Rebirth of the strongest lord system

Chapter 16 The Second Battle

Chapter 16 The First Battle

Now these so-called heir disputes are nothing more than smoke bombs released by the king to conceal the real purpose, and Du Lin knows that she is unfortunately one of them.Thinking of this, she felt much lighter. Being treated as a smoke bomb is nothing more than facing the attacks of other competitors, but what the king is actually pursuing is to achieve a balance among these competitors. Now that she is weak, the king will support her vigorously. She, this shareholder wind can also be borrowed.

While she was happy, she couldn't help feeling that the king was really calculating. Anyway, he had to spend a share of resources to support a person, but now he could guide the hearts of the people and act as a smoke bomb. It really killed two birds with one stone and was environmentally friendly and efficient.

Just as he was engrossed in his thoughts, Lauder entered the hall from the outside, "Sir, according to your instructions, the team for going out has been prepared. This time, let Da Jin go out with you, what do you think?"

Du Lin took one look at Lauder's calm expression and felt reassured. From an uninformed perspective, the tame birds were not noticeable.

Smiling slightly, she said: "Okay, the territory will be handed over to you for this period of time."

Lauder bent down to salute, and didn't say any more polite words. He really wanted to take responsibility for the territory, and he must not let the territory go into trouble.

At noon, under the protection of the five wasteland militiamen and the guard leader Dajin, Du Lin, who is now the baron of the wasteland, left the Great Rift Valley on a tame bird, and walked into the wilderness of peace that was covered by the sky of the undead and left only endless darkness middle.

The thick cloak and the deep hood tightly wrapped Du Lin's body. Her small body lay on the ostrich's back, her legs were embraced by the ostrich's wings, and her whole body was almost buried in the soft feathers of the ostrich. Take shelter from the biting wind.

Affected by the undead sky, the Anxi Wasteland is not covered with thick snow as in previous years, and still retains the withered grass left when the natural disaster broke out, but the temperature is several times colder than on the snowy land, and there is no bright sky. The temperature in the wasteland is at least [-] degrees below zero, and the only advantage is that you can still see the path under the withered grass.

But in the completely dark world covered by the canopy of the undead, this advantage is not obvious.The lantern plant that Du Lin exchanged from the system floated in the air and followed the fast-running ostrich all the way, and the faint moonlight it emitted illuminated the road ahead.

The light of the lantern plant was too dim, and human vision could only vaguely see a few meters away. However, the light emitted by the lantern plant was of the shadow attribute, which did not attract the attention of the undead. At this moment, she simply closed her eyes and only watched from the system. Observe the outside environment on the map.

There were sporadic undead wandering in the wasteland, which did not pose a threat. Even if they occasionally approached, they would be kicked to pieces by the running tame birds. After the entire flock of birds trampled on them, only bones and scum were left. After all attributes were enhanced, The body strength of the tame bird has been increased by almost ten times in all attributes. Besides, even the tamed bird that has not been strengthened can kill the beast with one kick. Now the elementary undead does not pose any threat to it.

The tamed birds running wildly in power were extremely fast. After six hours, they had reached the outskirts of Lihua Town, and the tamed birds were still breathing evenly and vigorously.The original taming birds needed to rest at this time even though their stamina was superior. Dajin originally planned that the first rest point was Lihua Town, but seeing that the taming birds were still in good condition, he ordered the birds to slow down and approach Du Lin said beside her: "My lord, we have arrived at the originally planned rest point. Shall we rest?"

Du Lin sat up from Taming Bird's back, lifted up his hood, and looked at the approaching Lihua Town and sneered in her heart, "No need, Taming Bird's physical strength can last until the next rest point."

On the edge of the small map of the system, there are a large number of undead densely wandering in the location belonging to the small town of Pear Blossom. Among them are some high-level undead who should not appear on the main plane at this stage. It seems that the assassination operation has already begun.

Dai Jin did not doubt that he was there, but instead admired Du Lin for being such a young lady who was not afraid of hard work. She even began to feel proud of her own lord, without even realizing that her enhanced bird-taming abilities were powerful.

The time it takes to reach the next rest point here is another full six hours. Of course, this is the previous calculation. Now the speed of the ostrich has improved a lot. It only takes four hours to reach it. Even so, it can run for ten hours continuously. His mount is already too against the sky.He had the same idea as the other five militiamen, and only thought that the same should be true for ostriches whose blood was stimulated through the legendary magic circle.

The ostrich that had slowed down started to run again amidst the whistle of the shepherd, galloping past the periphery of Lihua Town, leaving only a cloud of smoke and dust.

As the flock of tame birds rushed away, the undead in Lihua Town seemed to have lost their restraint suddenly. They left from the hiding place one after another, and continued to wander by instinct. However, a few high-level undead that should not have appeared suddenly appeared Disappeared, as if someone had canceled the call in advance.

In a room in Stormwind Castle, a black-robed mage murmured with a blue face: "I didn't go in. Is it because I was lucky or because I was hiding..." The mage forcibly interrupted for fear of being discovered. Eye magic caused his magic power to surge and became very uncomfortable.

Before the magic power calmed down, he immediately came to the front of the table and wrote, "The target set off today, much earlier than normal time, and the speed is very fast. The ambush I set in Lihua Town has not been touched. I don't know if the target has been seen through or not." Entering the town of Lihua, you set up an ambush on the road..."

The trainer flock ran all the way across the wilderness, and kept resting for less than four hours a day for several days. No matter whether they ate or slept, they settled on their backs early. The birds all lost weight.

However, hard work also pays off. As long as they advance another [-] miles, they will be able to leave the area covered by the undead sky and feel the natural sunlight again.

Seeing that the light was approaching, Du Lin intentionally slowed down her progress. The flock of taming birds were slowly marching on the wilderness. She also changed her previous posture of lying on the back of the birds and sat up straight.

Da Jin was puzzled, sat up next to Du Lin and asked, "My lord, are you feeling unwell?"

Du Lin shook her head, "No, just recover your strength for the next battle."

"Fight?" Dajin was startled, and quietly attached his weapon to his hand. While forcing himself to calm down, he couldn't help but look around. However, the range of lantern grass illumination was limited and he couldn't see anything at all, but he was still very nervous, "Sir , what is the situation, are there high-level undead or orcs?"

Du Lin was satisfied with Da Jin's reaction. Generally speaking, she was quite calm, and it was unrealistic to ask for more. She could try to cultivate her, so she deliberately mentioned: "Why are we traveling so fast?"

Da Jin's youthful face was troubled, he wanted to say that he wanted to rush to the imperial capital as soon as possible to thank His Majesty for his support, but since your lord asked, it must not be that simple.He didn't have much experience in his young mind, so he couldn't figure out why, but when he thought about his actions carefully, it seemed that there was something unusual.

Du Lin paused for a moment, then continued without waiting for Dajin's answer: "The situation outside is very complicated now. If you don't take advantage of the situation to rise, you will be used as a stepping stone in the big wave and then be destroyed. I don't want to die yet, so I can only Climb up." After she said that, she glanced at Dai Jin who was thoughtful and smiled, "You just need to know that our current existence blocks the way of some people. Even though everything seems harmonious on the surface, my future There is no limit, but in fact we are in crisis everywhere now. There are only a few of us left in the Dak family. You, Lauder, and Xiao Jin are my only arms. We are struggling in this huge wave. Whether we sink or float is a matter of course. It depends on how we perform.”

Da Jin's face was pale. It turns out that the situation of the adults is not as good as it looks on the outside, but he is not afraid, but feels faintly excited. What the adults said is right, now we are in a big wave, it depends on whether it sinks or floats How to act.

He looked at Du Lin with a frenzy in his eyes, and said in a low voice: "My lord, we will definitely do our best, and the Dak family will definitely take advantage of the momentum!" As for the battle ahead, it must be someone who wants to trample them under their feet !
Du Lin knew that Da Jin regarded the ambush in front as those who wanted to step on the Dak family, but it didn't matter. She didn't bother to explain, Da Jin's small ambitions were as she expected. The three people in the book carefully analyze their characters and potentials.

Needless to say, in terms of loyalty, there is a guarantee of 12 points. Leaving aside the subjective emotional aspect, their backgrounds are very clear, and they will not betray because of other drags.Their identities are vassals of the Dake family, and vassals can be servants or retainers. In fact, the Dake family has long been united with servants and servants because they are too small.

Judging from the current situation, they must be the core of the future retainers. Based on the achievements she has achieved on the path she wants to take, as long as she is not a fool, she will not betray, because betrayal will not bring huge benefits. No matter where they go, they will There will be no better prospects. In fact, for most people, the foreseeable good prospects are far more important than the current big profit.After all, no one would reuse a traitorous retainer.

The important thing now is their ability. Lauder is old, but he handles affairs safely and meticulously, and is familiar with the situation of the entire territory. He is a good hand in command of the affairs of the territory; His personality seems calm, but she has always known that he is a very motivated person, at least he can cultivate himself into a magic apprentice with his low magic talent, which shows that he is not satisfied with the status quo.

Dai Jin is not a good male servant. Although he does his job very well, he is not a good male servant because he is restless.But judging from the current situation, he is a good retainer material for a developing family.The development of the family coincides with his ambition to rise to the top. At present, his mind is not bad, and his abilities can be cultivated.

The flock of taming birds moved forward at a gentle speed. In the past few days, Du Lin had given the impression that once the flock of taming birds slowed down, they would stop and rest. Even the accompanying militiamen thought so. At this moment, they had already They started to arrange how to set up camp with each other, and they seemed very relaxed.

The enemy was waiting for this moment. On Du Lin's small map, she could clearly see six red dots representing killing intent approaching rapidly. She lowered her head and raised her eyebrows. The lord system is only at level one, and the detection range of the small map is far from advanced. The range of professionals is large.

But the system also has its advantages. With a confident smile, she asked Kaka, "Are you ready? Cooperate with me."

"Of course." Kaka's voice was indifferent, but she knew that this was Kaka's serious temperament.

(End of this chapter)

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