Rebirth of the strongest lord system

Chapter 152 Exploding the Technology Tree Begins with Buildings

Chapter 152 Exploding the Technology Tree Begins with Buildings

Du Lin watched the militiamen stand in safe positions, and she finally started her performance - building the foundation of the city, to be precise, building the entire foundation of the first block in the city, including all the pipes including sewerage. system.

She didn't know much about technology in her previous life. After all, she was not that professional. Her current construction method is more from the system, and it has been transformed by her.

She doesn't have low requirements for the quality of things, so she uses a one-time technology to directly harden the ground and press it into an integrated underground piping system.

Looking at the glistening gray-white ground in front of them, the militiamen's mouths became a big O shape. They have also seen the power of magic, but it is the power of destruction. Now, they have never seen this kind of creative power. of.Looking at the square and crystal clear ground that appeared in front of them, about two miles square, it looked like a huge gem, and there were also extremely wide road-like things surrounding the four sides. The wideness made them It was difficult to accept that it was the road. Facing all this, they could only look at each other, not knowing how to react because they were completely shocked.

Du Lin was very satisfied with their response. She had long thought that all she had to do at this stage was to copy some things, and then the system could develop naturally. Although this copied system might not have enough vitality, this After all, it is an attempt, and even simply copying a world will take an extremely long time.

Creativity comes from life, there is no doubt about it, and entering life into her city and her system is definitely a long-term plan. She does not intend to introduce life from the outside world casually. That would be too many variables and more troublesome. It is only needed when the scale is large. She is only a small-scale operation now, so the cheapest way is to introduce some controllable life, and these lives need someone to take care of them. These militia are the people she chooses to take care of them, so let them It is very important to realize what they are doing.

Du Lin's plan is a very long one. Obtaining power is never a simple matter. She has the cheating device of the system to obtain such power. But to really become stronger, these missing foundations are needed. Make up for it again.

She has temporarily named this cube No. 1. She wants to train the first batch of people here. These people will be the first residents of her city and the most important part of her urban ecology.

So, this Block 1 will be a campus area.She has deconstructed the source files of the buildings in the system, and during the one-year preparation time, many required buildings have been designed.

While the militiamen were stunned, Dulin began her magic.Buildings began to rise one after another, row upon row, and the buildings built using system energy were integrated at an extremely fast speed. In just a few minutes, a campus area has taken shape, with teaching buildings, libraries, sports venues, and living spaces inside. The district and so on are all constructed.

The buildings are all integrated with the ground, and the materials are all the same crystal white-gray. This material is the first technology project she will develop - the building system.From the architectural system of the system, after she had been selected, she chose the one-piece molding system of honeycomb Lingshuo crystallization.

This is a system with a very wide range of uses. There are thousands of various technological systems in the system. If she had not reinterpreted the construction documents of the system building, she would not have discovered the technological part of it, and in the now deconstructed This kind of building form has appeared in architecture, which means that it is a system that can be adapted to most buildings. After research, the overall quality of this system is quite good, although it is not as easy to use as some specific materials in some fields. , but in its current state, it makes perfect sense to be the first to copy it.

A technology system, even if it is just a copy of a building system, is extremely complicated, so Du Lin leveled out the No. 2 square.In Block 2, the first building she built was a machinery manufacturing center, where machinery that could produce building materials would be processed, and it was a machinery center that existed for processing machinery.

The purpose of the existence of the mechanical center is to speed up the speed of duplication. Otherwise, if you start from scratch, it will take too long, and it will not help the whole.

With the existence of the mechanical center, you can produce all kinds of machinery for making various technological items, which is to lay a good foundation for the future, and the most important point of the mechanical center is that it can perfectly replicate itself, that is to say, it can Process all the parts that make up itself, and rely on its own strength to reproduce itself.

After finishing the mechanical center, Du Lin temporarily stopped the construction. There was only such a lonely building on Block 2. In fact, this building will not be used at all in a short time. It is only placed there as a landmark.

In the next few years, she will focus on the campus area and on cultivating her own citizens.

Shocked by Du Lin's series of actions, the militiamen lost their ability to think, and waited there foolishly until they were called.

"This is the new city, the Three Boundary City that belongs to our resting wasteland. It will continue to be built in the future. It will be an unprecedented majestic city, and you." She stopped and looked at the stunned militiamen, "It will be like this The creators of a city are its first citizens.”

As soon as Du Lin's words fell, the militiamen came back to their senses. Du Lin's meaning was very clear. They will be the first batch of residents of this majestic city built by magic, which is really great Yes, with the first batch of people who have reacted, the rest of the people have gradually reacted. It is really a blessing to be a citizen of such a city.

They believe in the future of this city, because the adults have already succeeded once. They remember clearly what the Great Rift Valley looked like back then, and what the Great Rift Valley looks like now, they all feel deeply in their hearts.The Great Rift Valley is now known as the Three Realms City, and the city that the lords are now going to build, named the Three Realms City, they simply cannot imagine what the future will be like, but the only thing that is certain is that this will be a magical city. , and they will become citizens of this magical city!
Lauder has never stopped training the militiamen. Although they are still militiamen now, they are by no means militiamen in the ordinary sense. Therefore, no matter how excited they are, they quickly calm down and wait for the lord's next words.

Du Lin was very satisfied with how quickly they calmed down. This was also the reason why she chose to bring the militia in. They all have discipline that is rare in this plane. This is a group of people trained by the rules she formulated. They She has also seen the magic of system architecture, and is the most receptive to what she will come up with in the future, and they are also the most reliable group of people.

For other people, she does not plan to introduce too many people from the Three Realms City, even if it is family members. A new system will be established here, so the management system cannot be the same as the old mechanism, and bring in family management. It will be more troublesome and not conducive to the improvement of physical fitness in the future.

In fact, the physique of the family in the Great Rift Valley is much different from that of other families in this plane. Although there are historical reasons for this, for example, the foundation here was created by her alone, etc., but more importantly, even though it has been They have returned to the clan, but after all, they are separate families, not the same serious family, so they can recognize their own position, and they don't have that kind of common family philosophy.

Of course, she will not completely break away from some systems of this plane. At the right time, she will discard the dross and extract the essence, and reintroduce some things, but not now.

She doesn't need to tell the militiamen about the specific plan of the Three Realms City, she just needs to let them know what they are doing and in what direction, and then arrange what they need to do, but that's it, Du Lin still said It took me a long time to give an overview. Fortunately, she had compiled the regulations before, and the rest only needed to let them get a general understanding first, and then explain them one by one, at least to teach them clearly first.

Thanks to Lauder for training the militiamen, they have mastered simple reading and writing skills over the years, and it is not a problem to understand them first.

Du Lin did not bring the militiamen into the campus area, but returned to the temporary simple room set up before, where the initial studies will be carried out.

It is a long process to explain the regulations a little bit, and after learning the regulations, they also have a process of gradually adapting to life in the campus area. After they are fully adapted, other work can be carried out.

While Du Lin was busy with militia education, she also started another thing, which was to collect future citizens of Three Realms City.

This was the most difficult part. The matter had already been handed over to people outside to handle when she had the plan to build the city. She had already used all the means at her disposal to collect underage intelligent life forms. .

The citizens of the Three Realms City are not limited to humans, this is also a limitation of reality, the population is actually part of the property of the lord, although they appear to be free citizens, but when there is a large-scale movement, it is impossible to follow their wishes, Because they are still included in the property by the lord.

No matter where she is, it is impossible to collect high-quality minors on a large scale. It is not for other reasons. There is only one reason that bothers her. She does not have so much manpower to screen now, so she still has to solve this problem through agents. The problem is, after all, it is impossible for her to accept people who are too closely connected with the outside world to enter the Three Realms City.

In fact, most ordinary people have an inseparable connection with the outside world, so in addition, the quality she needs is also high, which is even more difficult to find. Therefore, even if the number of the first batch of citizens she needs is not large, by now Judging from the feedback, it was beginning to be insufficient, so accepting other races became an expedient measure.

(End of this chapter)

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