Interstellar cute girl strikes

Chapter 44 Graduation

Chapter 44 Graduation
Q: How did you become a charming girl?
Answer: I got used to it by a group of secondary school boys and girls!

As usual, Jiang Yexing hung on Miao Fei's body, listening to the headmaster's long nonsense in every possible way. There are two beautiful girls, one is charming and bewitching, the other is pure and pure. This kind of warm posture that completely ignores the occasion and ignores the onlookers is approaching like no one else, attracting countless people to pry openly or secretly, and then take a few sneak peeks in a sudden realization of "So it's them", which contains envy Jealousy relatives and friends admiration curiosity and so on various colors.

The principal's vigorous speech continued,
".Today, you will go out from the Starlight Academy and go in all directions. The future belongs to you."

That's right, today is the annual graduation ceremony.

Life in Xingguang Senior Academy was as boring and uninteresting as Jiang Yexing had imagined before. Fortunately, she cleverly picked up a few middle school children, that is, the legendary bear children, which brought so much to her ordinary college life. With a little bit of fun, Jiang Yexing, who barely mixed in the non-combat department for three years and has grown into a slim girl, said that he could no longer bear the kind of teaching in colleges that looked advanced but was actually childish and speechless, and decided to work hard. After applying for early graduation, it turns out that being able to fight for your father is just so willful!
Kiss Little Xing'er is leaving. After three years together, the six-member team, which had long formed a close group, followed up one by one. They successfully applied for the First Federal Military Academy together, and half a month later, they will take the entrance examination for the First Academy together.

At the end of the graduation ceremony, Jiang Yexing didn't have any nostalgia, pretending that he didn't see the cramp-like eyes of the principal, and flashed away neatly.

"Xing Xing, didn't the principal send someone to tell us to go to his office?"

The fat man in charge of diplomatic affairs asked in a routine formula, he was actually faster than anyone else in his sneaking just now.

"Ah, I don't want to go, it's not that I want to see him." He's not handsome!
Jiang Yexing wore automatic roller skates on his feet, hung on Miao Fei's body with one hand, and took Ouyang's arm with the other, letting them lead her forward without looking back.


The giant plucked his hair, hesitated for a while, and then decided to ask her,
"You're so lazy, aren't you afraid you won't get married?"

She is really the laziest girl he has ever seen. If it is a giant girl, she will not sleep until she wakes up naturally. Girls, absolutely no one wants it!
Jiang Yexing staggered, and almost fell to the ground. Who said that giants have no brains, can they ask such profound and learned questions without brains?
"Oh, brother giant, don't you know what you call it? We are women, and women are made of water. They are born beautiful and hard to give up. Wherever we go, there is a scenery."

Miao Fei stretched out the numb ending, winked wildly, and a tall male student on the side of the road stared straight at him, forgot to turn the corner, and bumped into the wall in front of him, making Miao Fei giggle coquettishly. , It made the male creatures onlookers swallow their saliva non-stop, and from time to time, some had their ears pulled, some were blindfolded by their female companions, and all kinds of contempt and food, all kinds of things, and so on.

She just said, tsk, she is still so beautiful, her existence is really a nightmare for female creatures!
Miao Fei is swinging her slender waist, the S-shaped curve is more exaggerated than three years ago, her chest is almost protruding, and her legs are straight and slender. She is so charming, and now she is the flower of the other side in full bloom, full of all kinds of temptations.

In comparison, Jiang Yexing, who is a completely different kind of classmate, is much inferior. Although he looks good, those big eyes full of spirituality are even more misty, which makes people feel distressed. However, compared to Miao The beauty is glamorous and glamorous, like a noodle with no temperament at all, Jiang is one of the large green leaves dotted with red flowers, and there is no comparison at all.

Ouyang Qin supported Jiang Yexing's arm steadily, and continued to move forward without changing his face. No matter how beautiful Miao Mei is, she has been inseparable for three years, and she is also tired of aesthetics. What is written is such a messy secondary school nature, it is simply unbearable to look directly at it.

In this way, the principal who was still waiting in the office was ignored by the gorgeous group, and the face of the principal who wanted to "communicate" with the daughter of the head of the Zida Army was cloudy and rainy for several days in a row. The wrinkled face is more bitter than bitter melon.

At this time, the group of six has embarked on a long journey to the Anruila galaxy.

In the ultra-luxurious first-class VIP cabin, the group of six is ​​the only six passengers.

The giant was still immersed in the huge accident of "I actually took the first-class cabin", looking around like a child, doing various adventures, and the fat man in charge of external affairs was collecting various information about the First Military Academy, As for classmate Jiang Yexing, with his head resting on Little Sister Liuhua's legs, while enjoying the food from classmate Ouyang, a handsome boy, there were two plates of various small pastries with good color and fragrance, one by one, they disappeared into Ouyang's eyes. White and slender hands.

Miao Fei also looked up information on the cloud network, but what she looked at was completely different from what the fat man looked at.

"Wow, wow, look at the stars, they are so handsome, and they are the eldest son of the third generation of the Feng family. Oh my god, it's really cool. It's called Feng Xu..."

This familiar yet unfamiliar surname inadvertently evoked the deepest softness in Jiang Yexing's heart, Fengjia!I haven't seen you in 800 years. Is the red family of Huaxia Kingdom now one of the five major families of the Human Federation?

"Also, this, look at Xing Xing, the third young master of the Mu family, Mu Jin, oh my god, there is such a handsome man in the world who is so handsome, I am going to die."

"Shut up, girl, you'll die if you don't go crazy for a day!"

The fat man rolled his triangular eyes and roared.

"Hey, fat man, what's wrong with my old lady who likes to look at men, you envy, who made you look like a whole spherical object that is neither human nor demon, it's only natural for a beautiful woman to look at a handsome man, if you don't accept it, you will bite me!"

"Dead nymphomaniac, do you know that if you are sick, you will be cured?"

"Cut, you are waiting for the fat man, you are waiting, come, come, look at handsome and handsome, this, the top ten schools of the first college, you must have a family life, appearance, appearance."

Miao Fei pushed the fat man away with a rude gesture that was completely inconsistent with her temperament, and moved the terminal in his hand to Jiang Yexing's eyes, asking for praise as if asking for credit,

Jiang Yexing lay on the seat, half-closed his eyes and glanced forward, then froze, his mouth slightly opened, not even aware of the flower cake Ouyang sent to his mouth.

this man
The familiar appearance is yet so strange, such a face has appeared in the memory thousands of times, and then it is hidden in the deepest place.

I didn't expect that she would see her again so soon.
Big teardrops fell from his eyes, but Jiang Yexing didn't notice it.

On the other hand, Miao Fei was at a loss as if she had made a big mistake, and hurriedly wiped the tears on her face with her hands,

"Star Star, don't cry, who do you see, tell your sister, the sister must stun him and throw you on your bed.

Oh my god, baby Xing'er is crying, what should I do?
"Shut up, boss, who do you want to investigate, just talk!"

Xing Xing shed tears, tsk, who is so closed-eyed, if I don't kill him, I will lose weight!
"Who is this?"

Jiang Yexing shrugged his nose, pointed to one of them, and asked in a nasal voice.

"Feng Xu. The eldest son of the third generation of the Feng family of the five major families. He is 22 years old and is currently studying in the Command Department of the First Federal Military Academy. He is the chief student of the grade."

Wind. Asahi.
Do mom and dad know he's there?

It's been a long time.

Big brother!
(End of this chapter)

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