Rebirth of the strongest lord system

Chapter 9 First Encounter

Chapter 9 First Encounter
"Sir, please take a look." Lauder handed a thumb-sized note to Du Lin's hand.

Du Lin frowned. Lauder was not a person who didn't know the importance. It must be a matter of urgency to send the militiamen when she led the militia outside the valley to find the undead to fight.

When she unfolded the note, she frowned even deeper. It was clearly a distress letter from "Flying Pigeons".The area of ​​the Iron Wall Mountains is vast and sparsely populated. In order to survive, several small lords who are close to each other form a small group with each other. They agree to support each other through the gorgeous bird message when there is trouble. The Duck family close to the Iron Wall Mountains also has Participate, and the sender, Baron Pierce, is also one of the participants.

At the beginning, for the so-called safe transmission, these idle uncles chose the "carrier pigeon" gorgeous bird, a pocket bird only as big as an adult's thumb. The note was not as big as a thumb, so the front and back of the note sent by Baron Pierce only had six words written on the front and back of the note, which prevented her from getting enough information to analyze the situation.

His territory is diagonally behind Stormwind Fortress, which is the first territory after Stormwind Fortress.Under normal circumstances, if there is any problem there, the first choice is definitely to ask for help from the nearby and powerful Stormwind Fortress. Why did you send the letter here?

"Have you checked the seal of the letter?" she asked Lauder.

Lauder took out a small book from his pocket, opened it and said, "My lord, I have compared the seal according to the procedure, and it is correct that Mr. Pierce left it. The letter paper is boxwood paper, and the ink is dark blue No. [-], so The SOS category is the lord's private problem category, and the level is urgent."

Du Lin raised her forehead, well, the bored uncles still made up for the problem that the gorgeous bird is too small.In this world, according to the classification of military newspapers, the level of urgent is only one level higher than ordinary, and there are two types of emergency and express, which are not too anxious, and it is the lord's personal problem. For a moment, she really didn't know what happened there.

But this way, she could understand why the other party didn't ask for help from Stormwind Fortress. A humble baron and a small lord in the countryside would dare to go to Stormwind Fortress for personal affairs to make people dislike him.

Scanning the entire militia team, she had just come out for an hour to get used to it anyway, and everyone was still strong enough, she said to Lauder: "Okay, prepare a meal for the team that came out for training today, and we will go directly to Baron Pierce. "

"Well, my lord, why don't you continue to lead the team for training, and I'll take another team to Baron Pierce." Lauder hesitated.

Du Lin shook her head. She knew that Lauder was worried about her going out, but she still rejected Lauder's kindness. She can still deal with the undead natural disasters at this stage. At most, she can only meet a few skeleton soldiers alone. All the skeleton soldiers are now gathering in the space-time channel deep in the wasteland.

The Great Rift Valley, which had already entered the state of war, was well prepared. One day's rations were soon ready. Twenty groups of militia guarded her and walked towards Baron Pierce's territory.

However, after walking not far, Du Lin found a large green light spot approaching on the system mini-map.She was puzzled. Green represents peace. When the system judges the color of the light spot, it is usually gray that has nothing to do with her. Representing peace means that the other party's goal is to interact with her. At this time, she can't think No one will come to her.

But since it was peaceful, there was no need to avoid it. The team continued to move forward and finally met this group of people. When they saw their banners from a distance, Du Lin's face became gloomy.

Under the canopy of the undead, even with magical lighting, the vision was greatly affected. When Du Lin saw Lucius, Lucius also saw Du Lin.

He only felt a bright light in his eyes. He was wearing a decent white long dress. The style was simple and not fancy. With his long chestnut hair curled up high, he looked very holy. She looked like a goddess illuminated by the soft magic halo. Lucius felt his heart beating wildly, but he couldn't move his eyes anymore. It turned out that the goddess in his dream was in this place.

The magic lamp on Du Lin's side is of a lower level, and she can only see the details of the expression on the opposite person's face when she gets closer. When she sees Lucius' dull face, she secretly thinks it's not good. What kind of bloody nympho expression is this? Others couldn't see his expression and only thought it was a smile. She, an old acquaintance, might see the four characters of love at first sight written on his face!
Are you kidding me, she is only 14 years old, the bean sprouts are good, the skin is rough and the flesh is thick raised by the cruel soil and water of the Anxi wasteland, is it okay, the father just died and still wears a homemade filial robe, okay, love at first sight will happen like this , Could it be that the legendary bastard saw mung beans and met his eyes?She couldn't help but mourn for herself for three seconds.

Du Lin complained wildly in her heart, and gradually calmed down.I was completely indifferent to this person at first, and it’s okay to deny one thing now. It doesn’t matter if the two people fought side by side and fell in love after going through the baptism of blood and fire. It's not that kind of result, and it's no different from just looking at his appearance. What she cares about now is the trouble he will bring and what he will do, especially with such a large number of people, a large black area, see There are at least 1000 people up there.

Holding her breath, Du Lin continued to urge the horse forward. She wanted to pretend not to know, but it was unreasonable for a lord not to know the military flag of Stormwind Fortress, and a large number of them blocked the road. Although the wasteland was all plains, But it is always difficult to walk in the grass.

Lucius was still in a daze, and his adjutant, Maro, had already rushed forward and yelled fiercely, "Who is it!"

Du Lin looked behind her, and sure enough, she forgot to bring the flag representing her identity when she went out in a hurry. The confidant hates her now, even if she carries the flag, she will be given other reasons.

"Wasteland Knight." She didn't say much, but now she said too much and made mistakes, so she could only adapt to the situation.

Back then, she and Lucius were able to get together because they went out on adventures together. At that time, there was no outsider to interfere with the relationship, and when the relationship between the two was exposed later, she was almost not caught by this scumbag's affectionate cousin. The childhood sweethearts who grew up together were killed. Although after Lucius left, she had already guessed that the instigator behind all this was actually the Duchess of Flame, but this did not help the current state.

At that time, she was so miserable even with the title of the eldest lady of the Ota family, which was already recognized by her family. Now she is just an insignificant person.I thought that if I didn't contact her, I wouldn't trigger this fatal minefield, but I didn't expect that God is not as good as God. Now I just hope that the other party won't take her too seriously.

When Maro heard this, he gritted his teeth with hatred. This slut must have come to show her face in front of the young master on purpose. She was dressed in such a strange shape, not to seduce the young master, nor to look at her undeveloped bean sprouts body and ordinary appearance. How kind.What made him even more angry was that the young master was actually seduced. He must not let the young master come into contact with such a lowly woman, otherwise the duchess would not have skinned him.

"Bold, you dare to attack the Flame Legion and still not take it down!" Maro immediately gave his confidant archer a murderous wink.

The warrior standing in front was about to charge forward, and the archer who was instructed quietly took out a green arrow from his quiver, and shot towards Du Lin.

Everything just happened overnight, and the soldiers charging in the front took their first foot, and the arrow had already reached Du Lin!

Du Lin sneered in her heart, it was so fast, at least level 10 or above. As long as this poisonous wind arrow was shot, not even Lucius could stop it. Moreover, this was a guiding arrow, there was no way to avoid it. Possibly, he actually wanted to create an accident and destroy her right from the start, it seemed like a battle was about to take place.

As soon as Marlowe exited, she was ready. She had already held the skeleton wand in her hand. Facing the gust of arrows attacking from the front, she immediately activated the wand. The skeleton opened its mouth and exhaled a lot of dead air. In the dead air, it was like a mud cow sinking into the sea, unable to move forward an inch.

At this moment, the soldiers took the second step, and Lucius had already recalled it, and immediately stopped the attack with a loud roar, and at the same time urged a ray of fighting spirit to knock the Gale Arrow to the ground.

"I'm so sorry, young lady, are you not shocked?" Lucius looked at Du Lin with worry, then turned back and scolded Maro, "Maro, how can you be so reckless, apologize to this lady! ".

Du Lin secretly thought rubbish, apologizing is useless, what a hypocrite, if it was an ordinary person, he would have been killed in seconds, and Maro apologized to the corpse?
But at the moment she is just a little wilderness knight, and the crisis has not passed, she quietly gestured for the militia to follow, she moved sideways to a position close to Iron Wall Mountain, and finally the whole team was close to the cliff of Iron Wall Mountain, if If the other party has any "accidents", she can also rely on the unique characteristics of the Iron Wall Mountains to defend.

Marlowe hated him so much, and the young master was not easy to fool. As long as he came back to protect this bitch, even the duchess would not be able to move easily, not to mention that the duchess valued her position in the young master's heart so much that she would not understand. To make him unhappy, Marlowe will not be the one who will be unlucky at that time, he must not let this kind of thing happen, and suddenly he has another plan in his heart.

"Master, be careful, this woman has used evil magic!" He saw Du Lin blocking the blast arrow.

Lucius looked at Du Lin with a trace of doubt in his eyes. After all, he could see the level of the girl in front of him, but he said, "Why, Marlowe, don't wrong this lady." After finishing speaking, he looked at Du Lin and smiled. Said: "Miss, please explain to everyone quickly, so that I can teach Maro a lesson."

Du Lin pursed her lips secretly, her face was still respectful and her words were like gold, "It's just undead magic." Respectful and reticent is the consistent attitude of small nobles to big nobles. Everyone is like this, and it is the "should have attitude" of wasteland knights. .

Marlo sneered, but he grasped the clue, "Undead magic? It's ridiculous, who doesn't know that under the undead sky, the magic power of the undead magician will be completely dissipated in less than a day. If you want to make it up, you have to make it more reliable." of."

Du Lin immediately followed up, "Mages should have seen that I'm just a magic apprentice who hasn't changed his job, and I'm not a Necromancer yet. What's more, I just released the dead energy stored in the staff, and didn't cast any spells."

Lucius' questioning eyes immediately looked at the group of magicians, and he smiled slightly after receiving an affirmative answer. Marlowe knew that Lucius believed Du Lin, and immediately shouted: "Death, heh, death can stop it." Gale Arrow, does anyone believe it, Miss Magic Apprentice."

(End of this chapter)

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