Interstellar cute girl strikes

Chapter 180 Alien Beast War

Chapter 180 Alien Beast War
Can Xi Ya Beast know water?It seems that it will.Jiang Yexing doesn't remember, but it doesn't matter, just look it up,

Looking back, Jiang Yexing suddenly felt his hair tingling. For no other reason, on the rippling blue water, he could only see rows of sharp thorns floating on the water, rushing towards them at an extremely fast speed. Come here, the entire body of the beast is half submerged in the water. It can move freely and does not need to breathe!

"Quick, over there." Jiang Yexing swam towards the turbulent waves on the island in the middle of the lake. There, the long worm was obviously fighting with another thing, but now she couldn't care about anything, from those little clear people just now Judging from Jair's performance, this long worm may have been unfriendly to them before, which is good news!

However, as she got closer and closer, something unexpected happened again!

'Whoa -' Several figures flew out of the water, turned lightly in mid-air, landed on the island in the middle of the lake, then turned around and started doing the same thing as Jiang Yexing: running wildly!

"Quack——" The [-]-meter-long worm showed its figure again. It raised its head from the water, nearly half of its body was raised high, its huge head kept swaying, and pink smoke kept flowing from there. Squirted out from the gaping mouth.

Damn, it's poisonous!

The pink smoke dispersed in all directions, most of it heading towards the island, but some still fell into the water. In an instant, bubbles bubbled up on the water, and countless aquatic creatures floated up, including a few small ones. There were inch-long diced fish, some as big as humans, carnivorous fish with two rows of sharp teeth, and some things like carapace. These creatures all had one thing in common: the flesh all over their bodies was almost rotten.

Xi Ya Beast seemed to know the severity of the poison, and immediately stopped, a little hesitant.

Jiang Yexing hurriedly turned around, and at the same time glanced at those standing on the island from the corner of his eye - why did they look so familiar!
No matter, let's talk about it on the island!

"While that guy stops, go back around and find a safe place." Jiang Yexing quickly said to Ding Ke. She might not have the energy to protect him later.

Sending Ding Ke away with his eyes, Jiang Yexing turned his head when he saw him approaching the shore, glanced at the big guy behind him, and then at the long insect who had landed on the shore and was heading towards those people, paddling The water bypassed the poisonous water area far away, and then arrived smoothly along the oncoming water waves in a sweep of the impatient big guy!

After landing on the shore, Jiang Yexing discovered that strictly speaking, this island in the middle of the lake is not an island, but a reed-like place composed of many swamps, covered with countless criss-crossing criss-crossing, varying in depth. Scratch marks—damn it, this is the old worm's nest!

"Roar" watched helplessly as his blow with all his strength failed because the distance was too far, and the two humanoid beasts went up to the nest of their deadly rivals in a grandiose manner. A very simple logic,

Humanoid Beast = Long Worm's Lair = Long Worm's Companion = Long Worm's Provocation

Then, another earth-shattering roar roared out from his wide mouth, and it came ashore, using its invincible momentum to defend its dignity as a strong man-——
Jiang Yexing stepped ashore and saw clearly what the giant centipede looked like. Its whole body was dark red, with a glass-like texture on it. Although it slid quickly in the mud, it didn't get a trace of mud on it.

good stuff!
Look at its legs again. There are nearly a hundred pairs of long legs all over the body, and they are covered with sharp bone spurs that shine with cold light. Jiang Yexing has no doubt at all that if someone is entangled by this guy even once, his body will be protected by thousands more. A hole.

Changchong's attention was attracted by Xiyi Beast's loud roar. He turned his head and glanced this way with his emotionless eyes. Jiang Yexing's heart beat fast involuntarily. This beast Like the guy at the back, at least it's an imperial beast!
Have fun!
At this time, the group of people in front also noticed the commotion here, and they seemed to reach an agreement quickly, and then dispersed. Chang Chong seemed to glance at them, ignored them, but swayed his body, and quickly turned his head towards Xi Ya. The location of the beast swam over.

The little reptile is nothing compared to that nasty big guy!
There's drama!Jiang Yexing's spirit was shaken, and he quickly leaned down and ran into the nearest quagmire.

"Quack, croak, croak, croak," the long insect made a strange cry from its mouth, holding its head high, as if it was ready to make a fatal pounce at any time.

"Ho Ho Ho" Xi Ya Beast was also not to be outdone, it lowered its head, its legs moved forward, and rushed forward like a thunderbolt.

The long worm circled nimbly in the air, avoiding Xi Ya, then curled its long tail and pounced on the opponent's body.

Xiyi seemed to know how powerful Chang Chong's move was. He quickly turned his head and hit Chang Chong's head with his huge tail.

'crash la la'

The long worm swayed in mid-air, its whole body swayed and flew away, Xi Ya's blow fell into the air, and hit the muddy swamp hard,
Thousands of waves of mud rose up in the swamp, and the big black waves came down with a thick consistency, covering Jiang Yexing's face and body, instantly turning her into a clay figure.

Jiang Yexing wiped his face indiscriminately, lowered his head, and spat out the muddy water in a 'peh peh' manner, so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

The two big monsters started fighting again. Jiang Yexing tried her best to open her eyes wide, but there was nothing in front of her except black waves rolling one after another.

The body of the "croaking" worm was swimming like a water snake on the mud surface. Every time it screamed, there would be a wave of black waves, accompanied by waves of disgusting wind.

This guy roared non-stop, demonstrating to Xi Yai, and what answered it was a giant palm like a hill, and under this blow, another wave rushed to the sky and covered the earth.

Jiang Yexing really couldn't stay any longer. She was already obsessed with cleanliness, but now she was covered in so many layers of shells. The whole body was a humanoid beast. She quietly got up and planned to retreat.


I don't know if it was an illusion, but Jiang Yexing seemed to feel that Xi Ya Beast glanced at her, and then,

A wave of deafening roars rushed towards him, and waves of airflow swayed in the air. Jiang Yexing was careless, and was directly knocked out, rolling several times in the mud. He rushed out quickly.

Bones are falling apart!
(End of this chapter)

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