Interstellar cute girl strikes

Chapter 209 Demon Race Reappearance

Chapter 209 Demon Race Reappearance
In the depths of the unknown starry sky, Nuoda’s buildings stand on the surface of the planet, filled with countless busy figures. The white and blue buildings have a Gothic architectural style, and hovering vehicles can be seen everywhere, on their respective waterways. Occasionally, various creatures with wings of various colors can be seen flying back and forth in the air, bypassing the front and back of the hover vehicle from time to time, making people sweat involuntarily.
This kind of scene is completely a blockbuster combining the Hollywood sci-fi style and fantasy style of the ancient earth.
In the middle of the city, in an unremarkable three-story white building, in one of the rooms, countless virtual screens flicker faint blue light in the air, and rows of symbols fly by quickly, making people dazzled.
"Report, there are abnormal signals in No.30 No. [-] area."

A man covered in a white coat and wearing white goggles on his eyes said to the man sitting in front of him with a blank expression.
"Oh? Abnormal signal?" The man sitting in the tall metal chair shook the chair, spit out a row of smoke rings of different sizes from his mouth, and held an extra-large pale gold cigar in his hand, faintly Flames flickered in the brightly lit room.
"Yes, in the No. 39 signal shielding area, a small piece of garbled code was detected to be sent out."


Before he finished speaking, the man sitting on the chair suddenly kicked over, and the standing man flew out all of a sudden, slashed through the air for about ten meters, and then hit the ground heavily, without making a sound immediately. Passed out silently.
The other people in the room seemed to be used to such a scene, they just turned a blind eye and did what they were doing, without even raising their eyelids.
"When will those hateful reptiles break through the blockade of our great demon technology? Damn it, let the idiot in charge of Area 39 come to see me."

A frenzied roar resounded in the room, echoing repeatedly.
These people are all demons!
However, no matter how crazy they are at this time, that short signal has already crossed an incomparably long distance, heading towards a specific area with a special waveband.
In the meteorite belt, Jiang Hanyue, who just used the special transmitter left by her sister to send out a distress signal, sat in the large chair very calmly, lightly clasped her index finger, and made a soft sound of 'duh, duh, duh'. Standing aside with a downcast face,
"Sorry, I don't know what's going on here. Although this channel is a bit off, it is indeed an effective channel that has been detected by Fengjia. There was no such meteorite belt here before."

Cosmic waterways are one of the most important resources in the interstellar era. Except for the known large-scale waterways that are controlled by the Federation and used as important business routes and military uses, each family has its own hidden waterway and a planet that is completely personal. The initial default rules of Interstellar, whoever discovers it, owns it.
At that time, human science and technology were far inferior to today's, and they had barely reached the threshold of a second-level civilization, and they knew nothing about the universe. Exploring new planets requires a huge investment, but it may not necessarily pay off. High-risk investment, of course, if you can find a planet with sufficient resources, such as Mining Star, it will be thousands of times, or even hundreds of thousands of times the return. At that time, the only family that was able to carry out such a big move was Yun , Feng, and the Cheng family.
Up to now, apart from the Federation, each of the four major families has its own planet and waterway, which is also the basis for the four major families to survive. Therefore, when Bai Ziming knew that Jiang Hanyue wanted to pass through the Tasmi galaxy at the fastest speed, he Volunteering to use this unknown remote waterway, who knew that he would be lost in the boundless universe?
What's more frightening is that the signal here is completely blocked, not only the distress signal, but also the signal instrument of the mothership itself is half-paralyzed, and even the various exploration spacecraft on the mothership are in a state of losing contact once they leave the mothership.
The anxious Bai Ziming looked at the leisurely Jiang Hanyue opposite, wishing he could bite off a piece of meat from him.
Brother, do you know what kind of situation we are facing? Do you know how scary Star Trek is?
"Are we really just waiting like this? Is Miss Xingxing's special band reliable? She. Okay, okay, I didn't say anything."

As soon as she heard that Bai Ziming dared to question her baby sister, Jiang Hanyue's cold air that could freeze people 'swish' came out, making Bai Ziming, who knew he had slipped his tongue, quickly shut up and waved his hands repeatedly.
While the two were staring at each other boredly, faint ripples appeared in a small corner deep in the huge meteorite belt, and a spaceship covered in pitch black appeared silently, as if traveling through another world. Coming, first the bow, then the hull, and the stern, after a while, its true face was revealed.

Its body is not big, about half the size of the mothership 'Angel', and its whole body is as dark as a black hole, exuding an extremely evil and cold aura, which makes people feel a kind of coldness when they see it of despair.

It moved forward slowly in the meteorite belt, and those roaring meteorites seemed to have life, and they avoided one after another, giving it an unimpeded channel.

It wasn't until he appeared at a distance visible to the naked eye in the main control room of the 'Angel' that the duty personnel staying in the control room exclaimed,
"God, what is that?"

"Is that...a spaceship? Really a spaceship!"

"No, why is there no response from the detection radar? Take a look!"

".No, I can't find any abnormal reactions in the scan."

"Go and report."

It should be said that Jiang Hanyue's subordinates are quite reliable. From seeing the black 'ghost ship' to reporting the news to their pirate leader Jiang Ershao, it was only a few tens of seconds. In tens of seconds, the black spaceship has infinitely approached the 'Angel'. No matter how the personnel on the Angel called or tried to contact the other party, there was no response.

"What's going on?" Jiang Hanyue strode into the control room, his face was very displeased, and he no longer had the calmness and comfort before.

He thought he just had to wait for rescue, but such an emergency gave him a bad premonition.

The first time Jiang Hanyue saw the black ghost ship, she instinctively felt creepy. The big ship had already entered the attack range of the Angel, and Jiang Hanyue ordered without hesitation,
"Open the A-level protective cover, the interstellar energy cannon is ready"

(End of this chapter)

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