40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 156 17 The First Battle (End)

Chapter 156 17. The First Battle (End)

When did things take a turn for the worse?

Yoel of the Fourth Company of the Eighth Legion had no answer. He only knew that he had to pull his sword out of the face of the damn alien in front of him - he did this, and then immediately slashed horizontally, blood and a The broken head flew high into the air.

He turned around and used the stepping move he learned from Richtenar of the Eighth Company to chop the two aliens who tried to sneak attack him into two pieces.

The young battle brother held the chainsword with hatred, stepped over their corpses, and rushed towards another group of aliens not far away. He spun like a dancer, chopped one alien into pieces, grabbed another, crushed its head, and then sawed the third in half from top to bottom.

There was a lot of killing movement, and the sound of the chain sword was even more obvious. Some of the aliens soon realized that the enemy they were looking for was in the rear.

Yoel had expected this, and he immediately turned off the movement of the chain sword, blowing past the broken corpse like a shadow and floating in another direction.

His heart was beating continuously, and the reconstructive surgery and adrenaline gave him great strength, allowing him to hide among the collapsed ruins before their bullets came.

And this is not the end, this is just the beginning.

Joel gasped and turned sideways to observe the situation outside the ruins. They're still looking for him, which is good.

So he started calling, calling over and over again from the company channel to the legion's public channel. He expected a reply. His brother, his commander, his company commander - anyone would do it, even the primarch and his instructors who could hear his embarrassed voice.

He didn't care anymore, he had to know what was going on with the others.

"This is Yoel from the Fourth Company," he said, his voice soft, and not just because he needed silence.

"Can anyone hear me? Repeat, can anyone hear me?"

There was rustling in the channel, and their communication was subject to certain interference. Yoel lowered his head angrily and began to swing the chainsword, letting the scraps of meat stuck on it fall away.

He continued to call three more times. After almost giving up hope, he finally heard the reply on the public channel. Although it was a curse, it was better than nothing.

"Fuck," the man on the channel said hoarsely. "Joel, Fourth Company, I'm Sergeant Dion Levis, Second Company. Where are you? Where's your company?"

"I don't know, sir."

“You don’t know what that means—wait, fuck—”

Dion Rivas kept cursing, and the next second, there was a continuous and rhythmic shooting sound from his side. Half a minute later, Joel heard his voice again while waiting anxiously.

"——Is the ground cracked?" the sergeant of the second company asked gloomily. "Then you all fell in?"

"Yes, sir."

"It's so fucking unlucky, these damn scum who are in cahoots with the aliens. Listen, Yoel, I was separated from the company just like you, and there's something wrong with this terrible communication system. I guess it must be Because they blew up the Provisional Communications Ministry."

"But you can communicate with me, sir."

"That's because we must be not far apart, so the server of the power armor allows us to contact us. Damn it, don't you know this kind of thing?"

"I don't read much, sir, and I don't get on well with the tech sergeants."

"It's okay if you don't study. The latter is quite unwise. Forget it, can your radar and tactical display still work?"

The young battle brother raised his eyes and glanced at the readings at the top of his eyepiece. Half of them had turned into a chaotic stream of data.

After a few seconds, he answered the grumpy sergeant: "Only the tactical display will work."

"That's not bad."

The sergeant answered lightly, his voice already soft. This made Yoel realize something.

"I'll send you the coordinates. Come to me. Don't die, Yoel."

"Understood, sir."

"No, you don't understand - I mean don't die, do you understand? It's best if you can come over, but it's okay if you can't. In short, let yourself live. Damn it. I'm afraid we have enough people dead. Help the damned bastards and aliens"

The sergeant cursed and hung up the communication, and then a monotonous tone came, indicating that the coordinates had been arrived.

Joel took a deep breath, knowing that everything that happened next would probably depend on him. He bent down, using the cover of ruins and masonry to observe the movements of his enemies.

The aliens, who were about two meters tall, used a strange grunt to communicate with each other. As a kind of humanoid alien, the sound they spoke was simply disgusting. Yoel frowned, not just out of disgust.

There are two choices before him now.

One is to kill them all and then leave; the other is to take a detour and go directly to meet Sergeant Dion.

Without hesitation, he immediately chose the first option - when Joel climbed up from the buried ruins, what he saw were the bodies of his brothers.

He was originally operating with seven brothers. Following the company commander's order, they entered the power plant. Everything went well, they killed many Harkossians, and then

The sky fell, the ground fell, fell, fell - in pain, almost fainting, his brothers roared as swarms of aliens fired at them, their cursed weapons able to penetrate power armor.

Then, Joel was alone. He didn't know whether it was luck or misfortune, but regardless of this, he couldn't even collect the bodies of his brothers because these aliens who had been prepared had already surrounded them.

He can only be forced into the darkness as the last survivor.

Now, he won't let go of this opportunity for revenge.

Yoel quickly rushed out of the ruins. The dangerous buzzing sound of the chainsword appeared again, and the aliens immediately fired in his direction. Joel didn't regret his recklessness - why should he?

When the monomolecular saw blade cut into the chest of the first enemy, shredding its ugly flesh and bones, Yoel only felt pleasure. He didn't know what that meant yet, but he would soon.

"For the Eighth Legion!"

He growled and grabbed the alien's lower body, placing it against his shoulder armor to form a half-shield.

His speed and a bit of luck saved him from being hit by the aliens' dangerous weapons. Three seconds later, he killed the sixth alien, broke out of the encirclement again, and walked away.

But this time it was different. He took an alien with him into the darkness, and the thing screamed miserably under his torture.

Yoel poked one of its eighteen eyes with a cold finger, and a sneer spread on his face - yes, that's it, fear, wail, you only have death as an option.

The young battle brother didn't know yet that the strength and speed he was exploding at this moment were not just the result of reconstructive surgery and adrenaline. He would know, but not now.


Khalil stood calmly in the darkness, the corridor behind him as miserable as if it had been swept by a storm. The metal walls and ceilings were completely destroyed, the words disappeared, and the ground was covered in frost, which was surprisingly thick.

"Instructor, something is wrong." Enric Barbatos said anxiously in the communication channel. "There's something wrong with this tower."

"Is it alive?" Khalil asked softly. He turned around and stared at the dust in the air. A vague sigh came from under the skull mask.


"Is it alive, Enric?"

"No - I mean, its internal structure is changing, instructor." The eighth company commander's voice sounded extremely confused. "Is this some kind of trap? What level are you on now?"

"Yes, this is part of a trap. I'm on the fiftieth floor."

Khalil lowered his head and saw through the wall of the spire the soldiers of the 8th Company who were fighting inside. They were not fighting the Harkossians, nor were they fighting the aliens. In fact, they were fighting the spire itself.

It is alive.

It's confusing them.

"Soldiers of the Eighth Company, this is Khalil Lohars." He said in a seemingly brisk tone. "Next, no matter what happens, please stay calm and rational."

"Instructor?!" Enric blurted out a call, and a sense of uneasiness suddenly rose in the heart of the eighth company commander. "What are you going to do again?!"

"Doing my job."

Khalil hung up the phone and declined all further communication requests.

He sneered.

What a simple scheme, so simple that it's almost stupid - the solution to it is obvious, isn't it?

The devil even took the initiative to tell him the solution.

All it takes is for the Eighth Legion to stop the reconquest of Harkossus, and this ritual can be stopped.

The spire itself was not fortified against him, and after the fog covering it was torn away by the hands of the monster behind the curtain, he could see its entirety. The minaret is indeed a medium.

In the past, it was worshiped by the people of Harkossus as the residence of the gods, and the aliens living underground also knew about this tower, and they also worshiped it as the residence of the gods.

Which god do you worship?

God of Fire - God of Revenge and Hatred.

The first name is just a crude trick. It is revenge and hatred in the language of Harkossus. This language is no longer spoken in Harkossus today, but it is very ancient because it It is not a naturally occurring language at all.

Words have power.

The older, the more powerful.

But now, as long as this spire is activated, it can fully exert its function as a medium.

The number of sacrifices on Harkossus One was not enough to make him a god, but it was enough to make the Veil notice him again.

The last time he turned into a corpse and traveled across the universe, it was a coincidence. Without the Emperor's help, he would have returned behind the Curtain completely.

And this time, there was nothing the Emperor could do. No matter how tyrannical he appears, he is still human.


He is the master of authority.

Are the emotions of revenge and hatred only possessed by the Harkossians at this moment? He knew what was going on outside, the Spire reported it to him.

He closed his eyes and the spire resignedly accepted his control. This terrifyingly solid building began to shake, almost as if it was alive and began to squirm - it broke through the ground, broke through the layers of metal, and slammed into a vast underground world.

+Go and kill. +

Khalil opened his eyes and spoke to the soldiers of the Eighth Legion with his psychic powers.

The first battle is over, and now is the beginning of a longer war.

Today there is no pinch, my hand hurts, I can’t write ten thousand


Also, you haven’t posted much recently, are you just keeping up with the books?

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