Chapter 135

Julia and the others are not too many, but their strength is not weak. It is very difficult to eat them, and the existence of such a large team will undoubtedly have a negative impact on the safety of Cecil's team. She is a member of Searle's team, and if joining them, it seems that it is not a good choice. Now they want to take her to take risks.

But she immediately realized that she had thought too much just now. As soon as the meeting was over, Julia immediately came to her, pulled people away without saying a word, and stopped all the way to the floating platform.

People who hold the same opinion as Julia gathered on the platform. The proportion of these people in the team is not high. If you look closely, there are only twelve people including herself.

Julia's face was solemn, "Everyone, this is the new auxiliary department, named Du Lin. I have participated in their team before, and my abilities are relatively comprehensive, which is more than enough to deal with the next situation."

Although she said affirmative words, her tone was relatively flat. Du Lin knew that Julia could only accept her ability, and it was not as easy as she said, but she didn't care about it. The trouble now It was she who was about to be coerced to go on an adventure with them, and she was never consulted from the beginning to the end. Whether to run or not to run was a question.

Carlos seemed to have guessed what Du Lin was thinking, and secretly sent a message: "I suggest to follow them, the afterimage environment is almost as difficult as the passage for the auxiliary department, so it's better to follow them. "

Du Lin could only smile wryly in her heart. If the difficulty was the same, it would be better to go for it. You must know that even if she showed her unwillingness, these people would not let her go. It's not easy to deal with, even if she can escape, the price she has to pay is not small. Since going to the afterimage of the plane is as difficult for her as being in the passage, it is a profit to save a waste. It really is not as good as a human being For God's sake, her original plan to come here was really useless.

At this time, Carlos said again: "What's more, you still have a big weapon. Judging from the information I learned from Kaka, your demon pet is still in the passage. This means that you can mentally contact the coordinates. The point is that you are still in the tunnel." There are several buildings here, and if my guess is correct, as long as this passage is not destroyed, no matter the cost, we are [-]% sure that we can get back here."

Hearing this, Du Lin was overjoyed and asked eagerly: "What if the passage is destroyed?" This possibility was very high and had to be guarded against.

"That's [-]% sure." Kaka answered.

Hearing what Kaka said, she felt at ease. She was [-]% sure, and it was worth doing it once. At that time, she would have this trump card in her hand, and it would definitely have an unexpected effect.Therefore, she immediately decided to go for a break with Julia and the others.

She has made up her mind here, and Julia and the others have made final preparations. After briefly notifying Du Lin of their names and abilities, they will not say more.

"Let's go." Captain Harris finished speaking, and was the first to step into the passage, followed by other team members. Julia raised her hand with a smile, signaling Du Lin to come forward. Du Lin nodded and followed suit. into the channel.

As soon as he entered the passage, there was a huge tearing sensation. The system was fully activated, and finally stabilized the force field. At this moment, Du Lin felt a weak traction, and at the same time, there was Julia's voice , "Follow."

Du Lin didn't dare to neglect, she had no direction here and could only rely on them.Following this pulling force and following the natural thrust in the passage for several dozen minutes, they finally left the passage.

When she stepped into the passage, everyone else had already come out and were gathering together in a daze. She looked at the environment and felt speechless, but then a sense of crisis arose.

The environment here is really good, they are floating in the sky at this time, the blue sky and white clouds, the wind is sunny, there is a green prairie under their feet, and the flock of sheep can be seen far away in the sky.

None of the people here are weak, and the danger of this world can be confirmed just from the flocks they see. The flocks in front of them are ordinary livestock, not even magical beasts. This kind of flocks can survive on a large scale, which is enough to prove the danger of the world here. How suitable the environment is for survival, and the more suitable the environment for survival, the less dependent she is on the auxiliary system. Although she does not need to rely on other people so much, but for an auxiliary system, the more it is compared with other combat systems. The closer the relationship, the safer it is.

The safety of the external environment is no longer a problem, so she will focus on the internal aspects of the team, which is the place that can bring danger.

She didn't know these team members before, and she didn't even have time to take a good look at them. Now she couldn't help but secretly began to observe.

Captain Harris is a bald man wearing black armor. He has a distinctive broad nose and wide mouth. From the fact that these people have hardly discussed the matter of captaincy before, it can be inferred that Harris should have been the leader for some time. , and it seems that the leadership is not weak.

Except for this captain, Julia is the one who has the most contact with her. She should be assigned to Julia. If Harris is the county magistrate, then Julia is her current supervisor. There are a few, but I really don't know much about it, but judging from her past experience, this is not an easy thing to mess with, not to mention personal ability, at least she is very strong in terms of resourcefulness.

Others don't look so conspicuous. She saw Rocker dressed as a mage on the high platform through the fire source spirit. He should be dealing with the channel at that time. He should be good at academics, but he doesn't have much impression of others. up.

While she was observing, Kaka secretly sent a message, her voice couldn't hide her excitement, "I tried to contact the channel, and found that if I force the location, the probability of teleporting back with the dimension is good, which is almost the same as our previous inference. "

Hearing what Kaka said, she felt a little at ease, no matter what, this way of retreat was finally not broken.

At this time, Captain Harris spoke, "Let's take a look below first, while Rocky goes to explore the surrounding area."

The team immediately took action. Rocky disappeared with a whoosh, and the others followed Harris and lowered to the ground. Locke immediately arranged a simple magic circle to hide everyone.

Du Lin was no exception. When everyone else was busy, she also summoned a concealed aura module from the system to run, and then exchanged a ten-meter-square log from the system for everyone to rest for. After all this, she rested on the spot, and at the same time used the system's scanning ability to detect the surrounding environment.

The information returned by each module of the system is safe. Compared to Kaka’s excitement just now, what Carlos said was more worried, "The environment here is too good, it is not good for us, and I always feel that something is wrong."

Du Lin's thoughts were the same as Carlos's, "Too safe is not safe enough for us. It's just what you said is wrong." This is very important. Carlos should be a combat type, although because of some things His ability is extremely poor now, but his innate intuition is much stronger than that of the auxiliary system.

"It's hard to say, I just feel uneasy." Carlos was also confused.

Du Lin couldn't say anything more. She felt that things are sometimes indescribable, but Kaka suddenly shouted, "I found out, it's the flow of energy. Look at the speed of energy flow!"

Hearing what Kaka said, she immediately checked the system, and sure enough, the energy flow rate of the modules she had just placed was five times faster than usual, and it was only a short time ago that no abnormalities were found.

With this direction, Carlos also found the source of anxiety, "It's the recovery of power, I know, because everyone should consume a lot of power when crossing the passage. Under normal circumstances, after the power is consumed, as long as there is a chance Everyone should try their best to recover their strength, but after coming here, everyone's strength recovery is very slow, because their abnormal behavior makes me feel uneasy!"

Speaking of this, Du Lin has already fully understood. In fact, not only Du Lin, but other people also feel the problem at this time. They are of the combat department and rely on the recovery power of the outside world. In this way, how can we not shock them.

Although there is no energy such as magic power to absorb when they are in the passage, each of them has their own specific way to recover the consumed power, but after arriving here, they can clearly feel that the outside world is full of various forces. An ordinary high-magic plane, but they recover their strength very slowly!
Julia seemed to be relieved, "Everyone can feel it, there is a problem with the energy recovery here, let's adopt the No. [-] action plan from now on."

"I'm on the first shift." After finishing speaking, Harris closed his eyes again. He seemed to be resting, but he was actually on high alert, taking over all defenses.

Du Lin could feel that others had withdrawn their detection and defense capabilities, and she immediately glanced at Julia.

Julia came over and sat next to Du Lin, "Let me tell you, we have made several plans before, and the one we are implementing now is for use when the energy is abnormal. From now on, everyone will take turns in charge of the team." For safety issues, others should consume as little power as possible. This is also a way to preserve power. As for you, you are in the auxiliary department, and you will not be assigned to take turns for the time being." Speaking of this, she couldn't hide her worry, " Du Lin, talk to me and tell me how much you have been affected."

Du Lin knew that this was not the time to hide anything, "The power consumption has accelerated by about five times. This is a temporary figure."

Hearing this, Julia breathed a sigh of relief, but then worried again, "Is there anything else?"

"Not yet. After all, I haven't used much ability so far, so I can't test it out." Du Lin shook her head.

(End of this chapter)

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