Chapter 143 Lost Domain
The Golden Demon King was puzzled. Transformation into a Demon King was just a process of analysis, and it was not very strict. So to speak.

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility that the old devil of order actually lied to him, and he couldn't help being furious immediately, "Old devil of order, you are looking for death, this devil seed has half of mine, and you dare to use it for gambling!" A gamble with no chance of winning!

It must be that the Frozen Holy Land has entered the death period, rather than the dormant period as rumored by the outside world. The holy land entering the death period has only a very small chance of giving birth to the last demon king, but it is more likely that the demon seeds will be born due to insufficient energy. Stillborn!

The only advantage is that the Holy Land in this period is dead and cannot make rational judgments. All available power will be injected into the body of the last Demon King. This is the greatest legacy of the Holy Land, and the new Demon King may inherit it. The Holy Land understands the pure energy of the law. As long as it inherits the energy, it can inherit the law contained in it, and this law is what the old demon of order wants to get.

As soon as he thought that the old devil of order would take half of his evolution information for nothing, the golden devil couldn't stand still, and immediately rushed into the holy land with a stride, but at this time, there was no old devil in order in this frozen world. The shadow of the devil, the golden devil roared angrily, and the whole thing turned into a piece of golden light, permeating the entire holy land. He didn't believe that he couldn't find the old devil of order!

At this time, the Demon King of Order had brought Du Lin into a huge hall. There were no traces of man-made carvings in this hall, and everything seemed to be naturally generated.

There is a huge pool in the middle of the huge hall, which is already frozen. The Demon King of Order brought Du Lin to the ice surface, "This is it, sink to the bottom of the water, and you will start the transformation of the Demon King."

After all, the Demon King of Order emitted a white light, and the frozen pool began to melt around him.

Only then did Lin realize that it was only the surface that was frozen. This pool was so deep that it seemed to go straight to the abyss. She just wanted to say something, but found that she had been suppressed by coercion and could not make any movements. She could only look at herself Little by little it sank to the bottom.

The water was extremely viscous, and her heavily oppressed body was extremely uncomfortable. She gradually sank to the bottom of the water, and the figure of the Demon King of Order still standing on the water gradually blurred in her eyes.The water was icy cold, but it didn't affect her breathing. As she sank deeper and deeper into the water, she felt that the pressure of the Demon King of Order was decreasing, so she wanted to use the power of the system to escape, but found that she seemed to have entered a huge In the field, it is impossible to use any power at all, as if any power here will dissipate.

Moreover, she also felt a kind of summoning, an inexplicable feeling, but it inexplicably made her feel at ease. Gradually, she sank deeper and deeper, and her consciousness became blurred. She could only vaguely hear the quarrel of two men coming from a distance.

Consciousness became more and more confused, and Du Lin realized that it couldn't be like this. She used all her strength to break free and finally regained consciousness, but she was immediately stunned.

There was a clear touch of silk from under her body, and bright eyes. She was lying on a luxurious big bed, and the warmth in the quilt was still very clear, and the urge to urinate made her unable to think about it any longer.

The room was a typical castle building. She immediately found the toilet behind the small door. After finally solving it, she felt relieved, and a memory suddenly rushed into her mind, followed by a severe headache.

It took a long time for the headache to subside. She pulled her hair and thought it was incredible that the memory she received just now belonged to someone else. This is a girl named Lana. She is the only daughter of a big businessman. What made her feel even more unbelievable was that this place was still the alien world she had traveled through, and even the time had changed. Her biological father was still Master Ota, and she knew it so clearly only because Lana was madly in love with Master Ota. ...

Du Lin only felt a mess in her mind, and ten thousand muddy horses galloped past in her heart. How could she have crossed again, and the time point was more than 20 years earlier!
Enduring the severe headache, she crawled back to bed and forced herself to calm down. Although her consciousness was blurred for a while, she was very clear that she never completely lost consciousness, and she was not confused about the previous things, since In this way, her appearance here is definitely not another time travel.

Although she sank to the bottom of the water at that time, there was absolutely no problem with her body's condition. Even if she was powerless to resist, she could still know whether she had suffered a catastrophe, so it was absolutely impossible for her to pass through again silently.

Thinking of the environment she was in before, and what the Demon King of Order said, including his actions of suddenly abandoning the Golden Demon King and the sound of the subsequent quarrel, she vaguely felt a little clue, especially the words of the Demon King of Order, which made her strengthen her will. Like, looking at the current situation, she probably has the answer in her heart, maybe this is an illusion or a test of will, maybe it is the first hurdle to become a demon king.

But she still had no idea how to leave this illusion. After thinking about it, she decided to go and observe first.

And the first thing she has to do is sort out the memories that have rushed into her mind. These memories are extremely real and the amount of information is huge. If she hadn't merged with Kaka and her physical fitness has improved greatly, I am afraid that just the presence of these memories will be difficult. Enough to make her brain damaged.

From the memories I got, I know that Lana should have just been admitted to the Imperial Academy of Magic and Martial Arts, and she fell in love with the young master of the Ota family at first sight at the entrance ceremony, and then fell into a deep crush.

To be honest, it made her feel very weird. Lana's memory was too real, so real that there was no flaw, so when her mind was filled with dreamy pictures about the scumbag of her biological father wrapped in various pink bubbles , I felt a pain in the brain, and the sense of disobedience was too serious.

And there is another thing that makes her feel bad. There is a piece of information that she doesn't understand. The Duke of Ota's name is Aota Ota. His surname is actually very similar to his first name. It doesn't conform to normal naming habits, let alone aesthetics, but what she cares about is that she herself definitely doesn't know this information.

This information came from Lana's memory, and it was very clear, but she herself didn't know about it, so in a certain way, this environment could not simply cause her own confusion, but really Some information was put into her memory.

This cognition means that she has to be more cautious, and being able to implant memories into it means that this environment can cause substantial changes to her, so if she takes some extreme measures in the environment, it is very likely to affect her her own safety.

After thinking about this, she became more determined to investigate the situation carefully, and use the method of cracking down instead of using force.


A clear female voice called from downstairs, and Du Lin immediately recognized that it belonged to Lana's mother, and this familiar feeling made her feel even more dangerous.

She got up and dressed herself as she remembered. She opened the door and walked to the hall downstairs. Lana's mother was already sitting behind the dining table, looking at her lovingly.

"Mom." Du Lin gave a weak greeting and sat down as she remembered. She seemed to be a little picky about the food in front of her, and her expression was a little sleepy, but in fact she was very focused and observed carefully. Everyone's mode of action.

The loving and nagging mother, the busy maid, the steaming vegetable soup, everything is extremely real, and more importantly, there are some things that do not conform to her logic. This further verifies the previous guesses. Sure enough, there are Something was thrust into her mind.

In the center of the Holy Pool, the core of the Frozen Holy Land, the Demon King of Order and the Golden Demon King stood facing each other, and their bodies were covered with frost due to the severe cold.

"I blame you, you old devil, give me back half a seed." After arguing for several days, the Golden Demon King had already run out of words, but even if he knew that he couldn't quarrel with the Demon King of Order, he refused to let it go. It has been several days, and Du Lin has not responded at all. It is obvious that the step of connecting to the Holy Land has not yet been completed. Although the Holy Pool will not harm the body, if it cannot be connected to the Holy Land for a long time, then Du Lin will only be killed in the end. Throw it out of the holy land as garbage that cannot be analyzed, and now Du Lin's consciousness is still stuck in the state of being connected to the holy pool, and now the holy land is dead and unconscious, I am afraid that it will only be Du Lin's body when it is thrown out. Consciousness has no chance to come out.

When he thought of his good half-seed being wasted like this, he became furious, looking at the Demon King of Order, wishing he could go up and bite him twice.

Feeling the resentment of the Golden Demon King, the Demon King of Order smiled lightly, "Have confidence, what is the use of only half of the evolutionary information, isn't it because we have collected so much complete evolutionary information over the years that there is little progress, and now we only use half a piece of evolutionary information. The seeds are just a gamble, if we win, we can share the laws of the Frozen Holy Land, you should be able to tell which is more important."

Although this is not the first time I have said this, it can temporarily relieve the Golden Demon King’s resentment each time, and this time is no exception. The bright prospect temporarily relieves the Golden Demon King’s anxiety about losing half of his evolutionary information, although after a while he The old story would be brought up again, but the Demon Lord of Order used the same excuse to appease him every time.

At this time, Du Lin had already lived in the imperial capital for half a month as Lana.

It is the first time that Du Lin has experienced the ordinary life of Mowu Academy. Lana doesn't have many friends, but she also has a few girlfriends who can talk to her. They go to class together every day and worry about completing the professor's homework together. Although this kind of life is plain, it is also interesting, but Du Lin feels more and more uneasy in her heart. There is no other reason, everything is too real, and all signs show that she is not in a hallucination, but a real appearance in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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