Chapter 6
Melissa immediately felt resentful when she heard that, this Du Lin was simply her disaster star, it was all that Du Lin, who talked nonsense from the beginning, making her well-planned family recognition plan turn into the worst The direct way of expression made her family think that she had no plans, and then insisted on pestering her to get some titles, which caused her to be severely reprimanded by her father, saying that she was ignorant of the world and could not see the overall situation clearly. Even the king You can't even understand your thoughts, and you are arrogant.

Fortunately, something happened to the eyeliner she left there. It's really unlucky. Her father has always relied on her, but the first time she was entrusted to do things independently, she was completely smashed. This was the first time she was scolded by her father like this. Never let Du Lin, the catastrophe, have a good life.

Suppressing the anger in her heart, Melissa carefully recalled Du Lin's performance, "It shouldn't be. Although Du Lin is a bit shrewd, he definitely has no ability to detect our intentions."

Thinking of Du Lin's greed again, she said again: "But she is greedy in nature, and she doesn't have a long-term vision. She doesn't even want the approval of the Otta family for a trivial title. If someone lures her for a profit... ..."

These words are very much in line with Duke Ota's wishes. He is not so angry with his daughter's poor performance before. His daughter is still smart. Even if she failed once, she immediately began to think of ways to remedy it.

He didn't pay attention to his daughter's immature tricks, but began to think about those opponents of the Ota family one by one, who did it, and whether someone had already discovered the secret of Du Lin's life experience, and wanted to fight against him, and stayed behind. The missing eyeliner could have fallen into someone's hands, but no matter who did it, he must immediately start the next step.

In the Great Rift Valley, Du Lin had already arranged many things. She stood on the castle and looked down at the former valley that had become ruins.The entire village has been relocated to the back valley. Because they need to relocate quickly, most families dismantle their original houses into some building materials and build new houses in the back valley.

Lauder stopped behind Du Lin and lowered his head to report: "My lord, the entire Great Rift Valley has been re-planned according to your requirements, and now all the plots have been leveled."

"Okay, I've worked hard for you these days." Du Lin knew in her heart that Lauder had been staying up almost all night for the past few days, and had been working hard on re-planning the Great Rift Valley.

Lauder bowed his head, "My lord, we will surely overcome the natural disaster." There was a sense of determination in his words.

Du Lin was silent, she was confident to survive the natural disaster of the undead, the real deadly enemy always came from the same kind, but it was a pity that she couldn't tell Lauder this, she could only let him understand with the facts.

"Lauder, I estimate that the natural disaster will break out in a few days. In the next few days, you must straighten out the management of the territory, especially the three areas I have designated to implement different strategies. You must implement it immediately. "

"Yes, sir!" Lauder went to work again regardless of his fatigue.

Du Lin sighed, and she didn't want Lauder to be so tired, but the crisis was imminent, so she didn't want to talk about the future at this time.

In the next few days, although the Great Rift Valley will not undergo major hardware changes like the village relocation a few days ago, the operating system of the entire village is actually completely different.

There are only more than 300 people in Ostrich Village, and the militia composed of villagers with combat effectiveness is no longer temporary, but is divided into regular combatants, and everything is organized according to wartime; The villagers who cultivated value were turned into administrators to receive training from Lauder. In the future, they will be the backbone of Du Lin's subordinates and will be filled in various positions; the last third of the old and weak will maintain the normal operation of the village. Anyway, it is now winter. This year's production has been completed, and after the outbreak of the undead natural disaster, the disaster area can no longer produce.

The renovated Great Rift Valley has a distinct area. The wall at the mouth of the valley constitutes the first line of defense, the ruins of the village in the front valley serve as a buffer zone, the lord’s castle separating the front and rear valleys is the ultimate line of defense, and the back valley is directly connected to the front line by a castle back door. The road in the sky is divided into two halves, the fertile eastern part is the new site of the village, and the western part where the Bone Magic Tower is located is the reserved construction site.

The entire Great Rift Valley has entered a fast-paced operation like never before. Every day, combatants practice fighting the undead, administrative staff learn various knowledge, and daily life staff seize every moment to stock up on supplies. There is no shortage of food in the countryside, especially in late autumn when the harvest has just begun. , what is lacking now is the treatment of food for long-term storage.

As the time for the outbreak of the undead natural disaster approached, the Great Rift Valley completed intense preparations step by step, waiting for the arrival of the undead natural disaster. At the same time, the Ota family could not delay the time, and they knew better what the arrival of the natural disaster meant.

Natural disasters are about to begin, and the Great Rift Valley is a high-risk area on the front line. Of course, the Duke of Orta is reluctant to send Melissa here. This time he sent only the humble second-class steward of the family.

Although he is only a second-class steward in the Ota family, and his status outside is not low, much higher than that of some minor lords, Du Lin's so-called life experience has long been spread. This second-class steward does not dare to rely on others. After he was ordered to rush to the Great Rift Valley to see Du Lin, he was very respectful.

Du Lin was not surprised that the Ota family sent another person so soon. Although they came faster than she expected, she was already prepared.

She met the steward sent by the Horta family in the hall of the castle and took a seat at the main table. She looked at the steward who was already waiting in the hall and showed a slightly arrogant look. Anyway, she was just a villain who had gained power all at once.

After straightening her hair, which was not messy, Du Lin pretended to be absent-minded and said, "There are so many affairs in the territory, and I feel sorry for keeping the steward waiting for so long." The contemptuous tone was completely without sincerity.

"Where is there, the eldest lady should naturally put her business first." The steward of the Ota family was disdainful in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, and said respectfully: "The duke is concerned about the safety of the eldest lady. According to reliable information, the outbreak of the undead natural disaster The time is only these few days, and this is the front line, my lord told me to protect the young lady and return to the imperial capital immediately to ensure safety." The duke had told him to bring this young lady back intact In the imperial capital, if he offends her now and causes some trouble to miss the Duke's errand, he will have had enough.

"Oh, that's it, I thought it was a letter of conferment." Du Lin looked disappointed, and began to fiddle with her fingers, and said awkwardly: "Also, don't call me Missy, my surname is not Ota, But she can’t afford to be the eldest lady of the Duke’s family.”

The steward sent by the Ota family turned blue, which was obviously a non-cooperative attitude. He didn't care about offending the young lady in the future, so his attitude immediately became tough, "Miss, the Duke ordered you to be taken back. Your life is up to you."

Du Lin sneered in her heart, this is to be taken away by force, bullying her a little lord, no one wants to force it, she is indeed no one, but this does not mean that she will go to the imperial capital honestly, jump into the enemy to dig in the trap.

Pretending to be uneasy, he twisted his body and said, "Well, let's set off after I arrange the territory. The undead natural disaster is coming. I can't leave everyone behind. Everyone has to leave together. Let me think about it. There are so many things to pack..."

"Miss! How can this be in time!" The steward was anxious, what a joke, and moved a village as a whole, and couldn't get out for ten days and a half months. Although the Duke didn't order the young lady to be taken back immediately, he still wanted them to hurry up. action.

Du Lin said naively, "Well, don't worry, I will prepare as quickly as possible."

The steward was anxious, and naturally he would not agree with Du Lin's preparations for this and that. Sometimes he reasoned that there would be horrible undead when natural disasters came, and sometimes he reasoned that Du Lin would go on the road first and let the villagers follow.

But Du Lin had the idea of ​​procrastination in her heart, so she kept singing the opposite tune. She is not afraid of undead or anything. The Dark family is a family of necromancers. As for the villagers to follow up, of course it would not be possible without her. Under the command of a wise lord, everything will be messed up.

However, she is not as innocent as she appears on the surface, and she knows in her heart that she should not go too far, otherwise she will inevitably be packed and taken away forcibly, so she is asking for a lot of money to pay back the money, and the request is high. After being refuted one by one by the steward, After retreating and retreating, she finally decided to let the villagers set off. She first set off to the imperial capital alone. Of course, it was already noon today, and she would leave tomorrow for her to prepare, and set off at dawn the next day.

The steward sent by the Ota family felt that they had already rejected almost all of Du Lin's requests, and they had achieved a complete victory in the negotiation. They readily agreed to the other party's request to prepare for a day before leaving. One hundred times, the decision can be reversed ten times, and he really can't bear the state of a menopausal woman, so let's make a decision quickly, or she will go back on it again.When he returned to the guest room to rest, he was still thinking, it's rare that this young lady is so pretty and lovely, why did she become like a menopausal aunt in adolescence.

Don't care what the steward is thinking, Du Lin has a good idea in her heart, it doesn't need to be the day after tomorrow to push them away, they will be depressed tomorrow.

Du Lin went to bed early and woke up early. She slept well that night and woke up refreshed.She was already fully dressed when the horizon just revealed a hint of paleness in the early morning.

Looking down at the entire front valley from the castle, the militiamen on the wall at the mouth of the valley are still on duty, the militiamen who came to change shifts have arrived one after another, and the crowing of the rooster is still remembered one after another, full of vitality.

Suddenly, the crowing of roosters stopped, and then began to crow again, but this tone was full of fear, not only the rooster, but also the frightened cries of poultry and livestock in the entire Great Rift Valley.

From Du Lin's perspective, it can be clearly seen that the sun that has just emerged from the sky is covered by a black line, and this black line is still expanding rapidly, and soon becomes a sky, covering the entire sky, and the whole world is plunged into endless darkness Among them, the prelude to the disaster relief of the undead has been opened, the plane channel has finally officially formed, the powerful undead sky has been spreading, and it has not stopped until it spreads under the Star Fortress, and the natural disaster of the undead has finally officially begun.

Du Lin calmly lit the candles in the room, and calmly said to Lauder who just rushed in: "Immediately write an emergency battle report and report it directly to the king."

(End of this chapter)

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