40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 176 1 This is the Extreme Warrior

Chapter 176 1. This is the Extreme Warrior

Lucretius Corvo picked up a stack of documents and placed them on the other end of the table.

Then he took a deep, deep breath.

There is no sour or foul smell in this breath of air, only a slight smell of disinfectant. This was completely within Lucretius's acceptance range, and he even liked the air that smelled of disinfectant.

The long stone table is already filled with piles of bound documents. Each stack contains a hundred documents, which are almost the same as thick books. Each piece of paper contains precious data and information.

These are the success of their efforts, and the five hundred ultramarines have not slacked off at all in these days. They didn't just build buildings and plan schools, they even accomplished something that no one on Nostramo had ever thought of doing.

They did a census.

The result was far beyond everyone's expectations - after several successive purges, there were a total of 232,335,688 Nostramo people still alive. Eleven people.

Considering the harsh and difficult living environment of civilians, this number is simply unbelievable. However, for the five hundred ultramarines who have accumulated considerable relevant experience, this number makes them keenly aware that there is more that can be done.

Nostramo's natural environment is very bad, even close to nothing, but it is a mining world, which means that there is absolutely no shortage of jobs for civilians.

Moreover, because it mainly produces fine gold, a mineral that is so precious that it cannot be replaced, the welfare benefits available to workers are also excellent. Therefore, as the Ultramarines expected, the enthusiasm of the people of Nostramo was quickly ignited.

At a time when nobles and gangs were either dead or thrown into prison awaiting trial, the Nostramos finally put aside the two mountains that had been weighing on their heads and began to work on their own.

Although many people still think that the Ultramarines, Auxiliary Army, officials and even the Mechanicus are actually another group of great nobles, Lucretius believes that in just a few years, as long as the newborn is born, the situation will change. It will get better immediately.

What one endures in childhood can completely change a person, and the Ultramarines are currently compiling educational materials.

They did not set up courses according to Macragge's habits. For example, they taught mathematics first and then taught art, literature, theology, and philosophy. In their spare time, they could also take three elective physical education courses.

Lucretius knew very well that adapting measures to local conditions was very important.

While Nostramo is a remote planet in the Ghoul Star Region, it even has such valuable mineral reserves. Therefore, there are only fourteen courses currently offered in the entire Nostramo.

Use, repair and maintenance of firearms, hand-to-hand combat, battlefield medicine, mineral identification, mechanics and carpentry

Some of these courses have been implemented throughout the planet, such as Low Gothic, or the spelling of Nostramo - in addition to these, there are also things such as common sense of life that have been implemented.

Lucretius himself compiled a pamphlet called Common Sense, which took less than five days to publish and was spread throughout Nostramo within the next two weeks.

In addition to telling civilians some common sense of life that they should know, this booklet also contains other contents.

For example, if you encounter difficulties, you can seek help from the patrolling guards nearby. If you have conflicts with each other, please try to avoid bloodshed or you will be punished by law. And the most important point is the savior of Nostramo.

Lucretius solemnly wrote about the deeds of Konrad Curze and the Eighth Legion. After all, he was an Ultramarine and knew very well what kind of subtle propaganda this kind of propaganda could do in people's daily lives. effect.

Furthermore, he was also very aware of the fact that Nostramo would definitely become the recruiting ground for the Eighth Legion in the future.

You can guess this from the courses he and other Ultramarines conduct. Of course, Lucretius didn't know if he would be thanked for doing this. He simply completed the job in an 'Ultramarine' style, nothing more.

It is worth mentioning that all of the above things were accomplished in just one year by five hundred ultramarines leading a bureaucracy of thousands of people.

This achievement is quite exaggerated, but in Lucretius Corvo's view, it is just ordinary - this is how we Ultramarines do things.

Now, it's time to accept the work results.

He adjusted his uniform, opened the office door and walked out.

The temporary office made of composite materials from Macragge is not only a modular design that is easy to install and disassemble, it also has good sound insulation performance, which is so good that he didn't hear the roar outside until he walked out. Cold wind.

It's winter in Nostramo, and the already harsh environment has become even worse now. Although the priests of the Mechanicus are indeed working hard to improve the environment, the coldness of Nostramo seems to have nothing to do with the weather. Too much relationship.

It's usually very cold, but in winter it's extremely cold. In the past, many people would freeze to death on Nostramo at this time of year, not just civilians, but also gangs.

This year, Lucretius hoped that no one would die, and he put in a lot of effort to do so.

He started walking, and in just a few minutes he walked from his temporary office to the entrance of a mine. This is the third mine in Quintus Hive, located in the original old city.

The dilapidated ghost town that once had no brightness to speak of has now changed its appearance. Many tall buildings have sprung up out of thin air, almost giving people a feeling of being in another world.

Those buildings that had been in disrepair were defenseless against some construction machines kindly provided by the Adeptus Mechanicus. The few that could resist were blown up by the Ultramarines with explosives. After the foundations were re-laid, a large living area was planned around the third mine.

This is the living area for workers and a place to provide them with entertainment and rest - but, having said that, there may only be one entertainment venue at the moment.

A large bathhouse.

Um. Yes, bathhouse.

Lucretius didn't think there was any problem with this - he personally supervised the construction of the baths, there was absolutely no problem with the quality, and there was no 'Macraggean character' in every aspect, and he also set aside considerable modifications. There is room for future generations to add the designs they want.

As for why bathhouses were set up

Well, Lucretius thought that this was also necessary.

Nowadays, although the working environment of miners has been a hundred times better, such as protective clothing, three meals a day, warm clothes, etc., this cannot conceal the core essence of their work.

The job of a miner is not only dangerous, but also very hard. It is not only very physically demanding, it also tests your spirit.

Therefore, after much consideration, this bathhouse came into being.

A hot bath after work will undoubtedly help people relieve fatigue to the maximum extent and go home for a good night's sleep. Lucretius Corvo planned to observe its effect first, and then, depending on the situation, see whether to implement it to the entire Nostramo.

Lucretius hoped it would have the desired effect—the Nostramos had suffered terrible misfortunes in the past, and now they deserved to live more like human beings.

After all, in order to be human, you have to at least look like one.

The Ultramarine sighed and walked into the mine. He went straight without stopping and arrived at the office of the mine director. The director was a middle-aged Terran man from the Night Veil. He has a mustache and is usually energetic and serious.

Lucretius knocked on the door twice and entered after getting permission. The first thing he saw was the director of the mine who was immersed in writing - he had put on a pair of glasses at some point and was immersed in writing at the moment. , a servitor wearing a red robe was standing by his table.

"Director Hadali." Lucretius Corvo greeted softly. "How is the situation at the mine this month?"

The man called Hadali raised his head. His mustache was still neatly trimmed, but the eyes behind the glasses looked haggard. He looked at Lucretius Corvo, He seemed to be in a daze, and it took him a few seconds to realize who was asking him.

"Ah, Lord Corvo" the official stood up tiredly and greeted.

"The mine has harvested 31,000 tons of fine gold this month, and there are also some other minerals, such as coal or iron ore, which I am counting. In addition, please don't care too much about my image. The enthusiasm of the workers It was so high that they started working at 5 a.m. every day and I had to cut back and adjust my sleep schedule to accommodate their demands."

Lucretius looked away without leaving a trace, and coughed slightly at the same time: "You can apply for leave, Director Hadali, at least I can cover your shift today."

"It still doesn't work, sir." The middle-aged man sat down tiredly. "After all, you are all very busy. Now I just hope that the next batch of logistics supply fleets can come soon. Our team of only a thousand people is really powerless."

The Ultramarine opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but nothing came out.

He just discovered a problem. Although the Ultramarines didn't feel anything during this period, and even felt that the intensity of the work was not high enough, for ordinary officials, this kind of intensity of work seemed a bit too much.

He stood there awkwardly, and for a moment he regretted coming to visit the mine director today. Fortunately, this embarrassment did not last long. He was saved by the simple communication system pinned to his collar.

"Sir." An Ultramarine said to him in the communication channel. "Please come to Quintus's helipad immediately. The Eighth Legion - no, the brothers of the Midnight Blade and Lord Konrad Curze are back, and they have brought news about our original body."

"I'll be there soon," said Lucretius.

He left the office immediately.

There's another chapter, maybe two.

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