13 Mink Street

Chapter 64 Add Money!

With the help of Aunt Mary and Aunt Winnie, today's lunch was a big one.

Of course, since Mrs. Jenny brought Eunice to visit at home, as long as conditions permit, Karen will try her best to make every meal as good and exquisite as possible.

The three main dishes are Dongpo Pork, Su-style sweet and sour pork ribs, and lion head with crab powder;

The three side dishes are scrambled eggs with leeks, boiled dried shredded rice, and vegetarian chicken.

The three cold dishes are: cold cucumber, cold fungus and drunken shrimp.

Finally, a jar of old duck soup.

When Dees returned, Karen rang the bell outside the kitchen.

He felt that he would definitely miss this moment in the future, as well as the dynamic picture of family members emerging from upstairs and downstairs to sit at the dining table after the sound sounded.

Therefore, Karen closed her eyes when she rang the bell, hoping that she could remember the crispness of the bell with her heart.

Today, the three buddies and the three children in the family are all here, and there are more people eating, so naturally there are more dishes and types of dishes prepared.

After all, given the family background and income of the Inmeles family, it would not be so easy to eat it under normal circumstances, unless the family members invest like Uncle Mason in the future.

Not surprisingly, the most popular dish on the dinner table is sweet and sour pork ribs. Ruilan people's obsession with sweet taste is almost engraved in their bones, and the evaluation of vegetarian chicken is also very good.

To Karen's surprise, Drunken Shrimp was very popular, especially Uncle Mason and Ron, who ate it happily and showed no signs of resistance.

Eat this, come, one per person, it's very hard to make, and it must be very nutritious.

Aunt Mary gave each of the three children a big lion's head.

Diss was still the first to put down the knife and fork, but this time he sat at the dining table for a little longer before getting up and saying, I'm done eating, you take it easy.

After he went upstairs, the dinner table suddenly became noisy.

I'm going to make tea for grandpa.

This has almost become a common habit in the family. Every time Diss is the first to leave the table, and then Karen, who is in charge of the dinner, will go upstairs later.

Karen walked to the door of Diss' room and knocked on the door.


When walking into Diss's study, Karen found that Diss was lighting a candle.

Karen sat down on the chair opposite the desk and said:

Grandpa, I also feel that candles have more soul than electric lights.

Diss looked up at Karen,


Oh. Diss pointed upwards, The light bulb is broken.

... Karen.

In the afternoon, tell your uncle to change the light bulb.

Okay, Grandpa.

Diss stretched out his hand to the teacup;

Karen stood up, picked up the thermos bottle to help Grandpa pour water, and then sat down again. The thermos bottle in Grandpa's study would be refilled every day before noon.

What's the matter? Des asked.

What happened last night.

The people from the circus ran away. I wrote a report, and the district will help investigate and deal with it.

Grandpa, I don't mean the circus, but the one.


His name?

He is the high priest of the Religion of Order, one of the few representatives of the Religion's secular system.

I see. Karen nodded, He came to investigate the God's Descending Ceremony in Belwyn City?

No, it's because my belief system has reached a critical point and resonated with the Temple of Order. There is no way to hide it anymore, so the Temple sent him to check on my situation.

Hearing this, Karen felt very comfortable.

It seemed to be like this every time, Diess seldom talked to him on his own initiative, but when he asked questions, Diess never concealed it.

This feeling is very easy. I don’t want to be kept in the dark after something happened, and I don’t have to wait until someone in the family really has an accident, and then I go to investigate and dig out the so-called “truth” step by step from some notebook or some clues left behind.

They want me to enter the temple, become the elder of the temple, and serve the god of order.

The God of Order, lives in the Temple of Order? Karen asked curiously.

Diss shook his head: The temple is a special place, and every orthodox church will have an existence similar to a land of enchantment, which is the real core area of ​​the church and hides the real secrets of the church.

This kind of area is called the Temple of Order in the Order God Religion.

It is said that there is even the remains of the true god hidden in the temple.

Grandpa, have you seen him?

I've seen it twice, once in the Temple of Order, and I was able to go in and practice once when I was young.

What about the second time? Karen asked instinctively.

If you don't ask about some things, Diss may not bother to say them.

The second time is because of Pu'er. This involves a secret of the Allen family a hundred years ago. You will know it later.

So, when the Ailun family got something and was destroyed by Pu'er, was that the one?

Okay. Karen pursed his lips, The Cult of Order intends to invite grandpa to enter the temple to become an elder, and then, is grandpa planning to refuse?



Karen nodded.

Are you done? Dis asked.


I thought you were going to ask me why I refused.

I can understand grandpa's pride, and I agree with grandpa's choice. Karen said, If you agree, I will ask the reason.

Diss nodded,


It is very comfortable to chat with this grandson of my own.

He regretted not bringing Rasma over here, so he could ask him at this time: Am I right?

Diss tapped the edge of the teacup lightly with his fingertips, and said:

I can protect all of you and continue to live here in peace.

How about this,

I'll ask you one last time,


Are you really going?



The grandpa and grandson continued to sit facing each other, and their conversations were always difficult to speak for a long time, because many thoughts between the two could be tacitly expressed without verbal explanation.

But once there is a lack of nonsense filling in life, it will inevitably appear too quiet at some moments.

Then, once some words lose their foreshadowing and are spoken suddenly, they will be extremely jerky and hard, but both grandpa and grandson can quickly overcome and digest them.

Grandpa, I think I should ask you again seriously, will you die?



Karen's gaze began to wander around, wondering if he had anything else to ask.

Diss sipped his tea silently, giving his grandson enough time to think.

a long time,

Karen stood up and looked at Diss: I don't think I have anything to ask, Grandpa.


Karen walked to the door of the study, let out a huh in his mouth, and looked back at Diss with a smile:

Grandpa, I thought of it, time.

Sometimes it's more comfortable not knowing the time, Diess said.

But the days before school start are often sweeter.

A week from now, you should be able to see the results from where you are standing now.

OK, all right.

Also, is the bookmark I gave you ready?

I didn't write it, Karen said.


No, no matter which one I write, it's hard for me to have enough fun, so I may not plan to write it for the time being.

If you don't write it within a week, even if you write it in the future, it won't work.

The change in Madam Jenny's attitude made me realize how precious that bookmark is, but the strange thing is, I don't feel sorry for it.


I think Ankara, who received the bookmark from the God of Order and wrote the names of those gods, may not really hate and loathe those gods.

This is a way of wanting to express love to a daughter, and it is also a daughter's response to her father's love.

all in all,

This is a family story of deep love between father and daughter. The gods who fell because of this are just incidental foils, not even the background.

Diss reminded: But for the majesty of Symmetra, the God of Order personally threw the sinful daughter into the mouth of the beast.

This is a picture of the religious painting in Symmetra. Karen had seen Linda's painting at Piaget's house, and it was also recorded in detail in that book.

He has the side of a loving father, and he is very fond of his daughter. In order to make her happy, he will not hesitate to let the fall of several gods be given to his daughter;

He also has the majesty as a god, and for the sanctity of order, he personally beat his beloved daughter into the mouth of a beast as punishment.

A loving father, a true god who can annihilate his own humanity for the sake of order.

have to say,

This description is indeed in line with believers' imagination of the true God above their heads.

Diss smiled and asked, So, what do you want to say?

What I want to say is that since they were able to clean up the records about the God of Light in the mythology, is this story also a deliberate embellishment?

You mean, the painting Same Light is fake.

I think it should be true, but sometimes, telling only part of the truth can often have a better effect than lying.

The beast in the painting is really scary,


just in case,

What if that ferocious beast was originally a pet in the God of Order's family?


That beast was just another... Pu'er?

Diss was silent.

Karen closed the door.

a long time,

Diss laughed hehe\

,"He looked at the neatly arranged desk in front of him,

The laughter gradually began to grow,

in the end,

Almost to the point of arrogance and unscrupulousness.

However, this sound will not come out of the study room at all.

After laughing for a long time,

Diss finally stopped after he coughed twice,

He took a deep breath,


What you said makes sense.


Karen, who walked out of his grandfather's study, habitually sat on the window sill on the third floor, and habitually hugged Pu'er in his arms, putting his hands under its fur to keep warm.

Pu'er, who ate fish head with chopped peppers at noon, allowed him to be unrestrained.



Pu'er was laid flat by Karen;


Pu'er's tail is raised again, every time in this position, it will use its tail to hide its shame.

Open your mouth.

Karen reached out, gently opened Pu'er's mouth, looked inside, and then let go.

What are you looking at? Pu'er asked puzzled.

I'm looking to see if you have something in your mouth on purpose.

Is there something wrong with your mind today?

Diss said, there are still seven days.

Seven days? Pu'er turned his head and glanced at the door of the study, I'm looking forward to it.

I'm not really looking forward to it, Karen said, but I understand.

Karen stood up and looked out at the road through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Pu'er returned to the window sill, stretched out his paw, and patted the window glass lightly:

Although the glass is transparent, it can make you not feel the wind and rain outside.

Karen reached out and flicked Pu'er's cat's head:

I don't need you to fill me with fish soup.

I mean, you could just leave the windows open and let the wind out.

Karen opened the window, it is very windy today, and it is deep winter;

The cold wind blows Karen's hair and ruffles Pu'er's hair,

One person and one cat shivered.

Then Karen closed the window back.

Pu'er said in a trembling voice:

Look...after the experience...you feel cold...you can close the window again...meow!


That's what he said.

In a guest room, Rathma was sitting on the bed, and three figures in black robes were reflected on the three walls around him.

I don't want to allow him to be presumptuous anymore. A female voice came from a wall, His heart has clearly deviated from the order.

But we have no other choice, because it has been a long time since there are newly promoted elders who understand the profound meaning of order to join the temple, and the operation of the temple is likely to become old and old.

We need him, that's a fact.

Yes, and the more embarrassing point is that the best result is that we can accept him to join, so that the center of the temple can be effectively supplemented, and together we can protect the glory of the temple and order.

And the worst result is that not only can the center of the temple not be replenished with fresh blood, but he also has the ability to kill the temple.

The elders of the temple are not canonized by us, but recognized by the center of the temple.

When the center of the temple recognized him, he had obtained the same authority as us to face the center of the temple.

He knows that he alone will never be the opponent of the entire Cult of Kosmos, but he has the ability to turn us from profit to loss. The loss is really too great.

Oh, so when he said in front of you that order was just a mask on his face, why didn't you punish him? the female elder asked.

As I said, it's because I cherish my talents. Facts have proved that I did nothing wrong. Rasma, whom we have always placed high hopes on and given a lot of resources and cultivation, is simply a fool and an idiot compared to him.

Sitting on the bed, Rathma rolled his eyes.

So we really have to wait for him for seven days? the female elder asked.


We have to wait, we will bet on the chance that is less than 80%.

I don't want to wait, since he is willing to be a child playing with blocks, then I don't mind being a mother who just wants to spank her child in a fit of anger.

He's going crazy

Then I will let him see what is really crazy!

Siti, please restrain yourself.

Siti, the temple is the most important thing in everything.

Oh, you two, it's really...

Rathma sat there obediently, listening to the quarrel between the three temple elders.


He suddenly found that the voices of the three elders disappeared. Rasma immediately looked up and found that the figures of the three elders all turned to face the east.

The location of Belwyn City is not far from the place where the super-standard divine descent ceremony was held last time.

The aura of the super-standard divine descent ceremony still uses the divine descent law of our God of Order.

Elder Siti's voice came: Rasma.


Go to Diss's house now and confirm the location of Diss.


Just as Rathma was about to go, he suddenly heard three exclamations:

This summoner is the evil god, the real breath of the evil god!

I sensed the seal breath of the Great God of Order. This evil god is an existence sealed by the Great God of Order. Someone is trying to summon it to descend from the sealed abyss!

It's Riliersa, Rilierza of the Wall God Cult, it's her aura, that's right, someone is leading her down!

And at this time,

Rathma finally noticed the fluctuation of the powerful and strange aura in the distance, but he noticed it much slower than the three temple elders.

Let's go, the existence sealed by the great God of Order will never allow her to return again!

The phantom of an elder turned into a stream of light and flew to the east.

Is this really insulting me that there is no one in the Order of God?

The phantom of another elder also turned into a streamer and flew to the east.

Rasma, check to see if Diss is at home. If he is, tell him that we have agreed to his request to negotiate in seven days.

After finishing speaking, the figure of Elder Siti also followed.

Rathma's eyes narrowed. Compared with Dis's matter, Riliersa's evil god's descent ceremony seemed to be more irresistible.

Because Riliersa is the true god or evil god sealed by the God of Order himself, and is the enemy of the Cult of Order, if she succeeds in descending, she will inevitably be a catastrophe for the Cult of Order in the future.

If the evil gods with hatred from other churches came, the Cult of Kosmos might choose to sit on the sidelines.

For example, when the evil gods with the seal of the God of Light descended one after another, the other orthodox churches tacitly chose to sit on the sidelines and watch the Sect of Light fall into violent turmoil.

Over Belwyn City in the east of Luojia City, the originally clear sky turned into dark clouds.

out of the clouds,

The figure of a giantess is looming, she seems to be trying to break through the seal around her body, to grasp the source of this call.

It's just that this source is becoming weaker and weaker, and it is obviously unable to support it. This god descending ceremony has to go into failure.

The giantess roared unwillingly,

She is not reconciled, very unwilling, she still wants to try again, and also hopes that the person who summoned her can persevere, although she may also know that everything is almost irreversible.

Even crueler,

Three rainbows appeared in the sky,

Three huge figures in black robes appeared from the rainbow;

The majesty of the God of Order cannot be violated!

The evil god who was exiled will not be allowed to return!

Light of Symmetra, no desecration!

Three huge figures shot together, and in an instant, the figure of the giantess on the sky shattered and disappeared, and even the billowing black cloud quickly dissipated.

It's just that the three huge figures became much dimmer because of this.

Is that you?

Siti stretched out her hand and grabbed a nearly transparent soul in mid-air.

It was you who tried twice to summon the evil god using the super-standard god descending ceremony.

Linda's figure appeared in Siti's palm, she smiled and said:

Dirty order does not deserve the name of light. I have painted countless religious paintings, and the one that disgusts me the most is Light of Symmetra.


Siti didn't argue,


Clenching the palm tightly, without any surprise, this ray of soul disintegrated, and the last trace was erased.


Do you still want to come in for tea?

At the entrance of Inmeles' house, Diss stood under the eaves, looking at Rasma who was standing at the gate of the courtyard.

Rasma shook his head:

I don't want to, Dies, I hate you. I even hate everything related to you. I don't want to step into your home. I'm afraid it will dirty the soles of my shoes and disgust my soul.

Rasma turned around and said as she walked out:

Seven days!


In the living room, Karen held the microphone, and Piaget's voice came from the other end of the phone;

He was laughing: Hahahaha, I saw it, Karen, I saw Linda's last work, it was really shocking, it was so beautiful, I have never seen such a magnificent picture scroll, hahaha, this is just It's called art, and that's called real art!

Congratulations, Karen said, and Linda.


He began to cry again:

Ohh Ohh ohh………

A big man was crying very sadly on the other end of the phone.

Karen listened quietly to his weeping;

a long time,

Piaget's crying voice came from the other end of the phone:

Karen, I have lost my love again, my dear Linda, she has left me again.

Karen said into the microphone:

Don't cry, you have to learn to adapt, don't cry every time; because there will be a third, fourth and more times in the future.

Wooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo old !

Piaget on the other end of the phone was made to cry and laugh at Karen's words,

After a while, it calmed down over there:

Karen, it seems that I have to pay you another psychological consultation fee, 20,000 rupees, right? I'll pick it up for you when I return from Belwyn.

Oh, my dear friend, do you know how much prices have risen lately?


I have to pay more.

God, my friend, you can't be so cruel. I lost my lover, and you still want to make money from me. Don't you feel ashamed to make this kind of money?

Not at all, because my family specializes in the dead business.

Friend, what you said is really reasonable, the arguments are so strong, I don't know how to refute you.

But why is the second time more expensive than the first?

Shouldn't old customers have discounts?

Because my family has been in business for so many years, although I have been working hard, this is the first time I have become a repeat customer.


So, I need to add money.

It doesn't make sense, Piaget exclaimed.

From a psychological point of view, it makes sense.


If I keep doing the same thing, I will feel irritable and bored, which increases my psychological burden and increases the cost of services.

When you cry to me for the third and fourth time in the future, if there is no service fee accumulated successively, I am afraid that I will not be able to help but swear at you.

Because I will feel that you are deliberately showing off to me again and again.

show off?

Others are suffering the grief of losing their lover. But you are constantly reaping the joy of your lover's return.


On the other end of the phone, there was a crisp sound, followed by a burst of pain. Karen guessed that it should be Piaget who slapped his own thigh hard;

Immediately afterwards,

A hurried voice came from the other end of the phone:

Ha, I'll add money!

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