Rebirth of the strongest lord system

Chapter 118 Extraterritorial Channel

Chapter 118 Extraterritorial Channel
Among the people that Cecil introduced to Du Lin, except for Luoer, the rest of them are all people who are very strong in single-handed combat, and Luoer is the only one in the logistics support department. This depends on the team configuration It is extremely unreasonable, so she appeared, although she is much weaker than Luo Er, but judging from her current idle state, she is definitely recruited as a spare tire.

And the one named Luo Er was obviously hostile to her as a spare tire, and he didn't even hide it. The others also had the same attitude. Except for those who deliberately excluded her, the others also tried their best not to be with her. There is contact, and looking at it now, those who are also hostile to her should be close to Luoer, and those who avoid her probably do not want to get into trouble or cause misunderstandings.

Luo Er was the only one in the team before, and the extraterritorial passage is very dangerous, her unique identity is naturally very important, which is extremely beneficial to her safety, etc., but now a spare tire has appeared, although this spare tire is still It's weak, but it's also a threat.

And Cecil's idea is more questionable. He asked her to come, but judging from past experience, he only treated her in captivity, and did not really cultivate her. In the past, she always thought that Cecil was afraid of her being strong. It will be difficult to control, but looking at it now, it is obvious that Luoer is so powerful, and his subordinates are so powerful that they are not decent. She even has a few momentums and she quickly approached Cecil. It is impossible for him to be scruples her strength.

It can be seen from this that he doesn't care about her that much, and now that Luo Er is making things difficult for him, he doesn't respond at all. Looking at it now, he just threw her over, the effect is to suppress Luo Er, she is not She wasn't really trained to be able to replace Luo Er, and Cecil didn't intend to. The purpose of bringing her here was just to keep Luo Er from being too arrogant. Judging from their seats today, Luo Er's status is already very high Even if it doesn't seem to affect Cecil now, such things are always prepared.

With a guess in her heart, she calmed down instead. From the current point of view, although her situation in this team will not be good, as a bargaining chip to suppress Luo Er, she is relatively safe.

The storm raged all night and stopped the next day, but these actually had no impact. Du Lin had a system to protect her, so these small impacts from the outside world were simply negligible.

Judging from the hints in the guide information, after they enter the extraterritorial channel, they must follow the natural induction to find the male demons, and they will also fight with other demon seeds, but this is not absolute. The guide information only states that they will fight with Other devil seeds fight, but cooperation is also a strategy, which Cecil is obviously doing now.

The most important thing for her now is to mix in it and move forward as much as possible.But her rice bug plan was quickly shattered, and Cecil sent someone to find her in the lobby.

In the lobby, Cecil was assigning tasks. When Du Lin came, they had already come to an end. They only heard some words about being in charge of control, etc., and the meeting was over.

At this time, Cecil looked at Du Lin, "Just follow everyone in a while, stay in the team and don't run around."

Du Lin was confused, but before she could react, she had already appeared on a barren land in the next second, not only her, but everyone who was inside just now appeared here.

They seem to have reached a tacit understanding long ago. As soon as they appeared, they immediately took their positions and formed a small group. go ahead.

Du Lin was at the back of the periphery. She didn't dare to delay at this time, so she could only keep up with the pace of the crowd, and only then could she spare her energy to look at the surrounding environment.

The barren land is only the initial impression, and it becomes more serious when you look closely. Barren is not enough to describe the situation here.

The sky is leaden gray, there is no sense of transparency, there are no clouds in the sky, only endless gloomy leaden gray.The land is undulating. Although there are no huge mountains, the terrain is also uneven. There is no grass on the dark red land, only dry rocks, barren sand, and an unknown depression not far away. Muddy liquid, yellowing wind often blows in the air, one after another, with a foul smell.

"The environment here is toxic." Kaka poked her head out, worried.

Du Lin didn't notice it at first, and usually the system would call the police when encountering a situation that would harm her body. She only reacted after hearing Kaka's words. She had been using the system to protect her body before, so she was not affected. The data and energy points are actually in a state of decline. Although the speed of this decline is not fast, it is enough to show that the environment is very toxic.

The guide information only said that the environment of the extraterritorial channel was dangerous, but she didn't expect it to be this type. If it wasn't for the system protection, she wouldn't be able to survive for a minute under this toxicity.

Everyone continued to move forward, and suddenly the person who had been looking for the way ahead came back quickly, and said something directly in front of Cecil, Luo Er listened, looked at Du Lin with a malicious smile.

Du Lin knew something bad was going on, and as expected, Cecil signaled her to go inside the core, and after she had passed, Cecil said, "Go inside the Psionic Demon Fortress and take over the control. When the fight starts, Just hold on to the ones with the largest volume, and wait until we finish dealing with the matter at hand before going to deal with it."

Du Lin didn't say anything, what else could she say at this point, she wanted to go to the Psionic Demon Fortress, at least it would be good to recover some of her power.

The Psionic Demon Fortress has been hidden in the air. After Cecil handed over the control, Du Lin took Kaka into the air and flew all the way into the fortress.

The Psionic Demon Fortress is very large, but the control core is very small. She took Kaka all the way into the core room. When she arrived here, the system has connected to the fortress. Although the overall control is with Cecil, the specific operation rights are already in the system.

But after thinking about it, she called Kaka out and let him integrate into the Psionic Demon Fortress directly. Kaka is now an energy body, and it is not a problem to integrate into the fortress composed of spiritual bodies.

Kaka had been prepared for a long time. They had made this plan at the beginning. Even if it is not convenient, it still chooses to merge.Once fused, Kaka felt that he had become a fortress. The body of this fortress was originally a huge psychic demon. To its current body, it was only awkward for a moment at first, and then it immediately adapted to it.

Du Lin breathed a sigh of relief. This was the first time for Kaka to experience it in person. It seemed that its psionic demon instinct had not disappeared. When it was asked to use the Death Knight, it was awkward for a long time.

Kaka's field of vision is now very high and wide. The countless sensors on the fortress sent back the external information, and it immediately discovered what happened outside, and immediately became angry.

"Those bastards, there is a big guy in front of them, with a group of small shrimps, let us resist the big ones, it's a good thing they can tell."

Du Lin's eyes were also cold, and the conflict officially started.

The team on the ground was still advancing, and a large group of unknown monsters in front of them smelled the breath of the invaders, changed their original direction of action, and rushed towards this side.

The leader was a huge black monster, whose shape was surrounded by more than a hundred monsters. The two parties fought each other as soon as they met.

Although Kaka was dissatisfied, he would also take up the assigned work. It circled in the sky, seeing that the big monster was not flexible enough, went around behind the monster, and released a shock wave of aura to test it.

The shock wave hit the big monster, and the big monster turned back and attacked the object in front of it without seeing the enemy.Kaka calculated some data from this blow, immediately readjusted his position and tripled his strength to strike again.

This time the big monster staggered and was extremely annoyed. Although it hadn't found the target yet, it rushed two steps in the direction of the attack before turning around again. Kaka made persistent efforts with another blow. Scratch a little bit, leaving a trace, and the big monster immediately sprayed a puff of poisonous smoke at the scratched place.

The two began to stalemate, Kaka attacked the big monster bit by bit, and opened the distance between it and the group of small monsters, the big monster almost hit Kaka every time, but it just couldn't hit it at all. , which caused it to keep chasing.

Seeing that the big monster was getting farther and farther away from the group of small monsters, suddenly the little monster started screaming, and some of the little monsters had already been wiped out by the crowd. Seeing this, the big monster immediately gave up on Kaka and went to rescue the little monsters, just showing his back to Kaka.

With such a good opportunity, Kaka immediately charged up and wanted to attack with all his strength, but at this moment, the figure of the psionic demon fortress suddenly appeared in front of everyone. The huge psionic demon made it impossible for the big monster to ignore it, and it immediately attacked the fortress with all its strength.

Kaka was accumulating energy at first, but at the time when she was most vulnerable, she was suddenly attacked by a big monster. She was caught off guard and seriously injured, and was completely overturned to the ground.

Kaka immediately cursed angrily, "Cecil is going to kill us!"

Although Du Lin couldn't feel the impact in the fortress, she had seen it all from the system and understood it in her heart.At that time, although Kaka's charged blow could injure the big monster, it was not enough to kill the big monster with one blow. The big monster would still return to help, but if the psionic demon fortress suddenly appeared, the big monster who felt the huge threat would naturally deal with the psionic energy first. The magic fortress is a good way to abandon the car and protect the handsome.

"Kaka hold on, take off." There is no time to resent now, saving one's life is the priority.The big monster doesn't seem to be able to fly, let's talk about the height first.

"No!" Kaka was shocked, "The fortress can't be raised!"

Du Lin was furious, and immediately sent a letter to Cecil, "I won't run away, but if I can't increase the height, the strength of the fortress won't be fully displayed. You're tying your hands!"

"It's not me." Cecil's voice was so calm that he didn't seem to be in a fierce battle. "No one or anything in the extraterritorial passage can be five meters above the ground. This is a hard rule."

Immediately afterwards, Luo Er's laughter came, "What an idiot."

(End of this chapter)

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