Chapter 234
As dusk falls, the fiery red sunset in the distance dyes the unthawed lake surface, and the willow trees by the lake have sprouted green buds that belong to spring.

There was the sound of oars in the distance, and a fishing boat broke through the ice, and the faint smell of food wafted from the boat.

After coming here for three years, Tangyuan only understands one truth, as long as she is here, winter will never pass.

This is an oasis surrounded by deserts. When I first arrived, there was already a temporary base here. Almost all the people who come here are supernatural beings. The purpose of coming here is also to find a quiet place. Habitat.

Tangyuan sat in front of her backyard, the lake meandered in front of her, and a small boat slowly sailed in front of her.

There was a man standing on the boat. He looked dusty, and he seemed to be coming from a distance.

"Long time no see, Tangyuan."

"Ji Ming, I told you not to bother me." Tang Yuan didn't even look straight at the tree on his lap. From the moment he decided to leave Yebei, this world has nothing to do with him.

A year ago, her relationship value with her brother was already [-]%. Now, only her love value with Ye Bei was not full, but she didn't want to conquer Ye Bei anymore.Although Tang Heng's leg injury has improved a little, it is still a bit inconvenient after all. His last task in this world is to take good care of her.

The little zombie is very obedient and cute. He no longer eats human flesh and eats animal meat instead.

It would be great if Yebei was like her, but unfortunately Yebei is not a little zombie, he is smarter than himself, and his logical outline is clearer than himself. When you are with him, he will not change you forcefully, but will be like boiling a frog in warm water. Change your logical thinking ability a little bit.

"I'm not here to ask you to join my camp to deal with Yebei as before, but to tell you something about An Jinlan."

"Jin Lan?" Tang Yuan and Shang Shu looked up at Ji Ming.

"Meng Youran is getting married again, and this time I sent you an invitation." Ji Ming took out a red invitation from his pocket. "Unexpectedly, this invitation was sent to you by the bride's family."

"Jin Lan must be very sad when he gets married, but it's his choice, I won't watch Jin Lan's jokes." Tang Yuan sighed, shook her head and rejected the invitation that Ji Ming handed over.

"You don't even want to know why the bride's family wants to send you an invitation."

"I'm a little curious." Tangyuan has disappeared from the major bases for almost five years, why would anyone still remember him?

"The bride probably wanted to suppress An Jinlan and asked An Jinlan's family to attend with a tough attitude. Apart from her brother, the only other member of her family is you, so the bride also invited you."

"She wants to die." Tangyuan frowned slightly, this girl was clearly trying to show off and suppress An Jinlan, making An Jinlan unable to hold her head up in front of her for the rest of her life.

"So you're going to let her die?" Ji Ming slowly approached Tangyuan, but was blocked by Tangyuan's ice sword.

"My mind advises you not to guess."

"Okay, I won't disturb you to enjoy the sunset, I'll just leave the invitation here." Ji Ming put the invitation on the small wooden table beside the glutinous rice balls, turned his back and jumped into the boat, drifting away.

"You going?"

"No, Jin Lan wouldn't want me to go either. It's a hard thing to lose face in front of someone who loves you." Tangyuan shook her head, she didn't want to embarrass An Jinlan.

"But she needs you. If you don't show up and stand beside her at this time, it will be a real despair for her." Tang Heng pushed the wheelchair and slowly moved to Tangyuan's side.

"It feels like you knew about this a long time ago."

"Well, Ozawa often goes out to hunt for prey, so I heard some news that the bride is the apple of the eye of Base H, a fifth-level ability user. Although the current development scale of H Base is not as good as that of Capital Base, there are many people with abilities. Meng Youran and Her marriage is considered a political marriage, but I never thought that he would turn his back on Jin Lan for the sake of power." Tang Heng's hand slightly grasped the armrest of the wheelchair.

"The desire for power, once you taste a little bit, it will never end." Tang Yuan sighed. Back then, he was able to kill his younger brother because of jealousy, but now he abandoned An Jinlan for the sake of power. Is it unpredictable, or the world is impermanent.

The scene where he met An Jinlan's ice sword was still vaguely in his mind. He said that he didn't love An Jinlan, but he didn't believe it. It seemed that love could not resist the interests after all.

"I'm a bit regretful. I didn't hold her tight at the beginning, and maybe I wouldn't let her end up in the current situation."

"It's not your fault." Tangyuan patted her younger brother on the shoulder. "Whether to go or not, let me think about it again."

Tang Yuan looked back at Xiaguang in the distance, if Ye Bei was by her side, would he support her to go or not.

The next morning, Tang Heng was having dinner at the restaurant, and after waiting for a long time for his sister to show up, Ozawa pushed Tang Heng to Tangyuan's room.

The room was empty, and the quilt was neatly folded.

"You went after all." A happy smile appeared on Tang Heng's lips. With Tang Yuan by An Jinlan's side, Jinlan would be less likely to suffer a lot of injustice from her new wife.

Inside the capital base, the travel-worn Ji Ming rushed to the meeting room of the Meng family.

"What's going on in Nancheng?" Meng Youran put down the teacup in his hand and went up to meet him. Three years ago, Ji Ming found him and said that he was willing to lead his team to help him fight against zombies and expand his territory.

"There is no movement for the time being. It is probably stopped by static. The leader of the zombies in Nancheng is Yedong. After his third brother Yenan was killed by me, this zombie has been quiet." Ji Ming sat down.

"What about Yebei, didn't you say he was the most dangerous one?"

"This zombie can't be monitored at all. None of the people I sent out came back alive, and they kept appearing and disappearing, so they couldn't figure it out." Yebei can only fight conservatively. He is too smart and not very good. , the one who died was himself.

"Recently, in order to expand the territory, a lot of supernatural beings have been lost. Fortunately, Base H is very generous and has sent many supernatural beings over." Meng Youran sighed. Will compromise and marry H base.

"I've already delivered the invitation card Madam wants to send to Tang Yuan. You should know Tang Yuan's character. She will definitely help An Jinlan seek justice when she comes here."

"You think that I asked you to find glutinous rice balls just to make my new wife happy and embarrass Jinlan. I want to arrest her and use her to control Yebei." Meng Youran's eyes flashed fiercely. There is only one thing to learn, and that is to become stronger. In this world, he must want it.

"She has already drawn a clear line with Ye Bei, so why involve it again."

 As a noble lady, there are always some inelegant days every month, how do you treat dysmenorrhea?

(End of this chapter)

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