Chapter 157
Three Realms City is now a piece of dragon meat that everyone covets, which is both delicious and difficult to chew.The big guys who can now sit in the alliance headquarters are already prepared to pay a certain price. If they want to eat this piece of dragon meat, they will have to invest a lot of effort in the early stage. If it were not for the participation of several major Holy Sees It gave them confidence that they still couldn't have the courage to do so. However, although the total investment was clearly there, the weight allocated to each person could still be negotiated and fought for.

In the face of huge sacrifices, even the big bosses with strong confidence can't help haggling like the aunts who buy vegetables in the vegetable market, and this kind of haggling is gradually escalating into quarrels, and even has a tendency to develop into martial arts.

There was a commotion in the hall, and the voices were getting louder and louder. No one was convinced. Even the Secretary-General who had just been elected with a high vote could not suppress the situation. Just when the situation was about to get out of control, a white light suddenly lit up in the hall. Holy Light, the voice of the pope appeared, suppressing all arguments with a strong posture.

In the Cathedral of the Holy Mountain, the Pope of Light finished his conversation with the big bosses of the alliance. There was no trace of emotion on his indifferent face. He did not have the tough momentum and decisive attitude just now, and his usual demeanor was the same.

"John, this time you have to go to Three Realms City in person, see with your eyes, feel with your heart, fulfill God's will, bring back the most complete news about Three Realms City, and don't be influenced by anyone, understand? The Pope looked at the young man in front of him with a trace of worry. In order to achieve the purpose of testing the details of the Three Realms City, he had to use various forces, so he formed an alliance. However, while the alliance can help to disturb the sight, it will also bring to negative impact.

As God's servants, they are going to accomplish God's will, so it is the only purpose to use all their strength to find out the details of the City of the Three Realms, but John is too simple, and he really does not trust him to do this matter, those forces He couldn't be more clear about the calculations in the minds of these people. In order to achieve their goals, they will definitely include the Holy See. Therefore, what he is most worried about now is that John will be unconsciously influenced by these people, so that he will be blinded and changed. You have to be like most people in the Holy See, so you can't really complete God's mission.

However, this task can only be entrusted to John. Thinking of the pope, he couldn't help feeling depressed, and remembering the extreme hostility towards the Three Realms City in the Holy See, he sighed in his heart. Now the only one with the purest eyes in the Holy See is John. , Too many people are affected by various world situations and cannot truly fulfill God’s mission. They are all limited by their own vision, completely unable to see that they have embarked on the wrong path, and instead violated God’s will.

It's just that these words are useless to John, he can only tell him to remain pure.

John kissed the Pope's ring reverently, "Your Majesty, rest assured, I will definitely complete the task."

The Pope didn't say anything more, and directly handed over the mission plan to John, "The entire main plane will participate in our plan. As the first step of action, you will represent the Holy See to visit the Three Realms City, as the coming light The main characters of the camp victory commemorative festival exchange activities will go to the Three Realms City in person. For your mission, I still have the same requirement. Don't be impatient. Remember that we have a comprehensive plan. You just need to follow the plan and implement it step by step, and you will see Bring back what you hear, what you think of, don’t be confused by these things, don’t add subjective consciousness, remember that you are the eyes and ears of God in this world, but you are not God’s will.”

"Yes, Your Majesty." John saluted reverently. It was the first time he accepted such an important task, and he would surely live up to the entrustment.

The Pope closed his eyes, "Go, the mission plan already contains all the information you need, and don't believe any other information except for disposal."

John left the papal palace and set off with the team that had been prepared.

In the Three Realms City, Du Lin had already received the main situation of the team, including most of the information about the team leader John, the moment John set off.

"The candidate for the next pope is still the one most favored by the current pope." Du Lin couldn't help but smile when looking at the information he had just received. He really spent a lot of money. If he was really careless, he would be betrayed. Misleading, who could have imagined that such an important figure would appear in such an appetizer, and he is not the protagonist, just a cover to attract attention, but who can be sure that this cover has no own plans? .

The intelligence network that has been operated for many years is never ambiguous when it should be used. She has already received the news. Although several Holy Sees are at odds with each other and are always plotting against each other, their general direction is the same, but each one has different plans. The styles of doing things and the means to achieve their goals are also different. The Holy See of Light, which seems to be the gentlest, is actually the most difficult one to deal with.

As far as this commemorative festival is concerned, they sent out enough pretense to attract firepower, which seems to have suffered a big loss, but this move is ultimately beneficial. As far as the layout is concerned, they are the first to act. Now this is just the beginning of the trial stage, and a foreshadowing has already been planted.

However, she was not afraid of any of this.

The exchange group arrived as scheduled. Du Lin, as the overlord who had already become famous, although she hadn't started in name, she no longer participated in this kind of affairs. Even in the capacity of John, only Foreign Affairs Officer Stanley and Xiu However, Xiu Lan disappeared after she showed her face, and only a large number of "officials" from the Three Realms City led by Stanley were really responsible for accompanying them. After all, these people are still in the name of retainers.

The itinerary on the first day was mostly symbolic. Basically, after the meeting between the so-called important people and the Guangming Dragon God, the exchange group was sent to the hotel where they stayed. The real drama was on the second day On the beginning of the visit.

The Three Realms City has had limited communication with the outside world for many years, and there are not many outsiders who can enter the Three Realms City. Even if they can enter, there are very few people who can see the core area like this visit.

Therefore, on the second day, the entire exchange group looked ready to go. Under the leadership of Stanley, the exchange group finally entered the first stop of their itinerary, the school area.

Compared with other areas, the Academy District is the area with the most exchanges with the outside world. From the beginning, it was used as a transit point for new citizens, and later it accepted a certain amount of international students. And because it has just entered the Three Realms City, many family members will come here Visit, generally speaking, the outside world knows a lot about this area.

So although John was surprised by the overall architecture of this area, he didn't feel much shock. For an integrated urban block like the Three Realms City, the shocking power of the information he heard and what he saw with his own eyes is incomparable.

But when John entered the core of the school district, that is, the academy, he was finally shocked.Under Stanley's explanation, the school buildings they first looked at were okay, but when they saw the fully automatic teaching system, they were all stunned, and a sense of crisis followed.

Under this model, cultivating talents in large quantities is not a problem. As a senior member of the Holy See, John's vision is quite broad. He clearly knows that this means danger, and the sense of crisis in his heart cannot stop rising. But then he remembered that the Pope was He said what he said before leaving, and his heart gradually calmed down. Yes, he is here as the eyes of God. He does not need to have his own emotions, let alone let such emotions affect his judgment.

Can be selected by the Pope to carry out this task, John's psychological control is excellent, he calmed down almost instantly, and he was talking with Stanley about teaching with a happy face.

The exchange group then visited the main industrial area and saw the production process of the products in the Three Realms City, which is regarded as a treasure by the outside world. Compared with this scene, this scene was even more shocking. All the members of the exchange group were dumbfounded, but John did not In his eyes, the creation of so-called wealth has never been in his eyes. In comparison, he cares more about what he saw in the school district just now.

But the people in the whole exchange group obviously had different ideas from him. After the day's visit, they all discussed this issue when they returned to the residence, which made John finally understand the Pope's concerns.

After the three-day visit, the exchange activities officially started. They were all innocuous activities. Both parties knew that it was meaningless, but they continued step by step. The atmosphere seemed much more lively.

And under this appearance, the real goal is also being achieved step by step. The actions of the exchange group think they are done secretly, but Du Lin sees everything that is true.

It's just that she doesn't care, everything is planned, everyone has their own plan, and everything is going smoothly, everyone seems to have achieved their own plan, so everyone is very satisfied, and because of this smooth False appearances made some impatient people start to speed up the progress of the plan, and naturally flaws began to appear.

The exchange activities will last for two months, and before the end of the first month, someone has already planted spies in the Three Realms City, and tried to control a few unremarkable officials without anyone noticing it as a last resort.

For this kind of action, Du Lin started to deal with it according to her own standards. Of course, she didn't forget to leave them a few fish that slipped through the net as observation points in the future.

This is a long-term plan. After decades, it seems that the relationship between the Three Realms City and the main plane has begun to warm up. The name Three Realms City has also appeared in the ears of people on the main plane more and more, because the With a unique power system, a large number of foreign students have poured into the Three Realms City.However, because this kind of teaching was conducted in the Great Rift Valley back then, the Three Realms City responded quite well, and combined with the promotion of the agricultural system of the Three Realms City, through this method, it can bring practical benefits to the largest number of free citizens and can be used in the largest number of people. The promotion of the Three Realms City activities within the scope, the Three Realms City is finally no longer the mysterious city full of wealth in everyone's eyes, but gradually accepted by the new generation, and has become a maverick city, nothing more, just like It exists like the forest of elves, capital of mermaids, or dragon island.

On the other hand, the Three Realms City is no longer that iron barrel-like city. There are countless eyeliners left over from a large number of foreign exchanges, and almost all the forces of all parties have their own hidden stakes in the Three Realms City.

The situation has finally reached a critical point. Du Lin has a bird's-eye view of the entire Three Realms City from the system space, and sorts out all the information at the same time, finally determining this point in time.

The passionate love period brought about by this kind of "exchange" has finally reached the limit that can be accommodated, and will soon face an inflection point, and this direction is something she needs to personally control.

At present, in order to achieve the goal of controlling the Three Realms City, the alliance has tolerated her external publicity and communication, and now their power in the Three Realms City has reached the amount they think they can act, not to mention the prestige of the Three Realms City in the outside world. Having reached the limit of what they could bear, the changes were about to begin, and of course, she was confident in herself.

(End of this chapter)

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