Chapter 86
In the ensuing life-and-death duel, Su Ying worked hard, and finally defeated the old Taoist priest. A big stone in her heart was pressed down, but there was always a vague premonition, as if something was about to happen. The sixth sense of things is always strong, she firmly believes in this.

So I decided to continue to retreat, improve my strength, and strive to get out of the current predicament as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, when she opened her eyes again, she felt the Xuefeng Mountain shaking. At first she thought it was an avalanche, but suddenly realized something, and the whole snake coiled up.

its not right!
She is the guardian beast of Xuefeng Mountain. If there is an avalanche, either she is going to overcome the catastrophe, or it is within the control range of her thoughts. How could there be an avalanche suddenly!

Could it be that the old one was killed, and the young one came!The thousands of descendants of the old Taoist formed a team to attack, and wanted to take her inner alchemy?
Thinking of this, she denied it again, a group of Taoist priests, even if they cultivated to a higher level, they would not soar in the daylight, have the ability to shake the world, this world restricts their growth, then, who would it be? Woolen cloth!
While she was in a trance, there was another earthquake. Others were attacking her home base. There was no reason why she should not stand. However, Su Ying was not a willful person. She sailed the ship of ten thousand years with caution. One point is always right.

She quietly lurked in the ice and snow, slipped towards the direction of the avalanche, and saw a group of people in the distance, wearing the uniform of the Royal Guards, holding tons of explosives in their hands, igniting the wire. Another avalanche broke out.

Su Ying seemed to hear thousands of creatures in Xuefeng Mountain crying and howling, and fled in all directions. If there were more such avalanches, Xuefeng Mountain would cease to exist.

The snake letter spat out and retracted again. She was irritable throughout the snake. Because of her fault, she hadn't cut the weeds and rooted them out, and she had too many scruples. Then it was the thousands of creatures in Xuefeng Mountain who took the responsibility for her. Human life is precious. Could it be that the lives of those spirits and monsters are made of paper!
Su Ying was so furious in her heart that she took a deep breath, her body suddenly became dozens of times bigger, she stood horizontally in front of those royal guards, raised her tail, and directly threw off their explosives, extinguishing the explosives on it. Huo Miao, with a pair of vertical pupils, was staring at their leader, a man in white clothes.

His elegant style and noble temperament make people feel good at first glance. This is definitely his ability. But when he looked at it the second time, there was only a cold feeling, and he remembered the wailing sound. It seemed that it still echoed in her ears, and Su Ying wanted to bite him to death!
She opened her bloody mouth and shouted at the guards. I don't know whether it was because of their training or because there were experts on duty, but the guards didn't show any fear at all. Su Ying couldn't help but feel troubled. Seeing The person who comes here is not kind, and it is difficult for her to deal with him.

"Xuanyuanyi, I came to Xuefeng Mountain to make friends with you!" There was a spring-like smile on his face, impeccable.

Su Ying snorted coldly, breathing out, and directly froze the guards in front of her, turning them into perfect popsicles. This is not considered murder, they are just hibernating, Su Ying spread her hands to express herself Very innocent, if Tiandao is tracked down, he has a reason to escape perfectly.

However, she had no grudge against the person in front of her, so why would she attack Xuefeng Mountain and harm the creatures she was protecting?Looking at his airy and tyrant-like face again, Su Ying felt that she seemed to know something.

The vertical pupils met a pair of eyes as deep as cold pools, and he hissed out the red letter: "Enough nonsense, why did the tyrant of Xuanyuan Kingdom send you here! If you are sincere, maybe I will agree to you My request, if you have ulterior motives, don’t say much, either you die or I live!”

"Don't be so irritable! We can have a long talk all night, many friends are better than many enemies, are you right? The guardian beast of Xuefeng Mountain?" fans.

That bad premonition was getting worse and worse. Su Ying didn't want to procrastinate any longer. She was afraid of some uncontrollable variables, so she launched an attack directly. The cold air is the most indispensable thing on Xuefeng Mountain. Here, she doesn't have to worry about spiritual power at all. exhausted.

"Ice, stab!" Thousands of snowflakes condensed into sword blades, heading towards the group of imperial guards. Su Ying's main opponent is that unfathomable man. She reads novels on weekdays and loves this This kind of affectionate male supporting role went up the mountain of swords, went into the sea of ​​fire for the heroine, and even lost his life for her, but now that he really met him, he felt really difficult.

"It seems that the spirit snake has true love for me, and even wants to win over me even to death. It's a pity... I can't let you get your wish. I also plan to take your inner elixir and transform my little kitten! How is that possible? I'll just let you die!" He exclaimed in admiration. There is simply no one with a darker heart than him.

"Come and get it if you can!" Su Ying knew that he was using the aggressive method, and tried to suppress the anger around her. If she got angry and exploded into an avalanche, then the crime of killing living beings would fall on her.

Relying on the tyrannical physical body, Xuanyuan Yi's body was covered with a lot of color. The whole person lost the brilliance and immortal appearance at the beginning, but looked embarrassed. It was affected and buried in the snow.

"Since you don't agree to be friends, then I can only...let you die!" The whole person's aura suddenly changed. Xuanyuan Yi knew that procrastinating any longer would be absolutely detrimental to him, so he simply showed his last trump card. , and threw the fire bag in his hand towards the cave not far away.

Su Ying yelled, "Oh no, they may have buried tons of explosives inside. Once these explosives explode, the entire Xuefeng Mountain may be razed to the ground!"They were really a group of selfish people. They flew forward with their whole body, only to find that the snake's tail was tightly grasped by someone and could not move at all.

"Are you willing to die?" Su Ying gritted her teeth, and the whole snake was trembling.

"For the sake of Lingmiao, I am willing to give everything...cough cough..." Xuanyuan Yi is now at the end of his strength, and the action of restraining Su Ying is only supported by the last willpower.

And Su Ying's situation was not much better, so she made up her mind and spit out her transparent white inner alchemy, and sprayed another mouthful of blood on the inner alchemy, the red light was so bright that the piercing people couldn't open their eyes.

Su Ying's entire snake body grew several times, she bit the Huozhezi that was about to enter the cave entrance, and swallowed it directly into her stomach, watching Xuanyuan Yi, who was still alive and dying, turned into the size of her own body, she did not forget to taunt him at the end: " Overwhelmed...ahem..."

 One more chapter and this volume is coming to an end. What kind of male and female supporting characters do you want to see in the next volume?

(End of this chapter)

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