40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 152 13 The First Battle (3)

Chapter 152 13. The first battle (3)


The smell of blood is everywhere. Conrad Coates captured the scents with precision, but he didn't let them affect him.

He turned and walked out of the broken metal door, and Van Cleef immediately handed him a data pad. Kurtz reached out and took it without saying a word. He lowered his head and began to read. What is shown on the data pad is a scan result from the Nightfall.

Judging from those data, Harkossus 1 is indeed a fully developed planet with only one city, as the senior traders said.

One of the three leaders of the Burning Chamber of Commerce rules here. The senior traders did not say his name, but they all revealed an extreme obedience through the trembling of their tone when mentioning this person.

The interesting point here is that the civilians who went with them to Nostramo had no idea about this so-called leader - they even knew little about the existence of the Fire Chamber of Commerce.

Konrad Curze raised his head, and VanCleef stared at his primarch through the eyepiece, awaiting orders. Curze handed the datapad back, but instead of giving an order, he asked a question.

"How's it going?"

"According to the plan, we are gradually controlling important areas around the spire." Van Cleef said. He wanted to say more, but a violent tremor interrupted his words.

What came next was a terrifying roar. The first company commander steadied his body and immediately started asking questions in the communication channel. Half a minute later, a discrete member of the hunting team gave him an answer.

"We blew up an arms depot," he said in a quiet tone on the channel. "These guys even have heavy tanks, sir."

"Copy that, get on with your work," VanCleef replied in a calm voice, watching his primarch leave the burning door.

The scarlet cloak was blown by the strong wind behind him. The Storm Eagles and transport ships of the Eighth Legion sailed through the clouds, and the screams of civilians came from the streets not far away. Conrad Coates stared at all this in silence, and the cold premonition came back again.

He clenched his fists.

Come if you dare. He murmured to himself.

There was no fear, no trembling, he had seen Khalil chase them away, he knew what they were.

He would never run away again.


Officer G-A2-4 could hear a terrible scream. He turned around, and the combat pistol and dagger in his hands were bleeding downwards.

He had just executed two unsteady soldiers. Those who did not draw the fire into their bodies were so despicable that they would rather betray its holy family even if they had obtained the gaze of the burning fire in the spire.

Officer Grid-A2-4 was furious at this, and his behavior was not contradicted by the soldiers. All those who brought the fire into the body agreed with his actions, and the power of the fire protected them until now.

Until the screams came from the end of the corridor where the lights flickered on and off.

Officer A2-4 raised his gun and issued an order to the soldiers gathered around him using his combat helmet.

They had to pass through the corridor to reach the forty-ninth floor. There were eighty-one floors in the spire, and the forty-ninth floor was the node in the middle. Officer Cell-A2-4 accepted the order and came here to shut down the energy core, so that all automatic doors below the forty-ninth floor would no longer be able to move.

He knew this wasn't a big problem for those lightning-fast monsters, but they could be killed.

Officer Grid-A2-4's team has already done this, killing three monsters using four combat robots and an entire team of twenty as traps.

At this moment, his confidence doubled. Soon, a team of six people separated from the team and walked towards the end of the corridor. Although the emergency passage in the minaret is narrow, it also provides them with some convenience at this time.

There was no way those monsters could dodge bullets in such a small place.

The team quickly entered and reported to officer Grid-A2-4 through their combat helmets that they were advancing steadily. Then, within two seconds of the news coming back, another wave of horrific screams broke out again.

Officer Ge-A2-4 shouted, shouting extremely hard, as if he wanted to shout out his internal organs. His soldiers began firing toward the end of the corridor without hesitation. They do not know the specific circumstances of their companions and do not grieve their deaths.

The fire protects all souls, and no one will fear sacrifice in this situation.

The shooting lasted for twenty seconds. Officer A2-4 raised his hand and made a gesture, and his soldiers immediately stopped shooting. The standard magazine of the battle rifle holds sixty rounds of ammunition, so he does not have to worry about being caught by the enemy in the gap between a salvo.

But at this moment, a black figure suddenly rushed towards him. Officer Grid-A2-4 froze in shock for a moment. Fortunately, a soldier reacted quickly and immediately pulled him to the other side.

After two seconds, they had time to observe what the object that was thrown over was.

It's a corpse.

A broken corpse - only the upper body, the mutilated spine and internal organs hanging in the exposed abdominal cavity, blood continuously overflowing.

His combat uniform was completely shattered, with only some broken pieces of white armor left hanging on his chest.

His helmet was also torn off, and the fire mark on his forehead disappeared without a trace. Another symbol was carved on his forehead with a blade or something else, a strange symbol with a double-headed eagle.

After a brief moment of fear, officer A2-4 felt an abnormal rage. He raised his head and wanted to issue an order for the soldiers to advance and catch the scum who dared to desecrate the fire. However, he would never get another chance to issue any new orders.

Because a ghost was standing in front of him, silently, with a cold blue light in his empty eyes. It's so tall that it's terrifying, so tall that it shouldn't appear in the real world.

Officer Grid-A2-4's reason collapsed at this moment. He took a step back. He wanted to kneel down, but the mark on his forehead felt hot pain at this moment. The humiliation came next. Officer Ge-A2-4 roared and raised his short knife and stabbed the ghost.

"I admire your behavior," said the ghost. "You and your team made the Eighth Legion bleed."

After that, the world of Officer A2-4 was filled with darkness.

Khalil calmly walked over the corpses on the ground - it took him twenty-one minutes to push upward, from the twelfth floor to the forty-ninth floor.

Not efficiently enough, but he killed many Harkossian soldiers on every level. With this in mind, it doesn't matter if it's less efficient.

His psionic powers continue to function, in fact, he will continue to use them as long as he wears the armor. The memories and names of the deceased have completely become books that can be read at will. Many of his questions have been answered, but a new question has also been born.

One of the leaders of the Harkossus Federation and one of the family leaders of the Burning Chamber of Commerce live on the top of this spire.

He never left here, was universally loved, and gave a televised speech or other program every night at seven o'clock to enjoy the evening with the people on Harkossus One.

He was in power for a long time and many soldiers even grew up watching his show. However, such a leader who was close to the people left nothing else in the memory of all the dead soldiers of Harkossus.

No name, no face, no voice.

They call him a leader, but what else?

there is none left.

Apart from that, there is nothing.

This man seemed to exist only in dreams, and at seven o'clock every night, this dream would appear in the minds of the people on Harkossus One.

How interesting.

Khalil raised his head and looked towards the top of the tower.

By this point, he could almost guess what was waiting in the darkness - in fact, he had used his psychic powers to detect it once.

He was very cautious, so he only explored it once, and in that perception, the thing stayed at the top of the tower and did not choose to leave. It even greeted him leisurely through psychic energy.

Thinking of this, Kalil couldn't help but smile. Under the cloak, there was some kind of rapid rubbing sound coming alternately.

There are still thirty-two floors before he will face the truth. As for whether the truth is what he wants, Khalil Lohars actually doesn't care.

He was tired of the never-ending guessing, the patience, telling riddles to others, going back and forth between lies and truth.

He was tired of watching those things come and go in the darkness, infiltrating the Veil and using every possible means to harm the human galaxy.

——Just kill.

The ghost floats up, not to hell.

The update is complete, I'm a little late after dinner, sorry.

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