't blame you, Uncle.

In the memory of the last Karen, I have always had a good impression of this uncle.

Through more than half a month of contact, Karen also found that although Mason loves to be lazy and talkative is also greedy for money, he has many problems with him, but these problems are actually shared by ordinary people;

But most importantly, Mason's attitude towards life, family and money is very correct.

He is actually the one who is most eager to make money and make a comeback. He used to work in financial investment in a big city, but now he can only drive a hearse to pick up customers. Obviously, he can't be happy.

And when Karen asked if he wanted to put the consulting fee of nearly 20,000 rupees into the public account, he chose to refuse without hesitation, and it can be seen that he is not the kind who would take money from his nephew people.

Those who are working at home and can enjoy dividends are just him and his aunt plus grandfather and aunt Winnie. After the 20,000 rupees are handed over to the company, he and his aunt will be able to share half of them next month.

After all, earning this money did not pay any operating costs... If Karen hadn't given the old Darcy 1,000 rupees, the cost paid would be nothing more than a little spittle.

By the way, Karen, let's do it next time. The next time you have business, you will come forward and try to communicate with customers. We will see the effect. If the effect is good, you will be able to join the company as a family member and enjoy dividends.

Okay, uncle.

Work for Inmeles,


work for diss,

it's my honour.

In addition, the expansion you just mentioned, I don't think it is necessary to expand now, because even if we can get loans from the bank, we can't compete with those chains in terms of scale.

So my feeling is that we have to improve our service quality and at the same time find new profit growth points, just like you.

Actually, grandpa can't take on this job? Karen asked.

Grandpa is a priest.

Mason said disapprovingly, Hey, who would tell the truth to God?

At this time,

There was a puddle ahead, the wheels sank a bit, and there was a relatively large bump.

The car was fine, but the two urns collided and made a bang sound, but fortunately they were not damaged.

Mason glanced back,


When I die in the future, I don't plan to have a funeral at all, let alone a coffin. I don't even want Mina and Lent to prepare for me.

Huh? Uncle sees it so openly?

Some things don't make much sense after I've seen them a lot. When I get old, as long as Mina and Lent are filial to me, when I close my eyes, they will buy fish from the vegetable market. I have no complaints about the black plastic bags used to store my ashes.

How about the ashes? Karen asked.

This is a good arrangement, find a bigger flower pot, put it in it for me, fill it with some soil, plant anything on it, and put it in the flower garden.

When you are at home, you can pour some water for me, and when you are not at home, I will just help you look after the house.

At this time,

On the way back, Ron, who fell asleep again with a bird, was just woken up by the bump. Hearing this conversation, he said curiously:

Mr. Mason, Master Cullen, are you talking about such a heavy topic?

What about Ron, what are your future funeral plans?

Mason grabbed the steering wheel with one hand and lighted his cigarette with the lighter in the other, and asked casually.

Hey, I must plan to spend the last 1 rupee on my body before I die.

Where's your family? Karen asked.

I'll make an appointment with the nurse at the nursing home after get off work tomorrow. If she's not with me in the end, I probably won't have a family in the future, let alone children.

What about your funeral?

Future? Ron patted his stomach. The funeral is simple. I heard that Luojia Medical College accepts corpses for donations from the public. They will respectfully call the donated corpses... what is the name of the teacher?

Karen said, Teacher General.

Yes, yes, Master Karen knows more, hehe, before I die, I will sign an agreement and donate myself to be a general teacher.

Mason shook the soot and said with a smile: I can't tell, Ron, your image has instantly grown in my eyes.

That, that... Ron scratched his head, I didn't study well when I was young, and I really couldn't learn the knowledge from books. I dropped out of school early and went out to find a job. But I know that those who can be admitted to Luojia Medical College, They are all those people who have studied well.

I just felt that in the future, I, a poor student with a stupid head, would lie there and let those outstanding students with good academic performance stand next to me, bow to me and call me teacher, what a pleasant and enjoyable thing it would be.

Hahahaha. Mason laughed loudly.

Karen couldn't help laughing, but still reminded, Then Ron, you have to lose weight.

Losing weight? Ron was a little surprised. Being a general teacher still needs a figure?

That's not true, but do you know that after cutting your stomach open, your fat will pile up there. Then those students will probably curse you in a low voice while enduring nausea and cutting your fat:

Oh my God, why is my general teacher a fat man!

Ron straightened his back all of a sudden, and said, Is it so scary!


Ron fell into deep contemplation for his funeral.

Mason asked curiously, Karen, how do you know this?

Aunt Mary told me, you know, sometimes my aunt will dispose of some dead bodies in a terrible state, so sometimes she can't help cursing at the dinner table.

Mason nodded approvingly, and said, Yes, her temper is getting worse and worse.

Immediately afterwards,

Mason sighed.

Flicked the ash again,


Blame me.


When I got home, it was already nine o'clock in the evening. After the urn was placed in the basement, today's work was considered complete.

There is supper for dinner, mashed potatoes, bacon and vegetable salad.

Karen washed his hands and came over. Seeing this dinner, to be honest, he was a little disappointed, especially when he went out and came back late today and was hungrier than usual, he was looking forward to a delicious and rich dinner.


Do it yourself next time.

Honey, I opened a can of herring for you.

Hearing canned herring, Uncle Mason immediately opened his arms, smiled, and kissed Aunt Mary several times in front of Karen:

It was a happy dinner, and I loved it, and I loved you who prepared it for me, darling.

Uncle Mason told Aunt Mary in the car the day before yesterday that her pies were his only favorite food;

As for another delicacy that goes to the toilet, it refers to canned herring.

Karen blinked, suddenly feeling ominous.


There was air in the can, and when it was opened, there was a muffled sound inside.

Immediately afterwards,

A stench of rotten flesh permeated directly.

Karen's stomach convulsed directly, and then went up to the throat, but he forced it down.

In front of this smell, the stinky tofu is simply a sweet fragrance with its own freshener!

Uncle Mason forked a piece and put it into his mouth, chewing with an expression of enjoyment.


without even asking Karen,

Fork a piece directly on top of the mashed potatoes in front of Karen:

Eat, Karen, in this family, you and I have always been the biggest fans of canned herring, no, believers!

Karen held her breath and looked at Mason, who forked another piece and shouted:

Come on, fuck our faith!

finished speaking,

Once again, I sent it into my mouth for chewing with great enjoyment.

Karen looked embarrassed,


Who called the last Karen to like this kind of food?

in addition,

For Karen, who liked to eat stinky tofu in his previous life, he vaguely guessed that this stuff should be the same as stinky tofu, which smells stinky but tastes delicious?

take courage,

Karen forked it,

Put it in your mouth.

in an instant,


Karen's eyes widened instantly.

I couldn't even swallow it, so I picked up the napkin and vomited it all up, then got up and left the table to go to the bathroom, and started to vomit.

at the table,

Mason who was sitting and Mary who was standing were a little startled.

What happened to him? Aunt Mary wondered.

Uncle Mason guessed: When we came back, there was wind and rain in the car, maybe we have a cold?

Then I'll prepare some medicine for him.


After vomiting,

Karen gasped helplessly.

Turning his head, he saw Pu'er standing at the door of the bathroom. The cat was staring at him, and, looking at the curvature of its mouth, Karen had the feeling that it was laughing at him.

Are you laughing at me?

Pu'er's expression remained unchanged, and his tail shook.

At this time, Aunt Mary's voice came from outside: Karen, are you catching a cold? I'm here to bring you medicine.

Okay, Auntie, I'll come out to eat later.

Then your supper...


That damn supper,

Karen didn't want to go back to that dining table, and now he didn't even want to go back to the second floor!

The entire second floor should be filled with the smell of canned herring at this time.

There are a lot of snacks in Lent. I just eat a little. My stomach is not very comfortable. I shouldn't eat too much.

Then...Okay, pay attention to yourself, if you are still not feeling well tomorrow morning, I will take you to the clinic.

Thank you, Auntie.

Aunt Mary turned and left,


Karen heard her aunt scolding her cousin Lunt:

Lent, your teeth are broken so much that you dare to hide snacks secretly. Since you don't want your teeth anymore, I'll tear your mouth apart now!

In the bathroom, Karen felt a little sorry for his cousin, filled with guilt for his little cousin, and then he took a comfortable bath.

After taking a shower, Karen walked back to her bedroom while toweling her hair.

On the bedroom desk, there are milk, bread, water cups and pills.

Lent was sitting on the ground, arranging the boxes that were originally placed under the spring bed. When he heard the sound of Karen entering the room, he turned his head and looked at Karen with grievances:

Brother, my mother searched all the candies and chocolates I hid.

There was no resentment on the cousin's face, and he didn't blame Karen, but he was a little helpless.

I knew I shouldn't be so frugal before, I only eat one every night, and I should eat it up as much as I can.


Karen smiled, took out 1,000 rupiah from his pocket, hesitated for a moment, it seemed inappropriate for a child to take too much money, and finally took out three and handed them to Lent.

Take it to buy candy, and ask brother for it after spending it.

Lunt didn't reach out to take it, but shook his head and said, You can't spend brother's money.

Isn't it right for my brother to spend my brother's money?

No, my mother said we have to take care of my brother, because my brother doesn't have... Lent changed his words immediately, Actually, I also have pocket money!

Counting Karen, there are four children in the family.

It stands to reason that the monthly pocket money expenses of the four children are the same, and this part of the expenses is also counted in the company;

But because the cousins ​​have their parents, their pocket money is kept by the aunt and aunt on their behalf, and it is very little in their hands.

On the contrary, Karen, because he has no father or mother, and the elders are embarrassed to keep his pocket money, so they are paid out in full every month, which is why Karen can save 6,000 rupees.

Brush your teeth carefully every day, eat sugar carefully, and you'll be fine.

Karen still put three hundred rupees on Lent's bed, and at the same time found that there were many books and notebooks on Lent's bed, which should have been found during the previous search by her aunt, because these should have been placed under the bed before.

Among them was a notebook with a white rose on the cover, but it was deliberately painted red with a red pen.

Karen opened it smoothly,

There is a picture on the first page, which shows three people, two big and one small. Although the artist is very abstract, it can be clearly seen that the father on the left is the mother on the right and the child is in the middle.

The child in the middle can be seen to be a boy because the long hair is not drawn to mark the female features like the mother on the right.

You draw well. Karen said to Lent.

Brother, this is not my notebook.

It's not yours?

In this room, if it wasn't Lunt's, it could only be...Karen's.

Karen thought for a moment, unable to recall the notebook in his memory.

But this is normal, judging by the paper quality of the book, it should be a bit old;

Although he inherited the memory of Karen, if Karen himself has forgotten some things, it is naturally impossible for him to remember them.

Lent, it's time for you to brush your teeth and get ready for bed!

Aunt's voice came from the stairs.

Fortunately, the Inmeles family lived in a single-family villa. If they lived in an apartment, with their aunt's voice, they would definitely receive complaints from neighbors.

Here we come, Mom.

Lunt ran out of the room.

Karen sat on Lunt's spring bed and continued to flip through the notebook.

The picture on the second page is no different from the first page, it is still a couple with a child in between.

The third page, too.

Karen lost interest, but when he turned to the fourth page, he frowned slightly.

The picture on the fourth page was completely painted black, leaving only a blank circle in the middle.

From a professional point of view and for the analysis of children's painting,

This painting means that the children who created it are extremely insecure;

Black is actually a protective color.

This kind of composition mode conveys the feeling that when I was a child, I was afraid when it was dark, and I wrapped myself tightly in the quilt, but I would leave a gap to peek outside or breathe fresh air.

Of course, the feeling presented by this painting will be more serious than that.

Karen continued to turn the pages, and the next few consecutive pictures were all similar pictures, except that the position of the blank circle would change, sometimes appearing at the bottom and sometimes at the top, or to the left or to the right.

After turning another page,

Karen's hand was stuck there.

Because in this painting,

A man and a woman are drawn horizontally. According to the previous painting style, they should be Dad and Mother.

Horizontal painting, showing the meaning, is to lie down.

Because there is a person in the painting who is drawn vertically, so he is standing.

In the picture, the lying father and mother extended from their abdominal positions to a mass of black things, and the sides of the two were also smeared with a black pen.

Karen couldn't help swallowing,

Is this the wound...and the blood flowing from the ground?

And the man standing,

It was an adult image that had never appeared before, holding something in his hand.

Karen brought the notebook closer to her eyes and looked at it carefully. Oftentimes, children can only guess at things drawn by children.

Is it a sword in your hand? Even this sword is too short.


On the way back from the hospital that day, when he was helping his grandfather clean up the scorched skin on his arm, Karen's mind recalled the... that sword handle that was placed in the black box!



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