Chapter 162 Secret
Jiang Yexing talked eloquently, as if she had returned to the distant past. She was standing on the podium in the auditorium, and the audience were excellent people who had been selected after layers. They took her as their teacher, accepting and disseminating emerging technologies , creating a new civilization, where there are her former friends, classmates, students, elders, former teachers and so on.

are gone.
Walking on this long road, how many people have gained and lost again, and how many things have been annihilated in the long river of history. Every time you are born again, you will meet different people and different scenery. The only thing that remains the same is the glory of the past. Continuation, and behind this, how many stories and responsibilities!
"how should I do?"

Ouyang's question interrupted Jiang Yexing's thoughts, and he said it simply and clearly.

Jiang Yexing took a deep look at him, "Your problem is not that you don't understand, but that you don't understand."

How could such blood-red color be hidden from her eyes?To the world, it was the color of a demon, extremely terrifying, but how could those stupid people know how glorious and great those bloody eyes had been.

"Heart?" Ouyang looked at her with some confusion.

"Existence is reasonable." Jiang Yexing said to him with a smile,

"The sword itself is innocent, and the one who uses them is the one who uses them. The sword can kill or save people. Guan Jian is, don't let your sword heart be dusted. As long as your heart is persistent and transparent, no matter what What kind of power is your help."

Ouyang only felt a buzz in his head, as if a string had suddenly broken, and then a feeling of enlightenment was like a heavy blow, making his whole body tremble.

True intention?Kenshin?
With Ouyang as the center, the surrounding pure earth-type and gold-type energies frantically gathered, scrambling to squeeze towards Ouyang's Tianling acupoint, forming a vortex composed of energy in the air, with a radius of several miles, More energy whizzed happily, rushing towards Ouyang. For a moment, the energy concentration in the camp soared, doubled, doubled, five times.
Fatty, Miao Fei and the others sat down cross-legged for a long time. Such pure energy is of great benefit to them. At worst, they can also use this opportunity to understand the process of entering the king class.

At the same time, countless gazes looked in the same direction. Such a turbulent energy tide shocked many people.

"It seems that someone broke through to the king level?"

"Such an exaggerated movement, it seems that this person is a master."

"Has another king class been born? I don't know how old it is?"

"Just a mere king."

There are also many lively people heading in the same direction.Among them are the students of the First Academy.

However, when they arrived, all that was left for them was ashes on the ground under the night.

"Why did Ouyang make a breakthrough, and we have to leave overnight?" The fat man was deeply resentful, thinking that he could finally lie down and take a breath, and have a good meal, but in the end, the ideal came into reality, and he could only gnaw on the half-baked He walked in the night with one foot deep and one foot shallow, and he had to pay attention to all kinds of poisonous snakes and long insects on the branches above his head. Under his feet, there were poisonous weeds everywhere, and there were also poisonous weeds in mid-air that would pounce on him at any time. mosquitoes, bats.
I really saw a big headed ghost!
"Eight o'clock on the left, 50 meters." Ouyang, who had kept his eyes closed, said suddenly.

The giant had already rushed out like the wind, and after a while, dragged a donkey-sized corpse of a strange beast back to the team, and gave Ouyang a thumbs up.

On the giant's back is a bunch of different kinds of beasts like candied haws, with different shapes, the only thing in common is that they are not too big.

Ouyang's face was a little pale, and he couldn't hold on to the innate skill that Yan had just obtained when he was promoted to the king rank -- insight.

"Stop. Continue in an hour. While you are on your way, you can recover by using the basic practice methods I taught you before."

Although it was in the dark night, Ouyang Qin's state was not hidden from Jiang Yexing's eyes for a moment. Seeing his look, she knew that she had almost reached her limit, and she finally spoke to stop this consumption that was similar to suicide.

"Basic training?"

The fat man gasped and asked, "Is that thing also effective for the king class?"

At that time, Miss Jiang only told them that it was a cultivation method passed down from her family, which was much more effective than the cultivation books recognized outside, but the foundation was the foundation. Ouyang was now at the king level, how could he still be useless?

Jiang Yexing gently pulled Muffi's sleeve and complained sweetly,
"I'm not a demon, I'm despised."

"Oh dear, don't worry about it, that fat man has always grown fat but not brains, you just treat him like a pig, let him grow more meat, so that he can be slaughtered and eaten in the future. Come on, sister hug."

Miao Fei hugged Miss Jiang's slender waist and rubbed against her body.
Jiang Yexing: Is she just out of the wolf's den and into the tiger's den?
In the darkness of the night, a group of people were walking on the road leading to Lallada Mountain. At the same time, two teams of people were trailing behind them, heading in the same direction.

Soon, the sky was getting brighter. During this time, Ouyang once again used insight within a radius of 50 meters. This time, he was pleasantly surprised to find that within the distance of [-] meters, the time he used his talent skills It has far surpassed that at the beginning, and the control over energy seems to be stronger. Although he was tired to death, he still couldn't help showing a heartfelt smile.

It's just that the further up you go, the colder the weather seems to be. With everyone's physique of level nine physical skills, they will occasionally gather their clothes in the chill.

After resting for two hours, when the sky was bright, Jiang Yexing stood on a big rock, looked at the way he had come, and sighed softly.

Some people are just impatient to live, and it seems that they can only be fulfilled.

"It's getting colder and colder." Miao Fei added on a thick coat, shivering and kicking her feet,
"Why is it so cold? The weather here shouldn't be like this."

"That's a secret." Jiang Yexing looked at the morning glow on the horizon and the vast sea of ​​clouds, and replied softly.

"Hey, what's the secret?" She was just talking casually. Is there really any inside story?

Help me dear!

"I won't tell you." Jiang Yexing smiled mischievously at her.

"Oh, kiss—" The ups and downs of the demonic sound made Jiang Yexing's back tingle. He pushed the witch like brown candy away and Jiang Yexing tapped her forehead with his index finger.
"You'd better think about how to catch up with Ouyang."

Right in the heart!

Miao Fei pouted and retreated in defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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