13 Mink Street

Chapter 30 We Are Family

Your parents were killed by me.

Originally, when grandpa said that he planned to tell him the secret, Karen was well prepared. Although he was still lying on the bed now, in his heart, he had already reserved room for the foreshadowing.

But he really didn't expect that grandpa really didn't even have an opening animation, so he just started talking about it.

Perhaps, this is just like what I said before, hurry up and say what should have been said.

Your parents, like me, are also judges of the Cult of Kosmos.

Karen noticed that Diss said judge, not priest.

According to Pu'er, the orthodox church may have different names, but they all follow a specific sequence:

The Purifier - the Servant of God;

Inquirer——God's revelation;

Reflector - God, animal husbandry.

The fourth floor is the judge.

The first three levels are a bit like low-level civil servants. When it comes to judges, they are similar to officials in the traditional sense. Referring to Grandpa's position, judges are similar to local leaders.

Therefore, Karen's parents are really not low-ranking.

There are three judges in the Inmeles family, so in the system of the Cult of Kosmos, they can be regarded as the existence of a noble family, at least not to be underestimated.

During a mission to encircle and suppress strange demons, their souls were polluted. This kind of pollution is irreversible and irreparable. At their begging, I chose to help them get rid of it.

Hearing this, Karen was not too surprised.

Even Pu'er said that Diss was a person who valued his family very much, and that Diss didn't kill himself because he had the honor of being the grandson of Karen.

Even if it was drawn in Karen's notes that it was grandpa who killed his parents, Diss must have had a hard time.

Although Diss said this matter in a calm tone, Karen could understand how painful this man who valued his family felt when he killed his two family members with his own hands.

However, pollution... irreversible?

When the source of evil copper coin polluted Ron earlier, it should be reversible and reversible. Diss cleaned up Ron, and then Ron returned to normal.

And one's parents are irreversible.

The difference is like, Ron's diarrhea caused by eating unclean things can be cured by prescribing a medicine, while my parents drank paraquat, and there is no possibility of survival.

Since then, you have become a child without parents, and since then, I have begun to regret why I brought your father and your mother into the church, and even regretted that in the history of the Inmeles family, because the Order of God , Because of dedication, how many family members have been damaged.

Almost every generation of the Inmeles family will bear the pain of the sudden departure of their loved ones.

What's even more ridiculous is that although the funeral club is open at home, we are not even qualified to hold a real funeral for our departed family members.

Karen remembered that Pu'er said that the priest's corpse would be recycled.

So, I made a decision, the Inmeles family will quit the Cult of Kosmos forever after I leave.

I hope Mason, I hope Winnie, I hope their children, I hope you, I hope my family can not get involved in the vortex of the dark side of this world, and can live an ordinary life as a normal ordinary person.

Even if ordinary people are doomed to birth, old age, sickness and death, and are doomed to be accompanied by various accidents, it is much happier than witnessing those distortions and cruelty, and even the soul being defiled until the end and still not resting in peace.

Having said that, Diess smiled self-deprecatingly:

In the final analysis, I am a selfish person, and the farthest distance I can see is the porch at the door of my house.

Perhaps, when he was young, he also had the doctrine in his heart, and he once chanted the slogan that he could sacrifice everything for the Symmetra, and he also hoped to defend the glory of the Inmeles family in the Cult of Symmetra;

But now I,

I just hope that the family members can be healthy, stable and, best of all, live a happy life.

Diss' eyes began to look out of the window;

Karen knew that at this time, Diss was no longer just telling him, but more, he was telling his own voice.

There are some things that he can't say to the rest of the family, he can only keep them in his heart.

I, Des Inmeles, am such a worthless person.

This is the most sincere confession of a serious old man.

Then, you got sick, very sick. I tried my best to protect you, but, without success, you still left.

Karen was silent.

This sentence,

It is equivalent to clarifying the relationship between everyone.

I lied to Mason and Mary that I would take you to the hospital in Belwyn City, that hospital is very good at treating your difficult disease, but in fact when I took you away, you were not breathing, you were dead .

I lost my son, my daughter-in-law, and you lost your parents;


I'm going to lose you again.

I once suspected that this was the God of Order's punishment for my disloyalty. He knew about my betrayal of Symmetra, so he deliberately sent disasters to take you away from me.

When you were rescued, I repented, and I even swore that if the God of Order can restore my little Karen to health, I will continue to dedicate the rest of my life to the Cult of Order without reservation, to protect the God of Order. Light.

And the Inmeles family will continue to inherit the glory of the Cult of Order and become its most loyal defender. I will bring you into the sect, and I will pass everything on to you.

Because of our dedication, at least got a return.


You still go.

The God of Order did not answer my prayer, and he might not even have heard it.

Diss' voice is getting lower and lower;

at last,

He raised his head slowly,

He continued to speak calmly:

When I faced your body, I said a word to you and to the sky.


Diss spread his hands,

seems to be remembering,

It seems to be brewing again,


And it seems to be savoring;

He said:

The god of order raised by whores!

When these words were uttered, Karen felt a little dazed, as if the light and shadow in front of him had a slight deviation;

Karen knew that this was her own psychological effect.

Even if he didn't believe in any religion in his previous life, and he didn't like to kowtow to pray for blessings when he saw a statue of a god, he would never do anything that insulted the gods, let alone curse loudly, and he didn't dare to curse, because he always felt that it would be a taboo.

And in front of my eyes,

In a world where there is clearly something truly remarkable about religion,

As the judge of Kosmos,

But in front of my own face,

Blasphemy and insult to God.

He let you leave me, but I don't agree, because you are still young, you have been withdrawn since you were a child, and you haven't even had time to start your life, and there are too many things that you haven't seen or heard.

You shouldn't just leave like this, it's not fair to you.

To your father, to your mother,

for me,

It's not fair to the entire Inmeles!

So, I found Mr. Hoffen.

Mr. Huofen is a retired God Priest of the Principle God Sect, but his knowledge and ability are not just that of a God Priest. He knows too many secrets, and he also knows how to manipulate and implement this secret.

I once saved him, and I was so despicable that I threatened to save my life, and he finally agreed to me.

with his help,

In an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Belwyn, I completed a very high-standard divine descent ceremony.

do you know,


After the ceremony is completed,

I didn't run away in a hurry, even though I knew that the movement here could attract the attention of the government and many big churches, but I still spent a full three minutes.

I put my ear to your chest,

I hear the sound of your heart beating.

That kind of joy makes me addicted.

This is not me using the 'resurrection technique' on your body, it's just an empty shell, and it's just the flickering of a candle, it's self-deception.


Inside my grandson's body,

Filled with soul again,

my grandson,

Rejuvenated again.

my grandson,


Come alive.

Karen took a deep breath. He knew that it was not Karen who came back, but him.

Therefore, the soul of himself who had died by accident was summoned into the body of Karen by Diss, and finally achieved resurrection.

His resurrection in this world was not random, nor did it rely on luck. All of this was a purposeful plan by Diss.

for a while,

Karen actually felt a little guilty. Because of his own reasons, Diss' plan to resurrect his grandson Karen actually failed.

I believe that the reason why that Alfred is willing to 'respect' you should be because he guessed something, such as linking you with the god drop ceremony in Belwyn City.

Both Huofen and Pu'er helped me a lot when I was preparing for the divine descent ceremony, but maybe they didn't think that I could complete such a high-level divine descent ceremony at the time, so what they held was to satisfy me, who was saddened by the loss of my grandson. Grieving old man last wish mentality.

But to their surprise,

The divine descent ceremony was a success.

Then, they kept persuading me to kill this evil god who came down while he was still weak.

Karen pursed her lips.

He wasn't worried that Diss would kill him when he said this.

Because if Diss really wanted to kill him, he would have killed him long ago.

Father, is not an indecisive person;

Yes, an old man who dared to greet the God of Order was raised by a prostitute, how could he do what the mother-in-law was hesitant about?


Karen still asked curiously:

Grandpa, why didn't you kill me?

Karen knew his method of questioning and was a bit mean.

But even in the face of Diss, he dared to ask such a question.

Diss heard this and asked, What are you calling me?


Then you are my grandson.

Karen suddenly laughed. Lying on the bed, he no longer looked at Diss, but turned his head, looked at the ceiling, and asked again:


Diss stood up and looked at Karen who was lying on the bed:

what why?

You know what I'm asking, don't you?

Then, what's the difference between you now and you in your mother's womb?

There's a big difference, Karen said. A big difference.

I'm not that Karen\


To be precise,

I'm nothing like Karen.

He is autistic, he is timid, he is timid, and he is like his opposite.

Diss shook his head and said:

I'm asking, what's the difference for me?

For you...

When my grandson was conceived in his mother's womb and was not yet born, where did my feelings for this child come from?

Do I know what kind of character he is?

Do I know what kind of person he is?

I know what beliefs he will have when he grows up?


I don't even know if he is a man or a woman.

But I still love him, I am looking forward to his birth, and even fantasized about him waking up and crying in the cradle after being born.

Is it because of blood...

Karen asked: Is it because the blood flowing in this body, like yours, belongs to the blood of Inmeles?



The reason why I am looking forward to the fetus in the womb is because I know that when he comes, when he learns to speak, he will call me... grandpa.

Karen was silent.

He finally realized that he had misunderstood Diss, misunderstood him all along.

He has always been accustomed to apply Diss' mentality, but Diss is Diss, and his way of seeing the world is different from ordinary people. He looks serious, but he is actually very peaceful.

After the god descending ceremony was completed, I put my ears on your chest. When I heard the heartbeat in your body again, I seemed to be back when your mother was pregnant with you. I stood aside with a serious face and my heart But I am full of hope that you can come to the time when you can be safe and healthy as soon as possible.

I have a hunch

when you wake up,

You'll call me grandpa,

But I am not sure, in fact, I am also a little apprehensive.

So, in bringing you home, when you first woke up, our family surrounded you.

When you looked around in a daze, and looked at all of our faces, but didn't call out, I felt a little uncomfortable.

But I can also understand,

After all, you who were just 'born',

Facing this world is still so strange,

How could it be possible to speak and call out as soon as you woke up?

At this time, Karen recalled that when he first woke up, Diss looked at him, soothing, dignified, soothing, and dignified.

When I recalled this scene before, I thought it was because Diss saw that he was not Karen and was wondering whether to kill himself.

But in fact, people knew from the very beginning that that Karen would never come back.

He was just worried, worried about why he didn't call someone in the first place.


Diss suddenly laughed,

Two days after you woke up, you started calling people, shouting very enthusiastically, your cousin, your cousin, your uncle, your aunt, your aunt, including, my grandfather.

do you know,

You shouted 'Grandpa' repeatedly, and the flattery meant that I couldn't get used to it at first.


Hearing this, Karen also laughed.

He was cowardly at that time, very cowardly, and when he came to a strange world, he could only rely on his family to provide him with protection and survival needs.

Just like a human cub has just arrived, he is actually coming back to another strange world.

Diss reached out,

Help Karen tuck the quilt,

The high gods took away my grandson, and I, Dis, insist on taking him back.

From the moment you called my grandfather,

It doesn't matter whether you are a true god descending or an evil god descending.

Diss bent down,

Kissed Karen lightly on the forehead,

I lost a family and gained another, right?

Karen nodded sincerely,


Yes, Grandpa.

I like this home, I like this home very much.

I like the sensible cousins ​​Mina and Lent, and the well-behaved Chrissy;

I like Uncle Mason who is somewhat cynical but always very responsible for elders, Aunt Mary who is sharp-mouthed and tofu-hearted, and Aunt Winnie who looks strict but is kind-hearted;

I like you too, Diss.

You don't know how cool it is when you're just blaspheming.

Take a good rest and recuperate.

Diss turned around and opened the bedroom door;

At this time,

Karen stretched out his hands to prop up his body forcefully, turned sideways to Diss's back and said:

Grandpa, I will let my family live a stable and happy life in the future, I promise.

Diss didn't look back,

Instead, he waved his hand,


I don't need you yet.


He added:

Before I go.

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