Doomsday Management Game

Chapter 25 Departure

Chapter 25 Departure
Ning Yan got up early, and found that except for Ning Xiaoyu, who usually slept until nine o'clock, everyone else in the family was up.

Father Ning quietly told Ning Yan that he should pay attention to keeping a distance from Fu Mingzheng when going out, after all, men and women cannot accept each other.

Ning's mother pulled her daughter over and said that Fu Mingzheng is a good character, excellent, and good-looking, and it's okay for women to chase men. Don't listen to your father, you are already 23.

Straight daughter Ning Yan was speechless to what her parents said, who would think about these things in the last days.

After finishing the daily work of the hotel, Ning Yan saw that Fu Mingzheng was already waiting for her at the door of the hotel.

The man's black windbreaker fluttered with the wind, his deep eyes were staring ahead, his fingers were long and slender, and he touched the car window lightly, wondering what he was thinking.

Sure enough, with the big rush, this trip seems to be much easier!Ning Yan cheered excitedly in her heart, as if there was a dancing villain in her heart.

"I'm here, let's get in the car." Ning Yan smiled at Fu Mingzheng.

"Okay." Fu Mingzheng opened the car door gentlemanly and let Ning Yan sit in.

After waving goodbye to Ning's father and Ning's mother, the two set off.

There is a sea of ​​people near the guest house, so the car drives slowly.

After the protective tent gathering place is opened, there is basically no one along the way.

It seems that everyone in the neighborhood has gone to the guest house.

Ning Yan felt that the two of them were a little awkward in the car, so she took the initiative to pick a topic to talk about.

"You have the foresight to put a car in your backpack." Ning Yan really regretted that her family had forgotten that they could put a car.

Fu Mingzheng smiled and said: "Don't you know? No matter how many things are put in a sealed object, the backpack will be regarded as the same thing by default. So the military side puts a large cart for each backpack, and puts Get all the supplies you need."

What?! Ning Yan was shocked, feeling that she had missed a lot.

"In fact, the central government has discovered this loophole long ago, but it has not publicized it."

"Why?" Ning Yan didn't understand why she didn't tell everyone about such a good thing.

Fu Mingzheng was silent for a while, and said: "The car needs oil or electricity to supply energy. It was not sure whether there will be oil and electricity after the end of the world. If this matter is made public, then it is very likely that the whole country will be caught in a rush for oil. Electric heating affects social order. Moreover, the current cars are basically new energy vehicles, which rely on charging to increase energy. The charging efficiency of generators is extremely low, and the reserve oil before the end of the world is not enough. The central government can only choose to hide the news I don’t know how long this end-apocalypse game will last, or it will continue like this. Therefore, the central government must master these important strategic resources to maintain stability after the apocalypse.”

Ning Yan nodded, expressing understanding.

As long as there is no chaos at the top, the country will not be too chaotic in the last days.

"There are many rows of log cabins there." Log cabins are definitely a novelty in the last days.Although the log cabins made by ourselves can last for one month, the protective effect can only last for 1 days, so there is no such activity as building log cabins at the hotel.

Let's go and have a look, Fu Mingzheng suggested to Ning Yan.His task in coming to Cangzhou is to become the link between the capital and Cangzhou, but the boss has spoken, and the development of other places must be taken into account within his ability.

There is a wooden fence around the wooden house, and there are people standing guard.

"Who are you?" Zhao Sheng, who was on guard in the village today, saw that these two strange men and women were very cautious, and immediately took out his wooden stick and prepared to fight.

He was a little worried that the two of them were sent by that group.

Ning Yan's gaze was attracted by this wooden stick, and the person who can make this kind of wooden stick must not be an ordinary person.

"We are coming from Cangzhou, and we are going to the capital. I saw that there is a cabin on your side, so I was curious to take a look. Would it be convenient for you to rest here for a while?"

Fu Mingzheng tried his best to make his tone more friendly, he could tell that the boy in front of him was pretending to be calm.

 Thank you readers for your comments and recommendations and red beans!
  Eleven recently published papers on Crazy Liver, so all the postings are archived TAT

(End of this chapter)

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