Chapter 55 Going Further

Although Du Lin returned to the castle, this group of students is very important to her, and she has been paying attention to their movements. Now when she received a report of the conflict in the tavern, she immediately knew it, "Lauder, order someone to go over and ask Handle it harmoniously." After that, she smiled, this matter is to be handled harmoniously, "Don't forget to follow the previous arrangement."

Lauder has been in secret contact with Du Lin these days, and has prepared a plan long ago. Now that the time has come, he immediately understands and goes down to deal with this matter. According to the previous instructions of the adults, to get along with Mui, no matter what, first Let's talk about it again.

Because arrangements had been made long ago, this conflict was quickly quelled, but under Lauder's deliberate inducement, the controversy brought about by this incident was obvious. Fans with brains believed that Princess Catherine was not wrong at all, while the victim They think that Princess Catherine is doing bad things on purpose. As for the role of Princess Catherine in this rescue incident, under Du Lin's careful guidance, most of the general public already have their own opinions in their hearts, that is, Princess Catherine is a boudoir woman. , She has no commanding talent at all but directs blindly. After all, her reputation in the past is too good, and the fixed impression is not so easy to change.

And there is also a judgment based on "common sense" in the public mind. It is undeniable that Princess Catherine is indeed a genius in magic, but no one is perfect. She is already so outstanding in magic and has every advantage, but she is a bit idiotic in other aspects. is reasonable.In addition, people are already skeptical about perfect affairs, but now that this incident has come out, it seems to be very reasonable. Even Princess Catherine's supporters, although they argue on the surface, most of them agree in their hearts that she has no command. To do such a thing.

The conflict in the tavern was not a big deal, but under the deliberate arrangement of Du Lin, a tycoon, this matter spread at a fast speed, and even the entire empire knew about it.

But this is not enough. Du Lin knows that this does not have much impact on Lina, but this is just a foreshadowing. Such a powerful opponent needs to be dealt with bit by bit. This is just pulling her down from the altar first step.

The rescued students were mentally exhausted, and their parents were also frightened after this trip, so in a few days, they were going back to the imperial capital. Du Lin, as the host, warmly entertained them in the castle.

At the send-off reception after the meal, most of the students were drunk, and gathered together in twos and threes to talk heartfelt words. The experience of living and dying together made them find the feeling of life-and-death friendship for the first time, and also realized what it means to be a friend. Growing up, so they have too many emotions to say, especially after they are drunk, they have no worries about face, and they will pour out their hearts and souls when they see everyone.

Jennifer was also a little drunk, but she was much better than the others. She took Du Lin to sit together and said some emotional words.

Du Lin has a good impression of Jennifer. Although this girl doesn't look so extravagant, she is indeed convincing, and this responsibility is something she didn't have at this age.And she also knows in her heart that the matter against Linna can go so smoothly, but it can reach such a level of influence in a few days, and Jennifer's credit is indispensable for it.

It is not her personality to hide and hide the people she thinks she can be friends with, and she is not stingy with words of thanks. Jennifer is already a little drunk, and she just smiles when she hears the words of thanks.

"Where is it that I helped you? How can she offend me? A woman like me is small-minded. Besides, if you really want to talk about thanks, I have to thank you. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to go back. Come on, let me tell you the truth, we were at the end of our ropes at that time, and the strings in everyone's minds had already been stretched tightly, and it would not take long before they would be broken."

Du Lin really didn't think about this, "I think everyone is in a good mood. Besides, I was also trapped in it at the time. At most, I was saving myself. I really can't accept your thank you."

Jennifer waved her hand, and said with drunken eyes: "Really, I think you are a person who can get along with you, so I don't want to be polite to you. To be honest, I was timid at the time. I was trapped for so long, and everyone was a little supportive." I can't stop, you are also a practical person. Once everyone's hearts collapse in that kind of place, there is no way out for us. Although your arrival at that time did not save everyone from getting out, there were new people joining, and you were so Calm down, everyone's hearts are relaxed again, not to mention, we are finally able to come out thanks to your blessing, so don't be polite to me about this, I owe you a favor after all."

After saying this, Du Lin didn't evade any more. If she said too much, it would appear hypocritical. Everyone tacitly knew it, and it was enough to let others know that you knew it well.

No matter what, she still wanted to thank Jennifer for helping her push the flames. After all, the most sensible thing to do was to pretend that this incident had not happened. From what she knew about Jennifer's behavior over the years, she took over the matter temporarily in a rational and generous manner. This was her usual style. Lina's finger was not pointed at her. She was just accidentally injured. She would still get a favor when the time came.

Therefore, Jennifer's act of immediate revenge is definitely to repay her Du Lin's favor. Helping her this way is not only offending a strong man, but also giving up a favor and cutting off a way out in the future.

The students were gone, and the Rift Valley seemed to resume its usual pace, but many people did not rest, and neither did Du Lin.

The matter of whether Princess Catherine is really stupid or pretending to be stupid has not calmed down. Usually, it is not convenient for everyone to mention it in the fortress, but in the Great Rift Valley, the reception will still be a gossip. It reached the ears of the two brothers and sisters of the Holy Church family.

Quentin and Valentia are not kids anymore, they should know a little bit at this age, especially since they come from this kind of family, and they were precociously educated, but parents always don’t want negative information to spread to their children’s ears , so the two of them don't know that their mother's reputation is not very good recently, but Du Lin needs them to know, but it is not easy to pass the information in without anyone noticing, and she also waited for a long time before finding an opportunity .

The two siblings are well protected. One is the proud son of heaven that everyone admires. Their never-tainted lives make them less able to withstand negative news, but their usual pride makes them not believe it. It is very necessary to personally verify this and return my mother's innocence.But their self-esteem is very strong, so it is impossible to entrust their cronies to do it, and the discipline in Stormwind Fortress is extremely strict, and the sergeants are not gossips for a living. , They knew about the Great Rift Valley.

It's also due to the fact that Du Lin is a local snake, otherwise, with her tiny strength, it would be impossible to make small moves among these major forces, but she is a native of the Anxi Wasteland, and has lived here for several lifetimes Veteran aristocrats always have prestige. If they develop with heart, it is not impossible to infiltrate a few useful people among the common people.

Don't underestimate these civilians. They infiltrate every corner of Stormwind Fortress. They may only do jobs like servants or grooms, or even just a night fragrance, but with a good plan, they can still accomplish a lot of things. It was these humble people who got the news to the Templars and drew their attention to the Rift at the right time.

The two brothers and sisters of the Holy Church came to the Great Rift Valley very low-key. Of course, this was also relatively low-key. There were not a single master hidden guard with them, and those who didn't come were just guards of honor to support the scene.

On the surface, this is just a team of less than ten people. It is not conspicuous among the sergeants who come and go in large numbers in the Great Rift Valley. More, those who come out alone are the minority, so this group of people entered the tavern without attracting attention.

The tavern is a good place to listen to the news, but it is also a good place to release the news. As soon as the Holy Cousins ​​entered the Great Rift Valley, Dulin had already received the news, and many arrangements for this operation also started to go into action. When the Holy Cousins Not long after entering the tavern, they heard the information they had always wanted to know, and at the same time, there was also a seemingly unrelated information.

A mercenary who seems to belong to the Raptor Mercenary Corps is complaining in a very contemptuous tone that a servant belonging to Princess Catherine is unreasonable. , but still pretends to be noble, with a noble and glamorous look, with a strong feeling of being a bitch and setting up a memorial archway.

Ordinary people may not pay attention to this kind of remark, because the mercenary did not mention the specific name at all, and did not even reveal a little bit about his identity, and none of his words mentioned specific events, but the church The brothers and sisters in the family are all genuine geniuses, not only have high cultivation talents, but also received elite training since they were young. Many things can be seen at a glance. Not only did they quickly discover that the servant that the mercenary said was under their mother I also discovered one thing from these seemingly irrelevant words. It seems that their mother really wanted to let those students die on purpose, and listening to the tone of this Raptor Mercenary Group, he actually knew Some insiders, and their masters also have a great evidence.

Hearing this news, the brothers and sisters of the Holy Cousin couldn't sit still. After all, they are still underage children, and their concentration is not good. At this moment, in their opinion, no matter whether their mother has done something bad, they can't tolerate someone Grasping this handle, when the mercenary of the raptor mercenary group left drunk, they followed from behind.

But this is not a good road. Following the mercenaries, they soon discovered some "truths".For example, their mother had an unspeakable ambiguous relationship with the master behind the Raptors Mercenary Corps, and they also discovered that this adulterer had no scruples to pass on love letters to their mother. Be careful to know this shady relationship after destroying a letter, so I dare to look down on the Templar family, and even secretly laughed at their father as the Cuckold King.

Then the Holy Cousin brothers and sisters who discovered the shocking truth wanted to get rid of this hateful mercenary, but this mercenary just stayed in the crowd and couldn't come out, and finally even hid in the lair of the Raptor Mercenary Group If you dare to act too blatantly, if something happens, it will not end.

They went back to Stormwind Stronghold with complicated emotions. After some painful choices, they chose to hide this matter.

But Augustus has always cared about these two children. This place is no better than the Holy City. He has arranged several groups of people to protect the children. These people are the most trustworthy people, so what the children know They knew it too, and they knew it, and finally Augustus knew it too.

Augustus had long been skeptical, but he still refused to believe it. Now that even the child has discovered this matter, how could he not know who was behind the raptor mercenary group? It was obvious in front of him that his wife really had an affair with that Duke of Otta!
(End of this chapter)

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