Chapter 42 Inspiring New Plot
"Sister Hua, why are you talking down to Yao Ting? Did she do something to you? If you say something, we will definitely not let Yao Ting go!" Hua Girl's followers swarmed up and gave some kind words.Unexpectedly, he was yelled at by the flower girl instead.

"Shut up, you useless guy! Who dares to disrespect Sister Man in the future, I will make her unable to bear it!" Huanu was still full of energy when she was swearing, but as soon as she finished yelling, she seemed to have died. Bai Cai, "Sister Man, you must help me. I can't stand that young man! He is simply too abnormal!"

"What young man? Where did you see it?" Lin Xiaoman thought carefully, did someone find her trouble so soon?Who is the one?
The experience of the flower girl the night before can be said to be the most bizarre one in more than ten years.Leaving aside a series of supernatural encounters outside, what happened back home was even more bizarre!

Huanu's family is not considered wealthy in the capital city of Dajing, and the level of well-off is still higher.Huanu's house is a duplex house with a large area and many vacant rooms, so it's no problem to take in one more person.

Regarding the fact that these eyes can see ghosts, Hua Nu has silently accepted this fact in her heart.It's just that she didn't expect that there would be so many ghosts in her home!
As soon as she entered the house, there was an evil beggar squatting at the door. She tried her best to calm down and ran into the house very quickly.Unexpectedly, her family can be said to be a place where evil spirits live together.Eating supper to calm the soul, sitting across from a child evil spirit, in addition to ignoring it, it can only eat food.Taking the young people to visit the room, how many times did they encounter ghosts in white clothes floating around.After taking a bath and cleaning the mirror, there is a red-clothed devil standing behind him.Is it because her house is an old house, so she especially recruits ghosts?
The flower girl is sure that she has given herself a full vaccination, but when she really faces so many evil spirits, she can't calm down anymore!

Even when she lay down on the bed, she was so nervous that she couldn't close her eyes, because there was one standing beside the bed.

In the end, the flower girl crawled to the young man's side with all her hands and feet, rolled up the quilt and made a bed on the floor in his room decisively, and then fell asleep in peace.

Who knew... the young man was the worst scared. It was a very real dream. In the middle of the night, when she saw the young man get up, she also chased him out...

That scene has haunted her till now, so much so that even now, even if she wanted to, she couldn't forget it.The young man cast a spell to summon ghosts in the courtyard of her house, and for a moment, just for a moment, tens of thousands of evil spirits swarmed out of his wide open space, just like bees leaving a hive.

All the evil spirits knelt down to the young man and obeyed him. The scene was huge and horrifying, just like the scene in TV dramas where evil forces gather around a bonfire and start plotting.And at this moment, a dramatic scene happened, the flower girl was discovered!
The young man didn't touch her, but looked at her high and commanded her like a king, to work hard for him and be sincere to him, and the first task he issued was to keep an eye on Lin Xiaoman's every move, in order to mark her His running dog also gave her a token-type communicator to control her and tell her to contact him in time.

Waking up from a nightmare, the sun is shining high above, the young man is sleeping soundly, the flower girl is sweating, and she sighs that it is a dream, but I don't want to, but the token is in my hand!

"Sister Man, do you believe me? You must believe me! Take a look at this thing." After narrating the experience of last night, the flower girl was nervous and incoherent again.With trembling hands, he handed over the token.

"This is, Pluto Order..." Lin Xiaoman's eyes were sharp, and he recognized it at a glance.Knowing that what the flower girl was going to talk about might be a big deal, she immediately took the flower girl to a sparsely populated corner to talk.

The underworld is divided into eight domains, each with its own king, and each ghost king with its orders.There is only one Pluto Token for each king. Which ghost king paid so much attention to her and gave her all the Pluto Tokens?

Lin Xiaoman can't think clearly, but she also knows that the visitor is not good, so she has to be careful.

"Pluto Order? What is it?" Hua Nu asked.

"It doesn't matter, leave it to me. If he wants to investigate, let him come to me." Lin Xiaoman put away the Pluto Order, and patted her shoulder lightly, quite like a leader's condolences, "How about it, you can see ghosts, are you still used to life?"

"How can I get used to it? Sister Man, please help me quickly. I feel like I'm living in a horror movie. Opening and closing my eyes are ghosts, my God." Hua Nu was really frightened. Can she adapt to this world?Judging from last night, I’m afraid it really can’t be done!At the same time, she also deeply regretted what she had done to Yao Ting. "This is definitely retribution, retribution..."

"In that case, you should move here and live with me. In this way, you go to see Qin Lin after school, and then tidy up your things, and move to my house. If the young man is still there, you can bring him here together. I guess , he should just be caught by the ghost king." In order to take care of the overall situation, Lin Xiaoman's plan is to hold back for the time being and gather her people together first.

"Okay, okay, Sister Man, if I want to live with you, I will definitely become more courageous." Huanuo Huanyue said.

At the same time, in a dark corner that neither of them paid attention to, there were also two people watching closely, listening to their conversation.Although they were too far apart to understand half a sentence, but from the analysis of the body movements of the two of them, it is estimated that there has been an earth-shaking role change between the two of them.And this change is really puzzling!
"Ajia, tell me, what's wrong with Sister Hua? You didn't go to the haunted house with Yao Ting yesterday and scared yourself silly?"

"How is it possible! Sister Hua is such a bold person, have you ever seen her be afraid of anything!" Yes, the two who were peeping were exactly two of Hua Girl's followers.

Although Hua Nu always loses her temper with them, generally speaking, Hua Nu is very loyal to them. Seeing that Hua Nu is not normal, how can the two of them feel at ease.After making eye contact, he hurriedly followed.

"He must have been possessed! I said there is something wrong with the Western Teaching Building! Liu Mei, isn't your family rich? Let's see if we can use any connections to save Sister Hua." Ajia patted Liu Mei on the shoulder. After thinking about it three times, a solution came out.

"I, I remembered! My uncle's nephew is a ghost exorcist by profession, and I always call him a magic stick. I'll call him and show him." Liu Mei is a child from a rich family. As a girl, she is no less prodigal For boys, what's more, what I like the most is to use money to achieve some things that ordinary people can't achieve more conveniently.

Because of this, Ajia just made a note, she made a phone call every minute, and it was settled smoothly!

"Hey, uncle? My Liu Mei, it's like this. I have a friend who went to the famous haunted building in school, and today she seemed to be a different person. She looked very bad, and her personality changed drastically. Do you think she is possessed by evil spirits?"

"Oh, oh, okay, can you ask your nephew to come and have a look if you have time? This is Hongen High School, yes, call me when you arrive. Okay, goodbye."

(End of this chapter)

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