Chapter 94
He Zhenzhen clicked the "Agree" option without thinking.

Ning Yan immediately received a permission opening notice.

"He Zhenzhen, I'm here to talk to you about business." Ning Yan opened the doorknob and walked in with a smile. The two dimples around her mouth further highlighted her playfulness and cuteness.

He Zhenzhen got up, and opened a chair in front of Ning Yan for Ning Yan, "Hey, I wanted to come to your rental shop tomorrow, and show you the revised business plan by the way."

She has already decided that even if her business plan still cannot be perfected, she will definitely go to Ning Yan tomorrow, give her a barely manageable plan, and then rent the shop, otherwise her efficiency may be suspected If there is a problem, it will weaken the other party's willingness to cooperate.

Ning Yan sat up straight and leaned forward slightly, as if preparing to listen carefully: "That's just right, tell me about your business plan first, I'm quite curious."

I knew I would stop talking too much, but He Zhenzhen expressed his composure, but he was very regretful in his heart. He could only say a small part of his business plan, and he was really embarrassed to share the rest.

"Then let me tell you a part of the idea first, and the other part still needs to be perfected." He Zhenzhen smiled, trying to get away with it.

"First of all, I cleared all the points plans I made before. I plan to build a VIP reading area first, and put all the parts of each novel within 15 words there. Players only need to pay 5 points to read in it for 1 hour. Then recruit another A typist works 8 hours a day and earns 30 points. Now that the price of goods has gone up, I can’t help but hire workers outside at this price.”

He Zhenzhen didn't mention the points salary of writers. She still didn't think of how to distribute the points that writers deserved more reasonably.

"Is there anything else you want to say?" Ning Yan looked at He Zhenzhen as if he had finished speaking.

He Zhenzhen drank water tactically and shook his head slightly to reduce his sense of presence.

Ning Yan coughed and said, "I think your idea of ​​the VIP reading area is very good. Is it because the writer's salary is hard to figure out how to fix it?"

He Zhenzhen put all the difficulties on her face, and Ning Yan could easily see from her reaction that she still didn't know how to set the writer's salary.

Seeing He Zhenzhen nodded hesitantly, Ning Yan continued: "The first 15 words will be determined by the number of points per 100 words. It doesn't matter how many people read it, just reward the writer points. You can get a rough idea of ​​which books are here. The more people read the book, the more people will read it. If the book is read a lot, and the quality of the novel is reviewed by my players and is deemed acceptable, you can publish it with me. You will be given [-] points directly after publishing. Subsequent points will be calculated based on sales volume. award."

After a pause, Ning Yan added: "But the follow-up content of the novel cannot continue to be sold by you. Of course, how many points the author gets from you in the end is up to you."

"Wonderful, even if the writer doesn't satisfy the treatment I give in the early stage, there will definitely be many players rushing to publish to write. The benefits of publishing are really good. Just do as you said. Then we will split into two Does each store have its own business?"

Ning Yan: "Yes, we each do our own thing, and we are each other's upstream and downstream. The name of my store is Zhixian Bookstore, which only deals with physical books. I also contacted a person who saved a lot of agricultural, For those who are interested in industrial, medical and other types of books, Zhixian Bookstore will also sell his books. So you don’t have to give me novels that meet the publishing conditions very early, I have books to sell.”

"That's great, you're amazing." He Zhenzhen admired Ning Yan so much, and felt that this girl who was younger than her could do everything well.

 I saw that many readers have asked some questions about the first few chapters. In fact, if you read on, the answers may be found in the next chapter~
  However, there is a very good question from a reader friend: I wrote in the previous article that the "backpacks" of students are guaranteed, so what about babies and disabled people?
  Eleven is telling the truth here, sorry!I ignored the handicapped.When I was writing, I thought about the group of babies. They can't have "backpacks". Scarecrows are very weak, but they are not so weak that babies can be knocked out with cute little hands. Babies can't hold weapons (adult's) help nullify force)
  The handicapped person can be round (online random??)
  Speaking of the Ministry of Education, it is because of the student Ning Xiaoyu, so it took advantage of the situation to develop how the country can prepare students for the end of the world.

  The handicapped people can be developed at the West City base at that time~
  The author has no writing experience before and is a rookie, so there must be some omissions.

  If you have any questions, please actively ask them~ Thank you!

  ps: There are some questions that I think I will understand after reading the next few chapters, so I won't answer them.I may answer some questions directly here [Author's Words], so I won't reply to the original comment.

(End of this chapter)

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