Chapter 70 Bone Dragon
Kaka has long wanted to deal with Lina, and now that Du Lin has found this opportunity, he is of course very happy, especially now that Storm Fortress is in chaos, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

After the two reached a consensus to use this incident to deal with Linna, they immediately began to discuss strategies on the details.

The tide of undead has already begun, and the Duchess of Flames will make a move at any time, so there is not much time left for them to prepare.

To kill Linna, there is no need for a complicated plan. In fact, it is too late to arrange it now. What's more, the more guarded people are, the more they will be exposed. Instead of being trapped in a cocoon, it is better to hit the vital point directly. After all, they have already grasped Linna's fatal point, and all they have to do now is to poke this fatal point open.

Du Lin has made it clear what she is going to do. To pierce this culprit, the necessary background must be a crowd of people watching, and the crowd of people watching must not be a small number, but must be large in number and have a strong backing.

In addition, a gun is needed to pierce Linna's deathbed. This gun must be strong enough to force Linna to use the ability of the law god to suppress the bottom of the box-the power of rules.

After gathering these two elements, the rest is simple, just let this gun be seen by those who need it when it exposes Linna's background.

Time is urgent now, and after confirming these two needs, Du Lin immediately acted.

It is not easy to find a strong enough collaborator to be the gun. The most perfect is to get a collaborator with the background of the undead, which is much more suitable, but now she has insufficient energy points and cannot get help from the system at all. However, other than that, the place where there can be powerful undead is just around the corner.

"Kaka, I'm going to go deep into the wilderness to find a partner."

Kaka was shocked when he heard this, "You are crazy! Not to mention the current undead tide, even when it is relatively calm, you are looking for death. What you are looking for is a high-level undead, but where are the high-level undead?" You can handle it."

Du Lin patted Kaka on the back, and said with a firm gaze: "I'm not acting out of emotion, but after consideration. No matter what, the Dak family has some secret methods to deal with the undead. If you want to avoid the undead, I have a plan in mind. What's more, I still have a system in hand, so it's not a problem to escape the tide of undead and find a high-level undead."

Kaka was still anxious, "Even if we escape the tide of undead, how can we subdue high-level undead with our current strength!"

"It's not subjugation, but cooperation." Du Lin has the memory of her previous life, and knows that many of the high-level undead who came this time have wisdom. This is also the difference between the undead from the undead world and the undead on the main plane. .

Most of the undead on the main plane are insane. Even if they are high-level, most of them possess the same instincts as animals. However, the undead from the undead world are different. As long as they are ordinary high-level undead, they have clear mind, and This also forms the basis of communication, and being able to communicate means being able to cooperate.

Kaka stopped talking. Although it still disagreed, it had no good excuse to stop the resolute Du Lin. Indeed, relying on the Dark family's secret method and previous experience, coupled with the existence of the system, it could avoid It is not too difficult to pass the undead, especially the experience of the previous life, has clearly known the feasibility of avoiding the tide of the undead at this stage.

However, the undead are in opposition to humans after all, and it is not easy to find a partner.

Du Lin also knew that Kaka was worried about her. To be honest, this behavior was a bit risky, but people are like this sometimes. Once the gate of courage is opened, it is difficult to control becoming more aggressive, especially when there is such a Golden opportunity.

But she didn't want Kaka to worry too much, so she stroked Kaka's back hair and comforted her: "Don't worry, I just try my best. If the pressure is too great, I will come back and I won't risk my life to play."

Still making up her mind, Du Lin took a short rest and rode a gargoyle into the wilderness after recovering enough energy.

The gargoyle originally had no breath of life, and with the use of the concealment function of the system, although the energy point burned quickly, it was very safe to fly all the way, and did not attract the attention of the undead.

Du Lin was very familiar with the habits of the undead. After passing through the common undead gathering area on the Great Wasteland, she went deep into the source of the natural disaster of the undead.

According to the habits of the undead, she searched a little bit, and she didn't dare to trust her when she got here. Although the concealment ability of the system is very strong, some high-level undead have special abilities, so the concealment method of the system is not [-]% successful. The reason why I dare to come here now is that apart from the fact that the number of undead with special abilities is rare, it is more because the undead natural disasters have not erupted long enough. At least from the experience of previous lives, this stage of undead natural disasters has not yet appeared. kind of undead.

High-level undead have their own subordinates and territories. Du Linfei skillfully avoided a floating high-level ghost in the sky, and began to circle around in the gaps between the high-level undead's sites.

Fortunately, it was the territorial habits of the undead, which made there always be a lot of gaps between them, which made her a lot more relaxed.

After bypassing the sites of the undead, a day and a half had passed in a flash, Kaka finally couldn't bear it and popped up, "What kind of undead are you going to choose? The undead that appear at this stage will not be too high-end."

Du Lin was also depressed, "It can't be helped. What I see now is useless." The high-level undead underground surrounded by their subordinates are either skeletons or zombies. This is also the main force of the undead army. I have met a few ghosts and a ghoul. These things are powerful, but they don't look like high-end goods. To put it bluntly, Linna can't have anything to do with them.

If it's just an ordinary thug, then the after-effects may not be very good, as long as the undead has a story at first glance, it will be more eye-catching, or it will be useless if it is not eye-catching enough.

After all, when the fight really starts, she won't be able to go forward, and the sky will be covered by zombie skeletons. Everyone is busy fighting the undead, so how can you notice a zombie or skeleton with special actions? The lack of appearance is especially a big problem.

So the undead like zombies and skeletons have to give up. The IQ of the remaining ghouls is flawed, and they need to be at the king level to communicate better. , can not afford to provoke.

And ghosts are smart enough, but ghosts are transparent. Although they can also show up on their own initiative, it's a bit of a cover-up.

Kaka is not stupid, and she understood Du Lin once she heard it, so she could only continue to worry about it.

The gargoyle flew over a crater, and Du Lin immediately noticed the abnormality. The number of high-level undead here is very small. There is only one high-level ghoul with a weak IQ and a few subordinates wandering around. The rest are still in chaos. The middle and low level undead of the state.

It stands to reason that this is not normal, and she flew here with a purpose in the first place. Now that she saw something strange, she was more sure of her guess, so she let the gargoyle approach more carefully.

Seeing this, Kaka couldn't help wondering, "What's the matter, did you find anything?"

Du Lin unconsciously lowered her voice, "Well, get ready, I think I've found my target."

Kaka knows that what needs to be done is to prepare for battle. After all, it is normal to fight without saying a word, so he doesn't speak, and directly hides in Du Lin's body to prepare all the combat functions in the system.

The closer to the crater, the fewer undead, and finally even disappeared. If it wasn't covered by the sky of undead, it would be unimaginable that a wave of undead is breaking out here.

Du Lin continued to approach carefully, and at the same time felt a little uneasy. What she was afraid of was not that she would encounter danger, but that she was afraid of encountering a danger that was not suitable for cooperation.

On the Anxi Wasteland, there is a flat river, and there are quite few undulating terrains. In the area covered by the sky of the undead, there are no more than five places that can be regarded as mountains. The rest are man-made relics, which can only be regarded as small hills. This is the first one that can be called a mountain. Although this mountain is the smallest and lowest, it is also a special terrain.

For the undead who have opened their minds, occupying a special terrain usually also means status and special habits.

Du Lin was able to confirm from the small map that there was only one undead on this mountain, and the gargoyle lowered its flight altitude and gradually approached the only undead.

At this time, Du Lin's position was already close to the center of the crater, and she had already seen the target this time with the naked eye. It was huge and looked like an undead snake?

Du Lin was confused. Warcraft generally become undead very rarely. This is related to the special arrangement of magic power in their bodies. She never thought that she would encounter such a one.

However, she is very satisfied with this undead. Although the bone quality does not look good, the damage is serious and the whole is dirty, but the volume is very huge, the huge black head, the silver-white undead fire inside is not strong, But with the fangs, it looks very imposing, the ribs are still intact, and the thick spine looks quite ferocious. This image looks much more eye-catching than the zombie skeleton.

But she vaguely felt that this undead snake was a little uncoordinated. It looked a bit too short, thick and fat, and it was lying on the top of the mountain upright, not coiled up, and the head was too big.

However, the bones of some undead were found later, and it is normal to be uncoordinated. Besides, the appearance of this undead is already very eye-catching, at least it is big enough, nearly 30 meters in length, and it is also very special.

After making up her mind to choose this undead, she removed the system's stealth function, so that although the undead in the distance could not feel her, the undead snake in front of her could feel her presence.

Sure enough, the undead snake that was lying on the ground immediately stood upright, and then lost its balance and fell down...

The corner of Du Lin's mouth couldn't help twitching. Now she regrets her previous decision very much. In fact, she should go to the senior ghost. If the design is good, the ghost can also be very eye-catching. I don't know that she has come all the way. Did that ghost float away...

(End of this chapter)

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