Chapter 52 Trapped
The members of Dake's family had just recovered some strength, and it was the time when their confidence was bursting. No one asked any questions, but only made a few small suggestions on tactics. After Du Lin thought it made sense, he improved them one by one. After packing up , Du Lin left the Great Rift Valley with the Knights.

Not long after arriving outside the valley, Du Lin met people from the Stormwind Fortress who came to join her. She had doubts in her heart. This time, it was another three knights she didn't know. There will be a fixed regiment that clears up the undead in this area, and people who are familiar with the terrain are needed for search and rescue. It is completely abnormal to give up the knights who are familiar with the terrain of this area even though they have found a guide.

But she couldn't say anything directly. When talking to them, the three heads of the regiment were also dull and silent. With a clear mind, he only talked to the chief person in charge, Hierro, in a simple manner, and talked about the upcoming tasks in a business-like manner.

Hierro has detailed information about the mission. It is said that the objects to be searched and rescued this time are the students of the Imperial Academy of Magic and Martial Arts. They came here privately to support the fight against the natural disaster of the undead. In a ruin on the Anxi Wasteland, they are now besieged by the undead. According to the last distress message sent back, they can't hold on for long.

"So, Baron Dark, this matter is up to you. The undead sky has seriously affected the positioning function. We can't find out where they are sitting. We can only use the description in the letter they sent back. There is a red rock. The ruins are three days away from Stormwind Fortress." Hierro said very decently.

Du Lin didn't say much, but reported several ruins with descriptions and similarities within the range in a business-like manner, and then led the team to search for them one by one.She always felt that the general manager was weird, a bit like a eunuch, but he looked very male, and it didn't look like he was missing parts. Besides, eunuchs are not popular in this world. This sense of disobedience is so strong that she doesn't want to get close to this person.

The three knights brought by Hierro are all elite groups. The team's extermination of the undead is like chopping melons and vegetables. The speed of opening the road is very fast, but their luck is not good. Trapped students.

The first day passed like this. At night, they camped on the spot and just took a short rest. On the second day, they continued to search on the road. They found two ruins in succession, but they still couldn't find them. They were exhausted. Du Lin gradually felt something wrong in her heart, so she went Talk to Hierro.

"These are the only four nearby ruins with this feature. Although there are other ruins that are made of red rock, they all have more obvious characteristics, and they are generally not described in this way. I think, maybe the information passed by the students It was originally wrong, they should be in a farther place, I remember that there is a ruin that fits this description very well in a place four days away from here."

Hierro smiled lightly, "Baron Duck is the guide, and you are in charge of leading the way. I'm only in charge of fighting."

For some reason, Du Lin got goosebumps all over her body, and always felt that he was weird, "In this case, let's go, the road there is not too close."

The team set off again, and Du Lin quickly found the right location this time, because the undead here became denser, which was very consistent with the letter sent back by the students saying that the density of undead was very high.

The danger of the battle increased, and the Bird Taming Knights, which had been protected in the center of the team, had to participate in the battle. Some high-level undeads even rushed to the center of the team, and there was no danger at will, but Du Lin found that Hierro's color changed from the small map. , from hostile yellow to dangerous red.

The battle became more intense, and the undead became denser as we went forward, and the level of the undead generally increased. Finally, we saw the shadow of the ruins from a distance, and also saw a few brightly colored cloaks hanging on the ruins. No doubt here.

Hearing the sound of fighting, several students crawled out of the ruins one after another, and while coordinating the attack on the undead, they tried to get closer to this side. Seeing this, the three knights rushed at full speed, and Du Lin's Bird Trainer Knights were unconsciously left behind. He got behind and was squeezed further and further away by the undead.

A cold look flashed in Du Lin's eyes. She wasn't afraid of that alone.

However, at this time, something happened again, and the knights fought more and more fiercely as they moved forward, and even showed a tendency to be invincible, and finally retreated in another direction!
As soon as the knights retreated, all the pressure fell on Du Lin's bird trainer knights. In such a place with high density of undead, it was difficult to take advantage of the bird trainer's speed. Although the knights resisted with all their strength, they couldn't move an inch.

Du Lin looked at all this with cold eyes, and secretly signaled to the knights not to reveal the old situation, and first pretended to be invincible and called for help. Hierro commanded the three knights to counterattack once in a hurry, but they were defeated even more Hurry up, they disappeared very quickly, Du Lin sneered, the same trick kept coming, it was really perfunctory, but fortunately she had already improved her strength, otherwise she would really have confessed here.

Malfurion came to Du Lin's side, "I think the defeat is quite real. This time the level is different. Even if some experts came to check the battle traces afterwards, they couldn't see anything."

Du Lin raised her eyebrows, "Been a robber before?"

"Oh." Malfurion sneered, "I didn't do it seriously, I just took a part-time job when I was a mercenary."

Du Lin smiled, "Don't hide your talents, I'm short of people, and I'll take up an errand in the Public Security Department when I get back."

Malfurion suddenly had a sad face. Now everyone is busy studying magic to restore strength, and he found himself another job. Although there are not many things in the Public Security Department, he can't just throw them away, right? First train a group of people.

Just thinking about how to take over, he suddenly found someone approaching, "Huh?" He pointed to the team that appeared in the distance, "Is this another rescue team?"

Du Lin watched the team that had been following her since the Great Rift Valley appear, "Well, the First Knights, I know this one."

But before Malfurion could say that he was saved, the Knights who just appeared to save people were defeated at a faster speed than they appeared, and his jaw almost dropped in shock, "This defeat Be more professional."

Du Lin was expressionless. She must be trapped, or is it more appropriate to wait for death?After confirming from the small map that all the nearby humans had run away, she shouted: "There are all of them, charge forward, and target the ruins."

The entire aura of the Bird Taming Knights changed, and the demonized bird tamer automatically turned into a gust of airflow, pushing the surrounding undead back far away, taking advantage of this distance to charge forward with big strides, Everyone on the taming bird released the touch of the void in unison, and countless shadow tentacles drilled out from the ground, trapping the undead in place. rushed to the ruins.

Going up to the ruins and looking down, Malfurion took the lead in rhythmically releasing the low-level light attack spell Punishment Strike, preventing the undead from attacking and stabilizing the situation little by little.

Du Lin glanced at the students who were either dumbfounded or crying uncontrollably, feeling powerless for a while, "Okay, let's go into the ruins first, staying outside is too much hatred." After all, regardless of their reactions, directly enter among the ruins.

As soon as Du Lin came in, she realized that there were only a handful of people who went out, and there were more than [-] people resting in the ruins, and she found two acquaintances at a glance. They were the ones who accompanied Melissa to the Great Rift Valley. Jennifer and Darren, two people with such identities are also here, which really surprised her.

The two people with tired faces also recognized Du Lin, both of them were surprised, but before they could say hello, the students who had been outside had already come in, and after crying, they immediately told what happened just now with a loud voice to the crowd.

When they heard that two rescue teams had come and ran away, the students were extremely sad. Some girls were already crying, but more people looked at Du Lin.

Du Lin immediately looked innocent, "I'm a guide, they just ran away and threw me here."

Jennifer let out a burst of laughter, which seemed to stir up the atmosphere, and most of the students laughed along with them, feeling a little bit like a fallen person from the end of the world. The atmosphere was finally not as depressing as before. They all retreated in little by little, leaving only a few people outside to prevent the undead from attacking.

Jennifer is the leader here, and she took the initiative to invite Du Lin to sit on her blanket, with a look of surprise on her face, "I didn't expect it to be you."

Du Lin was even more curious, "Why are you here? To be honest, based on your status, how could it be my turn? Countless masters should turn the rest of the wilderness over and look for it like crazy."

Hearing the depressed look on Jennifer's face, "Don't mention it, who knows that the situation in this dilapidated place is still changing. When I first came in, I was still able to send messages to the outside, but then the undead sky became stronger, so people couldn't communicate with each other." There was a summons from outside, and mine was no exception, I lied to come out, and now my family thought I was going to a friend's house for vacation, so why did they come here to look for me."

"Then how did you send out the distress message?" Didn't it mean that the summons were invalid? Besides, since you can send it out for help, why not go directly to your home, that would be much safer.

Jennifer laughed instead, "Also, it's all thanks to Lina's Xiaohua. We were all trapped at the time and couldn't send any news. At that time, Lina didn't want Xiaohua to die here with us, so she wrote a letter The suicide note was placed on Xiao Hua's body, and Xiao Hua was released. At that time, she only thought that Xiao Hua could dig a hole to avoid the undead, but she didn't expect Xiao Hua to be really upbeat, so she ran all the way home. She found the suicide note at home, and then she found someone to rescue us. " Seeing Du Lin's confused face, she explained: "Xiaohua is a flame mouse. The little thing is small and runs fast. I'm usually blind, but I didn't expect it to run out."

Du Lin also found it interesting. The flame mouse has been digging holes in the ground for a long time, and its eyes have long since degenerated. Even if the light is sufficient, it can't see clearly. I didn't expect this to be an advantage. There is no light under the undead sky. What night? Vision is useless, not to mention that you can find your way without using your eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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