Chapter 124
When Luoer thought of Du Lin's desperate expression, she became excited. There was another battle ahead. This time, the monsters were not weak. It's been a game.

The battle reached a critical juncture, everyone was entangled, especially the Psionic Demon Fortress, who was desperately delaying the steps of several big guys, the timing was just right, Luoer turned and ran out of the safe zone, towards the Psionic Demon Fortress She moved forward rapidly in the opposite direction, and even used her ability. Although she is an auxiliary type, she is not without ability at all.

He ran far away in one breath, and just formed a triangle with another small number of monster groups on the team's battlefield. At that time, everyone had to give up Du Lin in order to save her.

Luo Er's actions were not small, but it was too late when everyone realized that she had already run to the small wave of monsters.Xiaobo's monsters were also monsters, they never knew what it was to be afraid, when they saw Luo Er entered their territory, they immediately rushed over, Luo Er started screaming.

Everything just happened in an instant. Seeing that Luoer was in danger, everyone immediately gave up their opponents and rushed to rescue them. In an instant, only the Psionic Demon Fortress was left on the battlefield, which was suppressed and beaten by several big monsters. Lucius, who was temporarily petrified by performing a life-saving secret technique.

Du Lin looked at this scene of deja vu and her first reaction was astonishment. This kind of thing happened twice. She thought that Cecil would not let this kind of thing happen again, but she was obviously wrong, but this time she did not So passive, Kaka has not merged with the fortress, she has a mind and is always ready to run, not to mention that as long as Cecil does not use the fortress as cannon fodder, the fortress is actually very good at running.

Now everyone is rushing to the new battlefield, and no one needs her as a human shield. The psychic demon fortress is immediately blurred. This is the benefit of psychic energy. Breaking free from the suppression, she cast a secret technique and escaped at the same time.Just because he has never used this ability before doesn't mean he doesn't have it, it's just that Cecil has always used the fortress as a human shield.However, in order to prevent Cecil from controlling the fortress as a human shield again, the fortress cannot escape, but the remote controler starts to attack again. Although the remote control response will be poor, it is good to delay the monsters for a moment. Xiaobo monster, it really takes a few seconds for these people to be wiped out.

Suddenly there was a scream, and Du Lin, who was hiding behind the hill, was startled. The voice had no beauty at all. It was a scream. It was Luo Er. She didn't understand. Didn't they go to save her? .

But this question is beyond her ability to answer, although she is worried that if Luo Er really dies, she will not have a safe place to sleep at night, after all, the rules of this place are special, and she cannot afford the energy points needed to open up a secondary space to sleep every day, But Luoer didn't want to kill her any less, and after the two phases were offset, there was no concern.

Although the battle lasted a little longer, it ended in victory. Everyone gathered in the hill where Du Lin hid to rest. This was the most suitable place to camp nearby, because they had no safe space to use at night.

Luo Er was injured. Although it wasn't serious, it directly damaged her soul. According to her, she had to cultivate for a month before recovering. Before that, she couldn't open the space.

Luo Er was crying, and everyone was very silent. It was very obvious that Luo Er wanted to get rid of Du Lin and forced everyone to choose one of the two, and they also made a choice. They gave up Du Lin and chose Luo Er, which is normal. But the species of that group of monsters was an accident. I didn't expect that among the group of seemingly common monsters, there was one proficient in soul attack, and it happened to be the one closest to Luo Er, which caused Luo Er's soul to be injured.

Du Lin didn't want to make trouble, she squatted in the corner with Lucius, Luoer was still clamoring to kill her, even though it was impossible now, she was really safer than ever before, Luoer's space couldn't enter, This month everyone's logistics depended entirely on her, but relatively she still had no human rights. They were more willing to imprison her and persecute her than Luo Er, who was confessed.

Lucius was not nervous at all, and even leaned over and whispered, "Hey, you turned around this time. This is a good opportunity. You have to prove your ability. If you have too many meat shields, you will always turn into meatloaf." ,Believe me."

The corners of Du Lin's mouth twitched, "Stop pretending, can't you see that although they can't touch me due to the situation, they really want me to die, how can this situation show." They will only think that she is annoyed now Luo Er caused all this to happen, causing them to not have a safe place to rest for a month. As for Luo Er, they dare not hate her, after all, they will always rely on Luo Er in the future, so they can only hate her for her incompetence .

Lucius thought for a while, "It's up to you, that's why you need to show off. Although that Luoer is capable, she also has big shortcomings. She is too unstable. This kind of person is very annoying in the team. Now They chose her unwaveringly, in addition to the relationship and deep trust gained from years of cooperation, your ability has not been very good is also the main reason."

Du Lin hummed casually as an answer, she felt that this matter was useless.Her ability is really good in terms of defense, and there is no problem with logistics supply, but her ability is really not portable, and it is really far from Luoer's space. She can build a powerful fortress, or open up a secondary space, but these Things are either inconvenient to move or not concealed enough, or cannot be sustained by energy points, or cannot be supported even if they are fooled for a short time. It is impossible for her to use all the energy points for this.

No matter how dull the atmosphere is, life must pass.Everyone has been tired for a long time, and now they have experienced another blow, and they are not in the mood to move on. They camped here today.

There is no space available, so everyone can only enter the psionic demon fortress to rest, no matter how bad the fortress is, it can provide a certain degree of defense, not to mention the non-toxic environment inside the fortress, which is the most important thing.

It was the first time that the Psionic Demon Fortress was fully realized. It was lying on the ground in a big lump, with white flesh whistling, and a small hole was exposed close to the ground.

Cecil arranged for a few people to protect against the wind outside, and the others followed him to go inside. Solo, one of Luoer's confidantes, supported Luoer while cursing, "It's really someone who made something, making a gate is like an asshole .”

After being told in this way, everyone's face was not good, because Solo's description was very apt, and many people even looked at Du Lin. It is well known that this is her creation.

Du Lin immediately spread her hands, "You can also think it's a mouth or a nostril, anyway, the fortress is just this one door." The fortresses are all semi-invisible or partially manifested. Now that they are fully realized, this small gate really looks a bit like a chrysanthemum...

Kaka probed, and then retracted into the space, "What do you think it looks like, as long as it works anyway."

Du Lin didn't answer. Kaka was asking questions and answering on her own, and didn't need anyone to answer.

The inside of the Psionic Demon Fortress is blank, the entire fortress is white, and the shape is like entering a blood vessel, all round with small ups and downs, and many forks.

The environment and space are incomparable, and the security is not as good. No one has a good look on their face, and the walls of the manifested Psychic Demon Fortress are as hard as diamonds, and there is no comfort at all.

Cecil chose a higher branch, and he didn't show up after entering. Others also chose branches after seeing this, and some people just sat down in the largest pipeline and took out some long-term treasures from the storage ring. Things like unused bedding, and some people took out some food.

Du Lin walked a little further inside, found an empty branch, and took out things to set it up, but as soon as she took out a cushion, Luo Er came over with a few confidantes.

"Now you are the logistics, don't be complacent, you are just a piece of rubbish, no one will want you, when I get better, you can die!"

Du Lin didn't care, she didn't do things that made her uncomfortable because of others' anger, not to mention being so straightforward that it seemed that Luo Er was now a strong outsider, so she simply ignored her.

Luo Er looked bored, and angrily led the person away.

"You might be in trouble." Lucius walked in.

Du Lin shrugged, "I've been in trouble for a long time." She wanted to say something more, but Luo Er suddenly came back, and this time there were more than 20 people following her.

Luo Er was condescending, her chin straightened, "Give us supplies, bedding for rest, and food and drink. Although I don't want to use yours, everyone didn't bring anything out, so I have to make do with it."

Du Lin glanced and saw that except for Luoer's confidant, although the other people looked bad, they didn't seem to be deliberately finding fault. Although it was impossible not to bring supplies, it was certain that they would not want to consume them. So he immediately said: "What kind of supplies do you need, I will count them now so that they can be prepared for everyone."

Luo Er smiled contemptuously, "Not much, as for the bedding, you can get a set for each person according to the standard duke room in your place, and I won't make things difficult for you, as for the food, it is enough to have this grade of ingredients. With that, she took out a piece of pastry.

When Du Lin saw this piece of pastry, she knew that it couldn't be good. The point is not the pastry, but the energy content of this pastry. Foods with similar energy content in the system can already be classified as five-level energy foods, and not It is said that once the food is rich in energy, it needs to be exchanged for energy points directly. The energy points required for level five energy food are already very considerable. Such a small piece of pastry needs more than three energy points. The key point is the amount they need.

They really need this level of food, but in Luoer's space, I'm afraid they don't eat this every day. It's like ordinary people may not eat high-end restaurants, but it's impossible for them to eat every meal. They all eat, but now they obviously ask for it as a daily requirement. Is this trying to give her bankruptcy directly, or is it forcing her to jump out by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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