The random system to save the male supporting role

Chapter 170 I’m Suffering, You Feel Painful, That’s Why You Come (4)

Chapter 170 I’m Suffering, You Feel Painful, That’s Why You Come (4)
Under such circumstances, how could it be possible to fall asleep?
Lin Xiaoman nestled in Shilang's arms, squinting his eyes, motionless, but his mind was very clear, and he didn't feel sleepy at all.

Shiro hugged Lin Xiaoman, opened his eyes slightly, sighed softly, and was not even half sleepy.

Finally, Lin Xiaoman said leisurely, "Xiao Shi, why don't we chat for a while?"

"What are you talking about?" He looked down at her.

Lin Xiaoman moved up and pulled his arm to use it as a pillow, which was very comfortable, "Why don't you tell me about the situation in the Lingting Court?"

"Lingting?" Juro repeated, pulling the quilt with his big hands to cover her. "What do you want to know?"

Lin Xiaoman thought for a while, then turned to face him, "I, I want to know the various characters and ranks in the Lingting Court. By the way, I also want to know those right-hand people around you. Also, do you have No rivals, enemies, or anything like that?"

Juro pondered for a while, then squeezed her face with a light smile, "I have many enemies, but I never paid attention to them."

He turned over, retracted his arms around her waist and put them on the back of his head, raised his eyes to look at the top of the bed, "The Lingting Court is divided into four major dynasties, divided into four directions, east, west, north and south, and the center surrounds the Lingting Court. The upper officials of the court are all in the spiritual court, controlling the spiritual court, managing the spiritual world, and the one who issues policies is the Lord Emperor."

"I know." Lin Xiaoman turned sideways and turned to him, "He is an annoying old man!"

Shiro raised his eyebrows and turned his head to look at her, she dared to call Lord Lord like that.

Lin Xiaoman murmured even more disapprovingly, "Old stubborn, with a stubborn temper, under the banner of justice and kindness. In fact, he is also a selfish guy." Shi Lang shook his head, and held her with the hand that used to be her pillow. shoulder, pettingly said, "You, you know so much. I am useless in front of you."

Lin Xiaoman chuckled, stretched out his small hand and gestured, "Who said that, I know a little more than you. Let me tell you, don't touch the general in the south. She covets you For a long time!"

Juro continued to raise his eyebrows, his eyebrows were flickering with a little bit of interest, "Actually, it's good that you know so much. You can kill your rival earlier, right?"

"Hey——" Lin Xiaoman thumped his chest coquettishly, his little face puffed up, "I don't have so much free time, the most I can do is remind you. You have to be self-conscious!"

Shi Lang laughed loudly for a long while before nodding to her, "I've always been very self-conscious."

The two chatted happily, and after half a moment, the housekeeper's voice came from the door.

"Ten General, King Ling is here, waiting for you in the main hall."

The two of them looked at each other, and Juro got up helplessly, straightening his clothes neatly.

Lin Xiaoman also got up and quickly put on his clothes.

After Julang finished straightening it out, he turned around and saw that Lin Xiaoman was almost done. His eyebrows moved and he asked, "You want to come with me?"

"Go!" Lin Xiaoman responded casually, speeding up his movements, "Of course I want to meet your boss!"

So, he sat by the bed and patiently waited for her to finish messing around.

After a while, the two of them slowly walked out of the room. The housekeeper was bowing and bowing, "General Ten, Prince Ling has been waiting for a long time."

"En." Shi Lang replied with a hum, and took Lin Xiaoman to the main hall for a slow walk.

Along the way, Lin Xiaoman was very upset.

In fact, as early as when she came to "Spiritual World", the system reminded her that the spiritual world will enter chapter 2—chaos in the spiritual court.

At this point, she also understands that the plot of "The Spirit World" cannot be changed.

Instead of avoiding taboo, it is better to stimulate the plot and then destroy it, just like in the underworld.

It is inevitable that Shi Lang and Yao Ling will get married, and it is also inevitable that the wedding cannot be carried out; it is just that this is a major event, and there are too many related factors, and there are many points that can cause damage; now she is staying in the Lingting Court, and it cannot be disturbed Bureau? !
Just like now, Ling Wang is the biggest matchmaker between Shi Lang and Yao Ling.

If she didn't expect, when Shi Lang came back this time, the most important purpose of Ling Wang's visit to his house was to marry Yao Ling.

King Ling despises Weihan, and will continue to make things difficult for Weihan, torturing Weihan and Yaoling.At the same time, Ling Wang will also try to instigate Juro and let Juro intervene between the two of them. Finally, under the misunderstanding of the two of them, the wedding between Juro and Yaoling is held hastily.

Originally, King Ling's wishful thinking was quite delicate.

If Juro still likes Yao Ling as before, then she may not be a good spoiler.

But now, Shiro's mind has also changed, she wants to see how Ling Wang's abacus can be played!
When he came to the main hall, King Ling took the seat next to him, sipping tea slowly, with an appearance of waiting leisurely.

Shi Lang led Lin Xiaoman forward, nodded respectfully, "King Ling."

King Ling looked at Shiro with contempt.

Hearing that Juro had brought a female spiritualist back, he hugged her tightly and swaggered along the way.

For a while, there was a lot of rumors about Lingting, but Ling Wang still didn't quite believe it.I am sure that the female spirit artist must be his family's Yaoling, and I am also sitting at the mansion waiting for Shiro to bring Yaoling to bring the good news.

However, after about half an hour, Yao Ling returned home.With a man too!
In such an instant, Ling Wang was in a mess. He realized that his favorite son-in-law and his daughter "both cheated on each other", and the situation was serious!

Originally, Ling Wang is a person who provides freedom in love, and he will not interfere too much with Yao Ling's private life.

But after seeing Wei Han, King Ling twitched.

Not to mention the low level of cultivation, the words and conversations are still full of rusticity, and he moves his hands and feet smartly, puts his shoulders on his shoulders from time to time, and pats his head from time to time.This made his father see it, and he was very angry!Ling Wang pulled Yao Ling to persuade him for a long while, but Yao Ling was as stubborn as a cow, and didn't listen to a word for a long time.

Helpless, he had to come to Juro.

I just heard that Juro brought a woman back, maybe that woman and Juro have a pure relationship? !
It was with such thoughts that King Ling came to Shilang's residence.

However.The housekeeper reported that Juro and the woman had been in the room for several hours. The housekeeper advised King Ling to go back to the house first and then notify Juro.

But King Ling had waited for so long, how could he come back angrily.

There was no other way, the housekeeper had no choice but to report.

In the end, after getting the good news, King Ling straightened his face and waited for Shiro to come with a relaxed look.

"This is it." Ling Wang locked his eyes on Lin Xiaoman.

Shiro raised his hand and pulled her to his side, holding her tightly with his big hand, and solemnly announced to King Ling, "My girlfriend and future wife—Lin Xiaoman."

(End of this chapter)

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