Chapter 27 The Ruthless Vampire 5
As a qualified green tea bitch, Ruo Si naturally wanted to refuse, but after all, Ruo Si was a qualified green tea bitch, he had to pretend to be weak in front of others, but he had to be a grass man behind his back. Only by piercing it, the current Lin Qiqi has pierced Ruosi's heart a thousand times.

But now there is no way to refuse, because Edward was indeed injured because he saved himself. If he fell into the hands of the police officer, his situation might not be better than staying with Edward, and the werewolf police officer threw his whip at Edward. At that time, Edward could have avoided it with his skills, but Edward did not avoid it because behind him was Ruos.

In terms of emotion and reason, Ruosi wanted to do something for her savior, so she could only endure the urge to walk out with the ruthless Zalin Qiqi on the surface of the polite appearance.

Lin Qiqi saw the green tea bitch Ruosi walking out very reluctantly, and the corners of his lips unconsciously drew a curve, "Small sample, you still pretend to be me, is it interesting?"

"What are you going to do to her?" Edward suddenly grabbed Lin Qiqi's hand in a quiet environment, his eyes were blood red in the dark, this is a signal that the vampire has lost too much blood and wants to replenish blood in time, to put it simply Said that Edward wanted to suck blood.

Lin Qiqi now said that he was not afraid, of course it was a lie, after all, who would want to donate his blood?What's more, being bitten and sucked by a vampire on the neck, it's disgusting...won't there be saliva?
"I'm here to save you, I don't plan to do anything to her." Lin Qiqi said friendly, hoping that this Mr. Edward can let go of his defenses, otherwise he won't like himself, It's really hard to deal with, last time he was the father of zombies, and now he's a vampire again, Lin Qiqi feels that if he wants to fall in love, he must find someone who is more normal, why are they all not human...

"'0753', I don't usually pay you any money. Human beings do everything for a purpose. Why did you save me?" Edward said straightforwardly, but he didn't seem to notice that his eyes had turned blood red. .

Lin Qiqi didn't intend to tell him that his eyes turned blood red, because he would probably be bitten to death by him, but this vampire is really very smart, knowing that everything humans do has a purpose. justified.

"Why should I save you?" Lin Qiqi suddenly became evil. She pressed on top of Edward and admired Edward's exquisite facial features up close, especially those blood-red eyes in the dark. Oh my God, this is simply He's just someone from the comics.

Edward looked at '0753' and didn't understand why this woman became so strange. He used to be in the Jack killer group, because he and '0753' were both excellent killers, so there would be a high frequency when performing tasks I met, but the woman '0753' was very indifferent, she didn't even say hello to him. Edward always thought that '0753' was a very potential killer because she was cold-blooded enough.

Lin Qiqi knew that Edward would find it strange, but she knew that this vampire, who was afraid of being alone, was not as cold to the touch as this body. In fact, his heart was very sincere and hot, but no one was willing to accept it.

"Because I love you." Lin Qiqi said without blushing.

Edward was stunned, yes, the pure blood vampire Edward who lived for tens of thousands of years was stunned, "'0753', you may not be clear-headed now, or is it because you were drugged during the mission or... "

"I'm not crazy!" Lin Qiqi kissed Edward's mouth when he was about to speak, hehehe... so soft, Edward refused to open his mouth at first, but in the end he opened his mouth, Lin Qiqi could even feel his two fangs with his tongue, and finally left Edward's mouth after feeling Edward's reaction as a male vampire.

Lin Qiqi also licked the saliva that came out of Edward's mouth in front of Edward, "Well, the taste is very good."

Edward's eyes were wide open, and his voice was a little hoarse, "'0753', did you receive some kind of stimulation, or did you take some ecstasy by mistake, and you took me as your lover?"

Lin Qiqi is very angry now, obviously in order to attack him, he even offered his first kiss, what do you want her to do... Although strictly speaking, this body is not hers hahahaha, but it still has bodily sensations, Ma Dan!How dare you question your acting skills, you must know that your dream since childhood is to be an actress!
Lin Qiqi immediately grabbed Edward's collar, "Edward, let me tell you, my name is not '0753', I have a name, my name is Lin Qiqi."

Then put down Edward very domineeringly and walked out.

Lin Qiqi originally had a very domineering back, but when he got out of Edward's sight, he immediately froze, and immediately patted his chest, "Oh, I'm so scared to death, and there are fangs, I'm afraid he will bite you!" If you drop my tongue, it's really 'killing yourself by biting your tongue' hey..."

System 438: Good host, because of your rogue behavior just now, the host's favorability for you has increased by 0% from 20, keep up the good work, I really didn't expect the host to be so flirtatious, the scene just now was still shy.

Lin Qiqi: ...

Lin Qiqi: Wait, how come there is such a favorability degree now, can I still check it?

438 system: Because I have already upgraded, I naturally have this function. Does the host think this function is very convenient? You can complete it better according to the progress I told you. That's it. I'm going to sleep. Don't you Don't bother me again, will you?What a chatterbox! bye~
Lin Qiqi... It's really baffling who is the chatterbox, and who is the first to speak.

Just when Lin Qiqi was still scolding the 438 system, Ruo Si came back, holding two packs of brown sugar and two packs of white sugar, Lin Qiqi saw the cute appearance of the green tea bitch Ruo Si, as if Seeing that their child's grades have finally caught up, the parents nodded sincerely, "Yeah."

Ruosi walked up to Lin Qiqi. Ruosi was obviously a head shorter than Lin Qiqi. Lin Qiqi was simply a cold goddess with a sexy figure and exquisite facial features. She was still wearing a tight leather jacket and her weapon was a whip. She was simply Queen!And look at Ruos, she's a bit weak...just a loli.

"Miss '0753', this is the candy you want me to buy, what do you think?"

When the green tea bitch Ruosi gave Lin Qiqi the sugar, Lin Qiqi almost spit out blood, this green tea bitch can really say it, "Miss '0753'" can also say it, she is not afraid to call her "" Miss Green Tea Bitch?

(End of this chapter)

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