After searching for two months, I finally found the Sophora japonica tree.

But Chu Yu didn't get excited, he was more panicked, because the closer he got to the truth, the more profound and complicated he could feel, and a sense of awe was raised unconsciously.

Huaxieting, Mu Shangqing's home, the locust tree behind the house, flowers falling all over the ground.

Chu Yu remembered Xia Yihan's persistent dream—the locust flowers all over the floor, the dilapidated house, and the man lying in the house.

Three images. In the Jinling Villa, she learned that the lying man was Mu Shangqing, and now she has decoded the other two images-the dilapidated house refers to the flower and the garden, and the petals on the ground are from the locust tree behind the house. Fallen.

It stands to reason that Xia Yihan did not grow up in Huaxieting. Even if Mu Shangqing mentioned it to her, if there were no major incidents, it would not be deeply ingrained in her memory and frequently appear in her dreams.

Could it be that in November five years ago, when several potential victims met in Huaxieting, something unusual happened, which left a psychological shadow on her?

But locust tree flowers usually fall in summer, from June to August, and they may fall. November is the end of autumn and early winter. It stands to reason that there will be no more locust flowers on the ground, that is, when the potential victim meets in Huaxieting, he dreams of Xia Yihan The background environment in is different.

What went wrong?

Chu Yu thought too focused, just caring for the rice, but the food didn't move, Mrs. Cai pushed Di Sanxian in front of her: "Sister, you pick Caixi!"

"Thank you Grandma Cai," Chu Yu smiled, "How good is your craft? Did you learn it in the original restaurant?"

"Yes, following the chef...stole some lessons."

"Did you meet Uncle Mu in the restaurant?"

"Yes, he brought a... girl."

"What does that girl look like?"

"I can't remember, it seems...white and pure, just like him."

"Is she tall?"

"It doesn't seem to be high, it's a little big."

Chu Yu recalled Xia Yihan's height. When she was twelve or three years old, she was indeed shorter than her peers, and there was a layer of baby fat on her face, which looked like eight or nine years old. Years old, she believes too!

"Did you say hello to Uncle Mu?"

"No," Mrs. Cai shook his head. "When he was here, he rarely interacted After that, he disappeared for so long, so I don't want to be recognized."

Chu Yu looked at Mrs. Cai, don't look at her stubbornly, she was simple and honest, and her insight into human relationships and sophistication was not inferior to those who are articulate.

"Then you have heard, did he talk to the girl?"

"At that time, I was very and out, but he said a word, I was very impressed," Mrs. Cai raised her mouth unknowingly. "He said to the former dam: If one day I retire Yes, it must be here to grow vegetables!"

After Chu Yu listened, he couldn't speak for a long time, and he laughed hurriedly, covering his dazedness.

Hua Xieting, for Mu Shangqing, should be a sad existence—the mother’s irritability, neighbor’s squeeze, peers’ beatings and abuse, mother’s boyfriend’s brutality, just screw it out, it’s not enough for life to be as good as death. Not to mention all squeezed in a pile, it was full of his childhood and adolescence, and recalled, it was all **** and sad.

Why would he want to come back here? Is it because his mother was buried here?

Chu Yu suddenly had an idea in his heart and wanted to put it into practice.

"Grandma Cai, did you move Aunt Zhou's grave when it was demolished?"

"It shouldn't be...Her grave. From the outside, I don't know that there is a grave there. It's not obvious...At that time, the earth dam was demolished...the earth dam was dug around, but no human bones were dug out."

"Then when Uncle Mu came, was the locust tree still there?"

"Yeah, he was referring to what the tree... said."

"The tree was falling flowers, right?"

Mrs. Cai thought about it for a while, "I don't remember clearly, but it seems that it was summer...they wore short sleeves."

Chu Yu knew in his heart that the full-fledged Sophora japonica in Xia Yihan's dream should be the summer six or seven years ago when she and Mu Shangqing came to spend the garden together and witnessed it with their own eyes.

Combining what Mrs. Cai said, Chu Yu recalled the information he had previously checked. Huaxieting was expropriated in August six years ago. For two to three months, the word "demolition" was painted on the house, and many shantytowns and buildings blocking the way were torn down and left in ruins.

However, because the funds were not in place, there was no movement in the Huaxie Court, and the construction has not been started, and people have moved away. The original lively small neighborhood seems to have become a cemetery. At night, it is silent and there is no life. people.

This state continued until the end of the year five years ago, that is, in December, when the construction team re-entered the Huaxieting, choking, tearing down the old ones and building new ones, which became the current situation.

Chu Yu finally knew why he used to search and search and was deserted, but he could not find the locust tree. She knew that the locust tree was mostly related to Mu Shangqing, so she asked her subordinates to focus on the investigation of Mu Shangqing's former residence.

During his lifetime, Mu Shangqing lived in three main places, namely: childhood to adolescence-Huaxieting, undergraduate to doctoral period-Jingcheng University, State Key Laboratory to Superman's working period-Linquan North Road Mingpin Community.

The subordinates checked these places one by one, but none of the locust trees were found. Chu Yu was a little confused at the time. Could it be that there was a problem with her analysis?

Now, she suddenly realized that in Mu Shangqing's childhood, there had been a locust tree, but it was cut down because of the demolition, and now the neighbors in the neighborhood did not know it. Only those who lived for a long time and were good at observing, like Mrs. Cai, had an impression.

After thanking the old lady Cai, Chu Yu took Song Qingyang to the side of Yiming Tea House. The place where the tea house was located was Mu Shangqing's old residence, and the flowerbed behind was where the locust trees grew.

Chu Yu took out her mobile phone and looked at the tracker's map. Although the location now shows the Youhe Hotel on Chongli Street, there is a mark on the flower bed, which she specially marked this morning—According to the report by the younger sister, Xia Yihan stopped at that spot. For half an hour, he didn't move or speak, unlike waiting for someone, standing silently.

Now that he understands Mu Shangqing's past, Chu Yu feels that Xia Yihan should be cherishing something.

She tried to speculate on her next move.

Originally, according to Chu Yu’s plan, after Xia Yihan was released, she would meet Mu Shangqing or the person who sent her "31276" text message, but now, the tracking locator has been removed and the person in charge of tracking has been taken down. Brought back to the provincial government, it is simply the modern version that lost his wife and lost the army.

Chu Yu had to re-speculate Xia Yihan's actions, trying to find her again.

Judging from the current situation, Xia Yihan’s end point is not to carve acacia flower. If her task is completed after the carve acacia flower, then she will stay in Changyan City and disappear for a period of time without risking being arrested. Hurry back to Wangjiang.

She rushed back to Wangjiang, it should be to complete the next step, but what is this action?

Chu Yu remembered that Xia Yihan drew his sword forward, and once solemnly told her: Carving acacia flower was to kill a person—the Superman Division Chief.

Then she almost stabbed her to death.

Chu Yu almost believed that her ultimate goal was herself.

But Xia Yihan ran away and fled back to Wangjiang. If she really wanted to kill her, she should stay in Changyan, look for opportunities, and start again.

If you say that in the past, Chu Yu felt that she could analyze and speculate on Xia Yihan's behavior, and guess eight or nine, but she was a little bit powerless when it came to Fushan Hospital.

I feel that Xia Yihan is getting more and more unreasonable to play cards. I don't know if she is in a state of madness, or she is smarter than her in the first place, and she is playing with applause.

Chu Yu was afraid that he was a little fascinated by the authorities, so he asked the onlooker Song Qingyang.

Song Qingyang moved the old hat back, "Who knows you two, one was caught deliberately, the other deliberately let go, and I don't know if you came and went deliberately, what's your kindness!"

Chu Yu sighed, she didn't want to be polite now, she really wanted to find Xia Yihan, but the conditions didn't allow it!

It was getting dark, and Chu Yu didn't return to Superman. She came to Youhe Hotel and asked to live in Room 212, the one where Xia Yihan retired.

The room was clean and clean, and nothing was left, but Chu Yu’s mobile phone showed that the tracker was still in the room. She followed the direction arrow to the bedside table, pulled it away, and saw the flat lying inside. Little black box.

She picked it up, pinched it with her index finger and thumb, her eyes fell on it, but her thoughts drifted to Xia Yihan.

She made the hands and feet for the clothes on the day she went to Fushan Hospital. Did Xia Yihan know that something was hidden in her underwear from the beginning, or did she discover it today?

Chu Yugen tends to be the latter—today the little junior sister is following Xia Yihan, but she is still following the police from the provincial department. If it is only the junior junior sister, Chu Yu is confident that she has excellent tracking skills and will not reveal anything.

However, if a tail fell behind, it would be easy to show off. Xia Yihan probably spotted the police and noticed something was wrong. He checked his whole body and found that there was a tracker, so he left quickly.

Chu Yu felt that Xu Huaiyu and Xia Yihan were in one group, uniting to deal with Superman.

But now, she didn't have the time to entangle Xia Yihan's whereabouts, and she had to focus on the locust tree.

The thoughts in her mind were too messed up, she simply took out the notebook and, together with Song Qingyang, wrote down all the key points related to Hua Xie Ting.

1. Since 24 years ago, Zhou Lanxin has been buried under the locust tree, but the grave was not dug away during the demolition

2. In the summer six or seven years ago, Mu Shangqing brought Xia Yihan back to the Huaxie Ting, which coincided with the deciduous period of the locust tree

3. Mu Shangqing said to Xia Yihan: If he retires, he will return to Huaxieting to grow vegetables

4. Five years ago, on November 2nd, five potential victims met in Huaxieting (Xia Yihan may also be there)

5. Xia Yihan asked "Xue Jinping" before carving Sophora japonica flowers: What did he do in Huaxieting five years ago? Who instructed it?

6. Xia Yihan’s dream is the flower deceased garden, when the Sophora japonica blossoms on the ground, Mu Shangqing lay in the house

7. After Xia Yihan finished carving the locust tree, he returned to the Huaxie Ting and stood for half an hour in the place where the locust tree grew (suspected in memory)

From Jinshui Hospital to Fushan Hospital, from tracking the Phantom of Sophora japonica, to arresting, to releasing, and returning to the original point. Superman stumbled and searched for many pieces, but didn't know how to put them together. Chu Yu had been looking for key hints and wanted to put the pieces into a whole picture.

Now, with a strong hunch, Hua Xieting, the key reminder of the entire painting, is held in her hands.

Chu Yu held the notebook and pondered for more than an hour. The brain seemed to be short-circuited, and the darkness was full of various clues. The clues were constantly connected and combined, trial and error, trying to connect into a pathway, allowing the current to pass smoothly, and lighting up his mind.

For two hours, Chu Yu stood up, looked at the dim night, took out his cell phone, and called Wu Ke: "You bring all the personnel from Superman's office, come over immediately, the sooner the better, I will send you the location. ."

Wu Ke looked at Yue Yangchao behind him, with a distressed expression: "Chu, the provincial office building next to him, look closely, the entire Superman office is over, what if they make a surprise inspection?"

"If something happens, I will take care of it. Bring the tools to open the tomb and come here quickly, otherwise it will be bright!"

Listening to Chu Yu's tone, Wu Ke knew that there was something important to do, so he didn't dare to ask again. He immediately packed up the guy and prepared to "escape from prison".

Half an hour later, in the cold wind, Chu Yu looked at the two people standing in front of him-Wu Ke and Yue Yangchao, and choked silently for a while.

The only remaining people in Superman's office are the four of them, and the others are either lying in the hospital or trapped in the police department.

It feels particularly bleak for a moment.

Chu Yu put on work clothes. She made a mark where Xia Yihan stood during the day, picked up the shovel, and started digging.

Wu Ke ran over: "Boss, this is public land. If we are found, we will definitely be arrested. You will be in great trouble!"

It might really be necessary to change from Chief Chu to Chu Diaomin, and his career will be over.

Chu Yu held the shovel and looked around. It was early in the morning, and there were no people on the street, and their location was in the dark, not illuminated by street lights, and there was no surveillance around. If you move faster, Finished before dawn, there shouldn't be any incidents.

"It's okay, we are swift, just use this mark to dig, then fill the soil back, it should not be found."

Under her arrangement, the other three also started to work. The four people were divided into two groups with two meters apart. Two people in each group stood opposite each other, one meter apart, bent over and concentrated on digging the soil.

They worked together at a gratifying speed. It didn't take long for them to dig to a depth of almost one meter. Several people took turns to take a breather, and they started to work again after they got enough of their breath.

Song Qingyang worked continuously for an hour, and sat by the flower bed for a while. She was holding her senior hat and fanning herself. It was a hot day and she was sweating.

Not long after sitting, she suddenly jumped up, Sa Yazi ran inside, lowered her voice and said, "Quickly retreat, Xu Ting's car is here!"

Wu Ke and Yue Yangchao listened, picked up the shovel and went to hide behind the teahouse, preparing to sneak away.

They ran for a long distance, only to find that Chu Yu hadn't followed. When they looked back, they saw that she was holding a shovel and standing upright on the spot, in a posture of welcoming the distinguished guests.

A black car has been driven to the flowerbed. When it brakes, the wheels make a harsh sound, and the lights are dazzling, piercing the darkness. The lights shrouded Chu Yu and fixed his crime at the crime scene.

Xu Huaiyu walked down, slammed the door of the car, and then three criminal policemen came down, equipped with guns.

Xu Huaiyu's face was unclear, but Chu Yu didn't need to look at his expression to know his current state-fortunately, he did not have high blood pressure or heart disease, otherwise he could call an ambulance directly.

"Officer Chu, shouldn't you be a tomb robber instead of having nothing to do with you?"

Chu Yu didn't want to play Tai Chi with him, and started straight to the point: "Five years ago, were you looking for Mu Shangqing, but his whereabouts remained unknown?"

Xu Huaiyu stood still: "What do you mean?"

Chu Yu stomped his feet and stepped on the side of the dirt pit, "He is right under my feet."

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