The finger of the God of Light summoned the will of the God of Order, and the will of the God of Order helped the young master to complete the purification.

I don't know how to express my current mood in words, it's a miracle!

The real miracle is worthy of the young master, only the young master's purification can have such a shocking appearance!

Pu'er put two paws on his belly, looked at Alfred with drooping eyelids, he was so tired and wanted to sleep;

So, this radio goblin eager to hear a story is just too much of a nuisance!

Wow! Wow!

Next to him, the golden-haired Kevin who was lying on the sofa yelled at Alfred twice in dissatisfaction.

Kevin was very tired and wanted to sleep, but Alfred kept shaking it up and down by one of its dog legs, forcing it to disperse its drowsiness.

Alfred looked at Kevin and smiled;

When listening to such a great story, it would be such a pity not to have an evil god by my side!

Wow! Wow!

Alfred looked at Pu'er and asked, What is it talking about?

Pu'er replied: It says you are the real dog.

At this time, the bedroom door was pushed open from the outside, and Karen walked in.

Oh, my dear little Karen, quickly unplug the radio goblin, I'm so sleepy now meow~

However, Karen directly picked up Pu'er, came to the table, opened the floor-to-ceiling windows in front of the table, and the cold wind from outside blew in with water vapor, which made Pu'er's hair stick down.

Bed, he is a believer of the Wall God Sect.

Taking advantage of Pu'er's forced sobriety state, Karen said directly.

Mr. Bader thought that Karen would definitely help him keep the secret, and Karen did indeed do so, but Pu'er was not an outsider.

Well, to be precise, there is a cat, a dog and a radio in the bedroom, not only no outsiders, but no people.

Pu'er's dazed cat face was immediately wrinkled by the cold wind, but after hearing Karen's words, it immediately stretched out:

Ah, is there such a good thing?

Indeed, Pu'er will not feel angry because someone in the family does not believe in the ancestor and believes in a cult.

You told me that Mr. Bede said that the reason why he asked Mrs. Jenny and Eunice to go to Luojia City instead of him was because he wanted to see an art exhibition at that time.

Yes, Old Anderson said at the family meeting that he went to Sangpu to see the art exhibition. Pu'er immediately continued, Well, you mean, he didn't go to Sangpu to see the art exhibition?


Karen put Pu'er on the ball basket, and said to Alfred who was standing under the steps of the table:

Alfred, get my notebook.

Yes, master.

Karen does not have the habit of keeping a diary, but he is used to recording some thoughts and pictures.

After I moved into Allen's house, the clothes and daily necessities were taken over by Allen's house, but the personal items Karen brought had been kept by Alfred.


Alfred took Karen's notebook over.

Karen sat down on the steps of the table and started flipping through the notebook, and came across several pages of pictures, all of which were Linda's paintings he copied.

Alfred and Golden Retriever Kevin watched together, and Pu'er, who was placed in the ball basket above, poked his head out and looked down.

After seeing a few of Karen's paintings, he couldn't help but smack his lips and said:

Oh, Karen, your drawing skills are really... so abstract.

Alfred immediately said: The young master has never learned to draw, and it is already very good to be able to draw like this.

Pu'er rolled his eyes at Alfred.

Karen found the page and poked her finger at the drawing.

This painting is a copy of the mural he saw in Piaget's studio.

In the mural, Piaget stands on the roof of the building, Linda is flying in the sky, and above the dark clouds, there is the figure of the giantess, the evil god Rurielsa.

At the bottom of the painting is an enlarged altar.

When the golden retriever saw Railiersa, he moved the dog's head forward again, and then laughed:

Woof! Woah! Woah!

Obviously, the golden retriever should have recognized Rilielsa, because although Karen drew it casually and even as Pu'er said, it was a bit abstract, but he paid attention to the details.

Especially the hands of Ruiliersa, whose left hand is a pond with various colors flowing, and the right hand is a huge multicolored feather;

What did it say? Karen asked.

Pu'er translated: It's mocking Ruiliersa for being an idiot.

Jin Mao nodded immediately, indicating that Pu'er's translation was correct, and continued:

Woof! Woah! Woah!

Pu'er continued to translate: An idiot who painted the mural of the end of the God of Order when the God of Order was at its peak.

Karen glanced at the golden retriever and said:

Pu'er, Diss once told me that after the super-standard divine descent ceremony, someone will come to help him deal with the aftermath and completely remove the suspicion of the super-standard divine descent ceremony.

Huh? Isn't it Linda?

Did you know it was Linda before? Karen asked.

I...actually, I don't know much. I helped out a little, but the one who really gave the most is Little Hoffin.

So, what do you know?

I just know that Diess should have a follow-up arrangement, because he can't keep his grandson in the vortex of investigation and suspicion.

And what about Mr. Hoffen?

He should know more than me, but Diess has always had a habit, the same habit as you, that is, unless you ask, he will sometimes not tell you his arrangements. Maybe, he thinks you There's no need to know, or, it doesn't matter if you know or not, things will work out anyway.

Hearing this, Karen unconsciously reached out and touched his nose.

That’s right, he hasn’t told Pu’er about his chat with Count Recar until now, because his thoughts are the same as Diss described by Pu’er.

Anyway, unless the Allen family encounters a truly unsolvable crisis, Karen will not try to wake up the arrogant earl again.

Alfred, what would you like to drink?


Alfred immediately poured ice water and handed it to Karen.

Holding the cold cup in his hand, Karen continued:

When Mr. Bede came to Luojia City last time, he met Mrs. Jenny who is from Luojia.

Yes, what's the matter? Pu'er asked suspiciously.

Since you have the ability to talk to someone, Mr. Bede should have grown up when he came last time.

Pu'er echoed, At least he's older than Lunt.

Mr. Bede told me that he had already believed in the Wall God Religion very early on, which caused him to cut off the possibility of reawakening the ancestor's bloodline since then.

Oh, yes, young man. Anyway, his father and two elder brothers don't look like they are very talented. I believe that even the ancestor didn't want future generations to hang on his tree without knowing where to move.

Diss saw him in the study.

Oh, of course, Diess has always been patient with the idiots of my Allen family. I was moved by it earlier, thinking that Diess was looking at my face.

It was only later that I found out that Diss should have taken a fancy to the blood of my Allen family a long time ago. The child Diss has been deeply scheming since he was a child, hmph.

So, can Diss see that Mr. Bede, who is sitting across from his desk, has converted?

Of course. Pu'er said firmly, Diss condensed three fragments of godhead in three periods, and the elders of the temple sat face to face with him. If Bede changed his belief at that time, Diss would definitely be able to see it.

Oh, I see, Karen, you mean...

Yes, I think there is another reason why Diess chose the Allen family, and that is this Mr. Bede, my prospective father-in-law.

I always thought that Linda was the person that Diess told me to help with the aftermath of the Super-Specification God Descending Ceremony;

After I knew Linda's identity, I went into Diss's study in the afternoon and told him.

I said, Grandpa, I know who the powerful strange demon you mentioned last time was the one who helped us clean up our suspicions.

And at that time, Diss only replied to me; oh.

In fact, Diess never explicitly told me that that person was Linda.

Mr. Bede? Alfred asked immediately, Did he not go to the art exhibition?

Karen shook his head and said;

No, he did go to the exhibition.


Karen tore off the drawing paper, held it in his hand, and placed it in front of him;


Alfred, Golden Retriever, and Pu'er all turned their heads to Karen's side, looking at the paper held in front of them, which was the painting.

What if it's not a painting, but a photograph?

This is clear,

It is an observer's perspective picture!

So, Mr. Bede was also in Luojia City at the time, and he witnessed the process of Linda using the altar to summon the wall god Raliersa with a super-standard descending ceremony?

Grandpa said that a super-standard divine descent ceremony needs to pay a huge price. Karen said, I also said, he, it is impossible to succeed.

Alfred: So, he was the one who reached a cooperation with Diss to help the Inmeles family clean up the troubles of the divine descent ceremony, and Linda was the price he chose?

Karen put down the paper in his hand,


So, I have one more reason for coming to the Allen family, and even one more reason for Grandpa insisting that I stay with Eunice.

Because in Diss' plan, the cooperation of my prospective father-in-law is indispensable.

Pu'er, who was lying in the ball basket, called out immediately:


Pu'er began to frantically dance the cat's paws towards the void,


Oh my god, Diss plucked all the hair of my Allen's family!

but soon,

Pu'er turned sideways again and laughed:

So, Alan's family still has a good little guy, Bede, oh oh oh oh oh, he's really hidden, I didn't see it at all, Karen, how did you see it?

After cleansing, I saw a painting he didn't finish, Karen replied.

Terrifying atmosphere perception. Pu'er enviously said, Is this the effect of purification presided over by God himself?

Alfred immediately said: I think it's because the young master has always had an artist's heart, so he was able to discover these details.

Pu'er rolled his eyes at Alfred again,

But immediately said;

Then it seems that in this generation of the Allen family, there is another one who is successful, so the Allen family is not as bad as I thought, but he is used to hiding.

From Pu'er's point of view, it should really feel relieved that it finally found a non-idiot among a group of idiots, and this person is also qualified to cooperate with Diss in doing things.

There is something I want to remind you. Karen said to Pu'er.

Huh? Pu'er looked at Karen curiously, Speak.

Many times, when a family is in decline, its process will look like a slow death.

Yes, I know, like the Allen family.

And in this case, it's easy to...

Genius! Pu'er said.

But this genius, in most cases, cannot bring revival to the family, but will accelerate the destruction of the family.

This... Pu'er.

Watching the family decline a little bit, facing threats from the outside, sitting in the position of patriarch, he did nothing, still playing the role of a simple person, and continued to immerse himself in his own artistic atmosphere.

Do you think you can trust such a person?

Woof! Wang! The golden retriever called twice.

What did it say?

Pu'er translated: It said that senior wall god believers, like the wall god they believe in, are paranoid lunatics through and through.

Karen thought of Linda, thought of Piaget,


Let's put this matter and Mr. Bede's identity aside for the time being. Anyway, he is not the patriarch anymore, so let him continue to immerse himself in the artistic self-atmosphere.

People like him usually seem to enjoy the family atmosphere, but deep down, he doesn't really care.

Otherwise, Linda would not have asked her husband to burn her body and use the ashes as paint.

Sigh. Pu'er shook his tail, It's hard to find a good-looking one, but it turned out to be thorny, and maybe even poisonous. It's so difficult for the Allen family.

This matter, let's do it first, everyone rest first, there should be nothing else to do today.


This time, Karen didn't sleep very soundly.

It should be because the purification has just been completed, so the perception has become a little too active.

When he fell asleep, he could clearly know that he was sleeping, but the previous memory images in his mind were still constantly reappearing, as if he was re-examining his past.

The picture when I just woke up, the picture when I was in Inmeles' house, the picture when I came to Wayne... until the end, the picture was frozen at my feet, surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness, only my feet were unique shadows .

The picture is frozen here.

When Karen subconsciously looked behind him, he woke up;

At the same time, it was daylight.

Karen got out of bed, washed and walked out of the bedroom. Berg was already standing there: Master, I'll order the kitchen to deliver breakfast.


Karen walked into the study room and spread out the copy of Symmetra that she brought on the desk.

He actually does not participate in the actual operation of the Allen family, so this luxurious study is really used by him as a pure study now.

Soon, a boring and nutritious breakfast was brought in;

As she ate with a blank face, Karen considered whether to let old Anderson set up a private kitchenette for himself on the third floor.

At this time,

There was a knock on the study door;

Karen rang the bell, and Mr. Mike entered in a wheelchair.

Seeing him, Karen remembered that Pu'er told him that he could help him solve his physical problems so that he could continue to practice.

Now that I have completed the purification and become a glorious servant of God, I can try to complete this matter.

Master Karen, just received a call at home. This morning, Prince Henry left the palace with hundreds of royal guards and came to our manor.

Huh? Karen asked a little puzzled, What are you here for?

I don't know. He must have been drunk last night and said a lot of wine talk, some of which were about dissatisfaction with our Allen family, probably because of Eunice.

Who is calling? Karen asked, An informant of the Allen family in the palace?

No, it was the call from the queen's life assistant to remind us that someone from the palace has been sent to chase after Prince Henry. However, the assistant also apologized to us and explained that the queen has sent people to chase him.

Of course, under normal circumstances, Prince Henry, who was halfway there, should turn back by himself after sobering up, and it is impossible to really do something absurd.

It's really low-level. Karen commented.

Yes. Mike echoed, but don't worry, young master, there will be no problems. Even if he does come, the Allen family will keep them back. Although the Allen family is now down and out, there are still many Relationship.

Yeah. Karen pointed to Mike, I just finished the purification.

Yes, young master, congratulations, the changes in the pool in the auditorium yesterday really made me...

No, that's not what I meant. Karen interrupted Mike, Grandpa knows about your physical problems.

Master Diss, do you know my situation?

Yes, Grandpa cares about everyone in the Allen family.

Really...thanks to the great Master Diss.

So, grandpa taught me a method that can help you solve your current problem after I complete the purification. Although your broken leg cannot be recovered, it can allow you to continue practicing.

Master, is it true, is it true!

Mike was very excited, and he put his hands on the armrests of the wheelchair as if he wanted to lift himself up.

At this time, the knock on the door sounded again.

Karen pressed the bell again, and Mr. Bader hurried in:

Master Karen, it's not good...

Prince Henry is here? Karen asked.

Mr. Bede said in astonishment: You know everything?

Karen leaned back on the chair impatiently. He really didn't want to go through the drama of dealing with his rival in love. He thought it was childish.

Probably because of the tutoring... Well, the tutoring of the Inmeles family.

Just like that afternoon, I went to Diss to explain the situation of Hisoso’s family, and then analyzed the energy behind those big figures with big families. As a result, Diss responded to himself:

What are they?

Therefore, Karen really started to have an impulse in his heart, should he put all his eggs in one basket to wake up Count Recar and ask him to help him solve this problem?

In order to solve this trouble in the middle process, can I first dig out the coffin of Earl Recar, secretly transport it to the palace wall in York City, and wake up Earl Recar there?

Next, it depends on whether the first thing Earl Recar wants to do after waking up is to go home and have a look, or go over the wall to find the descendant of the old lover and the old lover to catch up with the past?

You did it, master? Mr. Bede asked.

Huh? Karen was interrupted, What did I do?

That's Prince Henry, asked Mr. Bede.

I won't go to see him. After all, my identity is not suitable for exposure to the outside world. You can handle him, Mike?

Yes, master. Mike nodded.

No... Mr. Bede spread his hands, Prince Henry, it's already settled.

Mike laughed; Father moved so fast, did he wake up too?

Karen also breathed a sigh of relief, and said, Thank you, Mr. Ender.

What he wants is out of sight and out of mind. As long as Prince Henry doesn't show up in the manor to court Eunice or something, he doesn't bother to care about that chaotic member of Gloria's family.

Mr. Bede sighed,


Because Prince Henry, who just entered the manor, only has one head left.


The monthly ticket list is about to be caught up, everyone who has a monthly ticket in their account can vote.

There are more nights!

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