1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 674 The three siblings of the Ming family


The extended version of the Rolls-Royce Phantom stopped at the entrance of the Ming Mansion in the French Concession. Ye Luo glanced out through the car window and said to Cao Fan who was driving: "Send a greeting note in for me."

Cao Fan immediately got out of the car, ran to Ming Mansion with a brand new greeting card, and rang the doorbell.

In less than a moment, the butler went out to greet him. When he saw the greeting card sent by the second young master, he quickly opened the big iron gate and let the Rolls-Royce drive slowly into the garden of Ming Mansion.

Not long after, a rather bookish young man wearing an exquisite suit, a slicked back haircut, and gold-rimmed glasses walked over quickly: "The second young master is here. If you are not far away, please come in!"

"Boss Ming, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you these days?" Ye Luo got out of the car, shook hands with him, and walked side by side into the villa hall of Ming Mansion with a smile.

The Ming Mansion is a newly built villa building with a low-key luxurious style and a European style. It is not filled with all kinds of expensive furniture like the nouveau riche, but only some calligraphy and paintings with a strong fragrance of ink, and rows of seemingly... Priceless antiques.

"Okay, okay, thanks to Mayor Bai's support, I can continue to mix in the political circles in Shanghai. I am very grateful." Minglou took Ye Luo to the study room on the second floor, laughing heartily. When he went upstairs, there happened to be a man wearing The beautiful woman in cheongsam walked down slowly.

"Hey, why is the second young master here? You didn't inform me in advance, really." The one who spoke was Ming Jing, the eldest sister of the Ming family. She twisted her slender waist and had a hint of sleepiness on her face, as if she had just fallen asleep. Woke up soon.

Before Ming Lou took over the Ming family's business, Ming Jing was always in charge, but after all, she was just a woman of the class. She had many inconveniences in the business world and was always bullied.

After Minglou reached her age, she hid behind the scenes to assist her younger brother.

"Sister Jing, I haven't seen you for a long time. I just passed by your house suddenly and wanted to chat with Boss Ming. I just sent you a greeting card."

Ye Luo walked over and gave her a Western-style kissing ceremony. Ming Jing went to the United States to study abroad in the early years, and has always brought Western living habits with her. However, no one expected that this famous female boss in Shanghai's business community was actually A red capitalist.

Ming Jing pursed his lips and smiled, gently scratching the palm of his hand with his fingers: "Okay, then you guys can chat slowly, and I'll find someone to prepare some fruit drinks. Oh, by the way, that brat from Mingtai is back too, It seems that Dai Li's people were looking for him a few days ago. I don't know what they are doing. I can't help but ask Xiaolou. Why don't you help me?"

Ming Jing is thirty-two years old this year, which is the age when women are most mature. She exudes the aura of a mature woman and is not married.

In fact, she hinted to Ye Luo many times, hoping to have sex with him without affecting his family life, but Ye Luo declined.

the reason is simple.

Ming Jing's true identity is a member of the underground organization, and he is relatively direct. It is most likely that he is approaching him in order to draw him there.

Now Ye Luo has no intention of joining an underground organization, so he tries to keep a distance from her.

"Okay, Mingtai is also upstairs?" Ye Luo nodded and asked.

"His brother is reading in his study. Go quickly." Seeing that he still didn't accept her feelings, Ming Jing was not angry. She smiled and pushed him, and walked downstairs.

"Let's go up and have a look together." Minglou was also very dissatisfied with Dai Li's sudden search for his younger brother. He was originally a member of the Secret Service, but he held many positions and was well aware of the difficulties of being a multi-faceted spy and the difficulties of the Secret Service. I don't want to mess around, and I don't want my younger brother to get into this quagmire.

The two of them entered the study. Mingtai, who was concentrating on reading, saw them coming and immediately got up and said hello: "Brother? Brother Luo? Why are you here!"

"Mingtai, the last time I saw you, you were still a follower behind me asking for sweets. Now you are as tall as me." Ye Luo was filled with emotion.

He is twenty-six years old. Mingtai is the same age as Bai Xiuzhu. He is twenty-two years old and one of the followers who followed him.

Looking at the grown-up Mingtai now, he almost exclaimed "Brother Xiaoyao"!

"Brother Luo, please stop laughing at me!" Mingtai pulled him to sit down and poured tea for the two brothers obediently.

He used to be an ignorant young man from a wealthy family. Later, after he went to Xiangjiang to study, his whole temperament became completely different. The books he read were mainly progressive books and periodicals. No wonder he later joined an underground organization.

"What are you reading?" Minglou sat down and saw on the table a copy of "Crescent Moon" edited by Hu Shi and others. His expression suddenly changed, "Are you crazy? This publishing house was just listed by the principal. Reactionary organizations, do you still dare to read their publications?”

As the January 28 Incident settled, the principal shifted his work focus to "suppressing bandits." The recent meeting also finalized the policy of "reconciling internal affairs before fighting foreign forces." After that, his imperial literati and organizations began to Crazy attacks on the left and some progressive magazines and newspapers.

Last week, the publishing house of "New Moon" was smashed, and many people were arrested by Dai Li's agents and sent to Longhua Prison. They were probably labeled as underground organizations.

At this time, he was still watching this at home. Even though he was a member of an underground organization, Minglou was so scared that he broke into a cold sweat.

Also present was the famous figure in front of the principal, Ye Luo!

Mingtai defended: "Brother, that is the National Government's slander! This magazine."

"Shut up and get out!" Minglou's face changed drastically, he glanced at the smiling Ye Luo, and scolded his younger brother angrily.

Mingtai also wanted to defend himself: "Brother"

"Get out!" Minglou almost threw the teacup in his hand.

“Yes” Seeing him so angry, Ming Tai had to leave the study room in disgrace.

“Why is Boss Ming so angry?” Ye Luo smiled and drank a sip of tea. After the door was closed, he suddenly said something shocking, “We are all family anyway, so what if we see it?”

“Well, Ming Tai’s unfilial descendant” Ming Lou was stunned for a moment, and tried to change the subject very cleverly, but Ye Luo did not give him the opportunity.

“I’m not talking about Ming Tai, I’m talking about you, Boss Ming.” Ye Luo looked at him.

Ming Lou’s hand holding the teacup stagnated slightly, and he subconsciously wanted to draw his gun, but immediately held back.

The other party was the second young master, with extraordinary skills. It was unknown whether he could be killed here, but if he died, the entire Ming family would definitely be buried with him!

But how did he know this?

Could the contact person above have been arrested?

With his heart pounding, Ming Lou pretended to be calm and replied with a smile: "Me? What do you mean, Second Young Master?"

"This "New Moon" is a publication of an underground organization, and Boss Ming is a member of the underground organization, so we are a family, aren't we?" Ye Luo continued to laugh.

Ming Lou's face became worse and worse, and he pretended to be panicked: "Second Young Master, this joke is not funny! I am a close confidant of Mr. Wang, and this is a well-known fact."

"Yes, but it doesn't prevent you from being a double agent of the underground organization and the secret service at the same time, right?" Ye Luo said leisurely. (End of this chapter)

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