Rebirth of the strongest lord system

Chapter 91 The Use of Elves

Chapter 91 The Use of Elves

The supervisor listened impatiently, "Just say something!"

She immediately looked embarrassed, "How can I say this? You also know that he is an elf. His personality admires nature, and his behavior is also close to nature. Besides, he is used to being served by others, and he has some minor problems in self-care ability. The toilet doesn't work well, and it can be spilled everywhere after eating. Alas, I'm also afraid that he will drag down the whole family in addition to his faults. The Earl of Heihe has never been reliable, and he may not be able to take good care of him. If something indecent happens here, I..."

When the supervisor heard that it was close to nature, his complexion was not good. When he heard that the toilet was not working well, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot. Where is the miracle? One didn't carry a pile of small toilets, and he didn't even dare to throw a hair casually. If something went wrong, he wouldn't be able to explain it.

Especially when he remembered that the Earl of Heihe had completed the formalities at the last minute, and he had never participated in the previous admonitions. It is very likely that the elf did not understand the precepts. Although this Baron Duck had not participated in the admonitions, it seems that what she said was reasonable It looks like you should have known it before, so you decided to eliminate this hidden danger.

Close your eyes for a moment, and the inspector waved his hands to bring out some crystal light, forming a schematic map of the terrain, "The Earl of Heihe is in the east side hall on Nansi Road, hurry over there." After saying that, the inspector disappeared in a flash.

Du Lin bowed and thanked the supervisor, her flattering and embarrassed expression gradually collapsed, she sighed, and picked up Kaka, "Do you remember the map released by the supervisor just now?" She didn't go to the north, and she didn't participate in the admonition before entering the ruins, but she knew that littering in the ruins was a joke I heard before, saying that there was a sloppy prince of the alliance who forgot to bring the toilet, and had to spend a lot of money Find someone to buy toilets when the relics are full, but in the end, if you can't buy enough, you have to go to the supervisor.

There is only one chance to take the initiative to find a supervisor, and it is usually used when encountering problems about comprehension. Because it is the first time to find a supervisor for this reason, the whole continent knows this person.But starting today, she is probably going to be famous too, because of the same unreliable reason.

Kaka raised her head, her face full of pride, "Are you doubting my ability? What is it to remember this kind of route? If it wasn't for fear of causing unnecessary trouble, it would not be easy to find someone. Come on, let's go there " After that, he jumped out of Du Lin's arms, ran ahead and led the way, and Du Lin followed closely.

The area of ​​the ruins is huge, and the specific location has always been the top secret. Whenever it is opened, it is also entered using a teleportation array, and each team randomly places a landing point.

One beast and one man ran quickly, crossed the long stone road, bypassed two large squares, and finally arrived at the East Side Hall indicated on the map, but there was no one there.

Du Lin was anxious, "It's already gone."

Kaka didn't care, "follow me." Immediately twitched his little nose, and ran towards the apse after confirming the direction.

Du Lin followed closely, but when she reached the apse, she saw that there was no one in the cramped apse, which was incompatible with the magnificent architectural style of the entire ruins.

There is a dead end from the front hall to the back hall. Kaka glanced at the back hall and sniffed in confusion, "It shouldn't be. There is indeed the smell of Xiulan in the front hall. This smell later went to the back hall and could not escape from other places. Confused, it closed its eyes and sniffed carefully, looking for traces of scent on the floor like a puppy. Finally, it found two strange crystals in the corner.

Du Lin also saw these two inconspicuous spars, with gray eyes and dull appearance, they looked like those things that existed in the ruins.

Kaka sniffed around the spar again, but couldn't find any trace, so she could only look back at Du Lin blankly.

Du Lin had long thought that Earl Heihe was suspicious. At this time, the two crystals were the last things left by Earl Heihe. She felt that these things must be related to the disappearance of Earl Heihe.

"Kaka, find a way to analyze these two crystals." Although using the power of the system here may cause bad consequences, it must be used when it is time to use it, otherwise it would be a waste of time.

Kaka happened to have no claim. Seeing this, he carefully used the system to separate an enchantment that could wrap itself and the spar, and began to analyze the spar inside.

After a while, Kaka finished the analysis and canceled the barrier, "The function of this thing is to simulate the breath, and the two in it are the ones that simulated the Earl of Heihe and Xiulan. I think the supervisor said before that the two of them were If you rest here, what you will find is probably the aura emanating from this spar."

After all, Kaka said again: "Also, I think the composition of this spar is somewhat familiar, but I'm not completely sure."

Du Lin thought in her mind that although these things were left behind to hide their presence, judging from the smell, the two people showed no signs of leaving. Even if they had a way to hide their whereabouts, they would not go there if they didn't want to attract attention. It's too far away, just like she can scan it, but only dares to limit the range to a small place.

Besides, she had an intuition that this place was very strange. The ruins occupied a huge area, and there were wide buildings everywhere. The cramped apse was really unreasonable.

"Kaka, let go of the scan. I don't think they will go too far. They must be nearby. They just used a method of concealing their whereabouts."

"Okay." Kaka was a little worried, but continued to scan with her eyes closed.

It took a long time this time. After the end, Kaka opened his eyes and stared at the corner not far away, his eyes were piercing, "No one has come in here for a long time. Although it is semi-closed, there is actually a small amount of dust deposition, so after the failure of the energy scanning method, I analyzed the flow of dust here, and used the traces of dust to deduce the previous actions and came to the conclusion that they walked behind the wall."

"Behind?" Du Lin frowned, "If you use the portal to leave, it will be hard to find." To find traces of the portal, you must enter the subspace fault to search for traces of energy. This kind of large-scale movement is very easy To attract the attention of outsiders, the protection of space has always been taken seriously.

However, Kaka shook his head, "It's not a portal. Using any energy method will leave tiny radiant energy in the dust, but there is no such energy here, and I can see the amount of dust particles on some rocks on the wall. Less, it should have been shaken, the most common explanation is that it was once opened like a door, and the two of them should have gone inside."

Du Lin was greatly surprised. She never thought that a dust analysis could find so many clues.The Earl of Heihe hid his whereabouts suddenly, which must have been inhumane.

She glanced at the wall and made up her mind, "Kaka, find a way to open the door unobtrusively, let's follow in and have a look."

"No, you'd better stay. I'll just go in. I'll share my vision with you at that time. Otherwise, if the inspector finds a team member appearing on the path that he didn't look for, the consequences will be unpredictable."

She looked at Kaka and remembered that they didn't have a way to hide it like Earl Heihe. Going in like this would easily attract supervisors. If only Kaka went there, there wouldn't be this problem. As soon as the aura of the companion beast and its master come from the same source, If Kaka is taken into the body, outsiders will not be able to feel the breath of the two lives, and as long as she stays here, she will not attract attention.

Moreover, she also thought of the issue of energy points from Kaka's objection. Now she is in a besieged situation. If she just enters an unknown field like this, she may consume a lot of energy points if she encounters danger, which is not wise.

After thinking about the cause and effect, she stopped insisting, and said: "Be safe, don't move forward if you feel bad, and I will always be ready to pull you back." Kaka's companion animal status is the most convenient at this time However, as long as she has a thought, Kaka will return to her system space, which is much faster than opening the portal, and so far, it has not been heard that this process can be interrupted.

Kaka added an enchantment on Du Lin, and then used the system to open the "door" on the wall. At this time, Du Lin sat upright with her eyes closed, and she had actually shared Kaka's vision and senses, and could clearly feel To the operation of the system, rely on the calculation module to analyze the existence of the door little by little, and crack the secret key violently. Without destroying the structure of the original "door", open the door and enter. Once you enter, the door behind you will naturally open. Closed, she looked with her own vision, the wall has been restored to its original state, and there is no trace of the door just now.

Back to Kaka's field of vision, there is a dark corridor on the other side of the door, but Kaka has dark vision. Although the world he sees is strange in color, it is very clear.

Kaka skillfully invoked a series of modules of the system, and these modules brought it various abilities in a short period of time, and even his body turned into a cloud of indistinct energy, drifting forward in mid-air, Along with the use of these abilities, the energy points of the system began to be consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Kaka drifted not far away before leaving the dark corridor and entering a corridor decorated with complicated patterns. In front of the corridor, Kaka saw the Earl of Heihe and Xiulan who were the targets this time.

Relying on her special state, Kaka still drifted forward slowly, but she didn't dare to get too close. She stopped at a place more than ten meters away from them, where they could already be seen and heard very clearly.

At this time, the Earl of Heihe was looking at Xiulan very intently, while Xiulan was holding a set of carving tools to complete a pattern on the wall of the corridor. The patterns are repeated.

Xiulan held the tool and turned to look at Earl Heihe. Du Lin found that his eyes were bloodshot and his voice was hoarse when he spoke.

"I'm not sure. The pattern here reflects the layout outside. It is an ancient plant map that is no longer used by the elves. The terrain is recorded through the growth of plants. Since the text is perfected, it is no longer used. Here The pattern is a portrait of a plant map, and I can't complete it without knowing the terrain outside."

(End of this chapter)

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