40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 162 23 One-day War (1)

Chapter 162 23. One-day War (1)

"I'm from Nostramo, Enric." Khalil said in a low voice. "A star of decay, a planet soaked in the blood of innocents. You've seen it, Captain. What's your impression of it?"

Enric Barbatos was silent for a long time before giving the answer amidst the tremors of the ground.

Before that, he just held the helmet in his arms, unable to take his eyes away from Khalil Lohars' body - the black and white armor intertwined, the cloak like a living thing and a shadow, the cold blue light .

He stared at these details and felt his teeth and tongue sticking together, with a fishy sweetness like blood. Opening your mouth to speak is a painful torture.

Enric survived the ordeal.

".It should be baptized by fire."


The skeleton nodded slowly.

"It should be burned, reduced to rotting ash, and destroyed by battleships. Nostramo changed me and your Primarch forever. It taught me many things that I will never do for Be grateful for these things.”

Enric heard a cold chuckle - he had never heard the instructor of the Eighth Legion laugh with such a terrifying voice.

In fact, in his or their perception, Khalil Lohars was not only gentle, but even responsible. No matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like a person who should be in the Eighth Legion.

However, at this moment, Enric Barbatos suddenly realized something.

What about before that?

Before they knew him, before Khalil Lohars became the instructor of the Eighth Legion? Who is he?

More details swept in, turned into roaring waves, and began to rage in Enric's mind. He opened his mouth blankly, took in a large gulp of air, and tasted the extremely strong smell of blood on the tip of his tongue.

The darkness continued to gather, they became heavy and oppressive. Thunder like heartbeats struck from all directions, and the long-dead people began to wail, scream, and curse.

Enric clasped his hands, teeth biting each other and rattling. He stood tremblingly on the edge of darkness, waiting for the verdict of the person who called them to come.

Or answer.

After five seconds of silence, Enric got his answer.

"It only takes nine seconds to drain a person's blood, Enric. I learned about this from a noble. He proudly wrote these data in his notebook with a blood-stained quill."

"He murdered 3,471 people to get that number. I killed him and he didn't regret it, he was just confused - confused that I would kill him for this."

"I was confused, too. I was confused as to how he could see such brutal killings as a pastime, a feat that could be bragging about at dinner tables and dances. Later, I understood why. And now ,I would like to know"

"How long does it take to drain the blood of a civilization?"

Enric looked helplessly at the skeleton's eyes burning with dark flames, and said hoarsely: "I - I don't know, instructor."

"I don't know either," Khalil said calmly. "But we'll find out later."

Khalil opened his hands in a slow motion, but Enric's two hearts began to beat rapidly. A new fear rose in his heart, and he realized something, and realizing that this thing was definitely not a good thing for him.

Hoarse and broken sounds emerged rhythmically from the deeper darkness. Following the tremors on the ground, the spire itself also began to tremble.

The characters engraved by the people of Harkossus and crawling between the metal floor and the walls began to shine brightly at this moment. Then, they began to melt, and the sounds began to become clearer and clearer until they completely resounded throughout the world. Enric's ear.

After listening in silence for a while, Enric finally realized what these voices were doing.

They are chanting, singing a hymn. About hatred, about revenge, about the obsession of the dead that cannot be let go - about a name.

Enric bent down and felt a solid burning sensation rising from his body. The pain that burned all over him came immediately. He slowly supported the ground with his hands, and the names of the dead swept over him. In the boundary between illusion and reality, Enric Barbatos raised his head and asked with all his strength.

"What price will you pay this time, instructor?"

"Good question," Khalil said.

He didn't answer.


Conrad Curze strangled the last alien with his hands, dropped the body, and stood up calmly. He began to walk forward softly, like a floating ghost rather than a human being with actual weight.

VanCleef followed closely behind him, almost never leaving him - the Captain had already made up his mind to create a separate guard post for the Primarch after this war.

Konrad Curze almost never moved with his legion, always leading the way, leaping into the midst of the crowd and killing. This incident quite challenged the endurance of the members of the Eighth Legion. After all, it was difficult to see clearly where Curze was.

Once he starts killing, he is like an erratic cloud that will descend on any enemy. But until then, you never know when he is coming.

No one - or living thing - can look up to the sky all the time.

"The wind has changed."

Konrad Coze suddenly spoke. He stood in the center of the battlefield, the sky was scarlet, like the bloodshot eyeballs of a dying man. He lowered his head and muttered to an alien corpse, as if speaking to it. But Van Cleef heard his name from the original body's mouth.

"Do you feel it, Van Cleef? The wind has changed."

The first company commander looked at Curze blankly - he tried to answer, but his heart jerked him into a crazy scene in the next second.

The rain of corpses fell from the scarlet sky and spread crazily. A strange green color swept across the starry sky, but was firmly blocked by the burning black flames. This scene only appeared for a moment, but Van Cleef knew that he was not hallucinating.

He is fully awake.

"The direction of the wind has changed." Conrad Coates turned his head and looked at his company commander with thoughtful eyes. The gaze seemed to have magic power, like two dark vortexes that were constantly rotating. He stood there, pondering for a moment, then suddenly turned around and left, leaving only one order.

"Prepare to contact Nightfall, Van Cleef. The second phase has begun."

The First Captain watched his original body leave with a complicated expression and sighed heavily.

Starting to speed up

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