Rebirth of the strongest lord system

Chapter 2 Find Your Sister

Chapter 2 Find Your Sister

The conversation was temporarily stuck at this point. Melissa wanted to be like her previous life, and the timing of bringing out the so-called "life experience" in her speech had been destroyed by Du Lin. Naturally, she would not say anything more at this moment, and continued to pretend to be her lady, almost speaking easily. After easing the atmosphere, everyone's attention was successfully shifted to the natural disaster of the undead.

When Du Lin saw the trick, she immediately showed the panic of an ignorant little lord about the natural disaster of the undead and leaving the territory. Her hesitant behavior made Master Engel extremely bored. Before setting off, would Du Lin organize the villagers to go along with her, and then took his students to the guest room to rest.

After the five people were settled, the old housekeeper came to Du Lin's room and said worriedly: "My lord, do you really want to follow them away?"

Du Lin flipped through the suicide note left by her adoptive father with a calm expression on her face, completely devoid of the hesitation and panic she had shown just now in the hall.

Putting the suicide note on hold, she smiled slightly, "Lauder, what do you think of this matter?"

"This..." Lauder hesitated in his heart. Originally, he wanted to remonstrate, but he didn't seem to want to leave the village in this way, so he tried to say: "My lord, it's strange for them to come, why don't we take advantage of it?" In time, I will send people to the wasteland to investigate and see if there are any signs of natural disasters." In terms of understanding of the wasteland, no one in the empire can match him.

Du Lin is very satisfied. Now it seems that Lauder is not only loyal, but also has a good IQ, so he can help her.

In her previous life, she was just a baby who came to this otherworldly continent, Xiaobai. Getting along with her since she was a child can confirm the butler's loyalty, but she really doesn't know what his IQ is.

In her previous life, she believed Melissa's words and thought she was the "wandering" daughter of the Duke of Ota, so she organized the whole village to follow them all the way to the imperial capital, but they would not allow her to bring her own people, so Under the Star Fortress, they found an excuse to place them there, and only let her go to the imperial capital alone.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look gloomy. After the undead natural disaster broke out, the frontline Stormwind Fortress was once breached, and the undead army attacked all the way to the Star Fortress. None of the more than [-] men, women, children and men who were placed there in the Ostrich Village survived.

This is the eternal guilt in her heart. If the people in the Ostrich Village still stayed in the village, they wouldn't have such a tragic end.The Anxi wasteland is so big, it is not without reason that the first generation of lords built the village here.In order to prevent the orcs from invading, the Ostrich Village was built in the narrow gourd-shaped rift valley of Tiebi Mountain. The steep Tiebi Mountain is a natural barrier, and a strong wall has been built at the entrance and exit of the gourd mouth on the wasteland side. And the Arrow Tower, due to the limitation of the terrain, there are only a few places available for attack. Even if you have a million troops, there will still be a hundred or so people who can participate in the battle. It can be described as a model that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

What's more, if you take a step back, once the village wall is lost, the villagers can retreat to the bottom of the gourd. The castle of the Duck family is built on the waist of the gourd. The castle and Tiebei Mountain are integrated into one, which is artificial and artificial. With the perfect combination of natural danger, when the orcs invaded in large numbers, the Dark family defended the castle with two hundred private soldiers.At that time, the orcs were unable to attack for a long time. They would rather attack Stormwind Fortress, a behemoth with a hundred thousand troops stationed there, than to chew on this hard bone. Although this is related to the fact that there is not much wealth in Dark Castle, it is enough to prove the geography of Dark Castle. Advantage.

No matter how bad it is, there is still a narrow path leading directly to the hinterland of the empire in the Great Rift Valley. Although the road is too small and has no strategic meaning, it is still possible for the villagers to escape, at least not one of them will be unable to escape.Compared with the flat plain under the Xingchen Fortress, which has no danger to defend and is blocked by the fortress, the geographical location of the Ostrich Village is more than a million times better.

Lauder didn't know what Du Lin was thinking, but seeing her face was not good, he thought she was afraid of the natural disaster of the undead, so he tried to persuade him: "My lord, don't worry too much, even if the natural disaster breaks out, the initial undead are all low-level The stragglers are nothing more than a threat, and we have time to take refuge in the hinterland of the empire from Yixiantian."

After hearing his words, Du Lin felt even more uncomfortable, and waved her hand: "You go to rest first, I have already made a plan in my heart, and I will not leave after all, but you must pay attention to those people, don't say it out loud. The wind goes."

After Lauder left, Du Lin looked up the suicide note left by her adoptive father. The starting point of the Horta family's conspiracy was this suicide note. Don't listen to the stranger's one-sided words, and identify her as the daughter of the Duke of Ota based on the same birthmark.

But she also knew that her adoptive father really loved her and would never lie to her. After several days of inspection, the authenticity of the suicide note was beyond doubt, so what is the problem?

There will be no problem with the adoptive father, the problem can only come from the source of the news. After thinking about it for the past few days, she really found some doubts that were ignored in her previous life.

The adoptive father, Baron Duck, said in his suicide note that the Duchess fled alone because the Otta family was affected by the succession of the throne. In order to avoid being hunted down, she had to hide her identity and marry him. The girl she gave birth to was Du Lin.Later, the power of the Duke was stabilized, and when the Duchess learned about it, she left Du Lin and returned to the imperial capital without saying goodbye.

Ten years later, Baron Duck found that his daughter was completely different from him in appearance and talent, but was very similar to the Otta family, one of the magical families, in some characteristics. The biological daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Ota told his daughter about her life experience through a suicide note only because he was old, weak and alone at the time, and he was reluctant to leave her daughter.

Things seemed reasonable, and she couldn't see what the problem was at all back then, but now that she has relived her life, her experience is naturally different, so after careful study, doubts still emerged.

Not to mention that the Ota family is one of the top nobles, how can such things as family characteristics be easily spread to the outside world, at least she has lived in the imperial capital for so many years and has never heard of outsiders mentioning any family characteristics.The characteristics of a general family can only be partially circulated in the close aristocratic circle, and it is by no means to the extent that it is known on the street.

To give a simple example, in the modern age of advanced information flow, do people all over the world know how many moles the President of the United States has on his feet, and more importantly, does anyone care about this? How can gossip that no one cares about spread.So the fact that Duke Ota has a birthmark on his butt that is exactly the same as her foot, is it something that a little nobleman, Baron Duck, can know.

And even if it is something that is known on the street, Baron Duck, who lives in a remote area that is almost isolated from the world + with otaku attribute MAX, can't find out.In her memory, the baron only left Ostrich Village once when she was ten years old, and he should have inquired about this matter at that time, but at that time he left the housekeeper at home to take care of her, not because she despised herself But without the help of a fairly capable housekeeper, the terrain of Ostrich Village is like a saw-mouthed gourd, and the completely uncommunicative Baron Duck can find out any information, and the only thing he can easily inquire about is Someone deliberately let him know the news.

I'm afraid that the Otta family knew that Baron Duck had already conspired after inquiring about this matter, so they released such a news in order to lure her into the game when needed.

Of course, this dead end will not jump again. If it is not for the lack of strength, she really wants to kill them directly.

At this time, there was a light knock on the door. Although Du Lin didn't have a small map to assist her, she knew it was Melissa. People knew that she had been here, so they couldn't hold on for long. Sure enough, within ten seconds, the outside was quiet again.

At breakfast time the next day, Du Lin saw the group of five again in the restaurant.With the same attitude as yesterday, Professor Engel once again mentioned the matter of leaving. Of course, he didn't care about Du Lin's choice, but he just fulfilled an obligation to inform, and they couldn't delay the time.

But Melissa, who has other purposes, will not let the plan fail. The main purpose of her coming to this low-level trial site is to bring Du Lin back. Therefore, when Du Lin hesitated and said that she still wanted to wait and see, she could only proceed ahead of time. The next step is to plan, I didn't talk to Du Lin last night, and I have to get things done today.

Melissa smiled slightly and looked at Du Lin tenderly, "I think you look very friendly. I wonder if you are related to the Pansy family. My mother is also from this family."

Du Lin secretly came here, the first step is to find a topic on appearance, and deliberately guide the so-called kinship, and then introduce the topic, the same routine as in the previous life.

Sure enough, after Du Lin dealt with it a few words, Melissa finally pretended to inadvertently brush her hair to reveal the hexagram birthmark on her neck.

Du Lin secretly thought that it was coming, and responded with all the energy in her heart, but she didn't give any reaction at all on the face, and continued to calmly pretend to be hesitant.Melissa, who has already shown her trump card but has not received any effect, shows a crack in her perfect expression. According to her plan, Du Lin should also mention that she has the same birthmark, but now that stupid woman is completely unreasonable. Card.

Melissa was very annoyed, she was in a stalemate for a while, but no one seemed to notice her abnormality, she let go of her hand, and a drop of soup spilled from the spoon, leaving a stain on her snow-white mage robe.

"Du Lin, can you accompany me to your room for a visit."

Du Lin knew her trick, and what she meant by this sentence was to find a reasonable excuse to leave the table and change clothes. Of course, she had to accompany her out of politeness, but she had no intention of recognizing her, so she immediately shouted in embarrassment: "That's so rude. There are no maids in the castle, so let the butler guide you."

This action attracted the attention of everyone at the table. Such a low-level mistake would never occur in the table manners of a young lady, especially Melissa, who has always been perfect.

Melissa finally lost her composure. If Du Lin knew her and they left together quickly, no one would care at all. Moreover, what did Du Lin mean by that? He didn't even intend to go out with her. He said that he didn't have a maid. It made her embarrassed to persist any longer, otherwise she would be using Du Lin as a maid. If this was true, her long-standing reputation would be ruined in an instant.

But now she was riding a tiger with difficulty, and she couldn't help but regret it. In order to make the plan more perfect, she deliberately found unrelated people to accompany her, making many things that couldn't be done too obvious. She was really tying her own hands.Now it is obviously impossible to "naturally" discover that they are sisters. It was also her carelessness that she rested like this without talking to Du Lin at night. Professor Engel must have left immediately after breakfast, and she didn't. Reasons for procrastination.

In this case, we can only do the next best thing. Melissa's face quickly changed to a sad expression, "Du Lin, actually I have something to say to you alone."

Du Lin continued to be ignorant, "Oh, it's okay, there are no outsiders here."

Melissa was choked by the sentence that no outsiders are really a big killer. After thinking about it, she simply broke the jar. Anyway, this news will be released sooner or later, so she said directly and pitifully: "Since there are no outsiders, Then I will say, in fact, you are my sister, and your parents, like me, are the Duke and Duchess of Ota."

(End of this chapter)

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