beauty bible

Chapter 72

Chapter 72

In the video.

Shen Lang wore a pair of black shorts and stood barefoot on the smooth white tile floor.Holding a huge silver steel pipe in one hand, he turned around and glanced at the white kitten squatting silently watching not far away. Then, he turned his head and said to the front of the video: "Are you sure? Are you sure your wish is this?"

A faintly excited female voice came from the video: "Yes, yes! Handsome guy! Whether this live broadcast can make dear fans pay for it, depends on you, handsome guy! Come on! Seduce me! Let all the community Let the nosebleeds of the chicks in the movie come out!"

Li Ling glanced at the name of the broadcaster of this video - "Wang Meimei loves big breasts, buttocks and good looks"

Li Ling hesitated: "...Is this live broadcast host a woman? Female broadcast host? She invited that young man to do the live broadcast?"

"Wait," Li Ling suddenly realized: "The first person that young man met was this female broadcaster! One of the female broadcaster's wishes is to let him dance in the live video?"


"It was released the day before yesterday," Li Ling thought: "That is to say, this young man completed a task on the third day after he traveled to this world. He needs to complete two tasks, and he is still short of one. ?”

While Li Ling was thinking for a moment, Shen Lang in the camera had already started dancing.

In the video, a hot dance song was released from low to intense, and Shen Lang swayed his body to the rhythm in this dance song!

A muscular and strong young man, wearing a tight black skirt, danced a voluptuous and sexy dance.In this dance, Shen Lang twisted his waist and raised his buttocks, showing his bulging arms, plump chest muscles, sexy abdominal muscles, and perfect inverted triangle figure. Even his expressionless appearance, It seems to be the side of restraint and desire in this coquettish and coquettish dance, which makes people dumbfounded!

Li Ling twitched the corner of his mouth, but couldn't look away, and watched the whole dance with a dull expression.

After the 3-minute dance was over, Shen Lang in the video shrugged, walked aside indifferently, picked up the little cat with slightly dull eyes, and left the camera.

A blond beauty appeared in the center of the video, her eyes were red, and she said excitedly: "How is it? How is it? The handsome guy that Wang Meimei unearthed is amazing! Today I dedicate such awesome benefits to everyone! You know, this handsome guy Not only is he good-looking, good-looking, good-looking, but also a genius! It took him a few hours to learn this dance!"

"Dear fans, come on! Like! Bookmark! Recommend! Reward! Especially for rewards, you must not be stingy! This is a rare super sexy handsome guy! Reward me!"

The video stops here.

The corner of Li Ling's mouth twitched uncontrollably, and she slowly moved to the bottom of the video.

There are really a lot of people rewarding there.

In the comments, a professional narrator commented: This dance was originally danced by sexy babes in the bar, mainly using the soft and enchanting body to arouse people's desire and desire... But, this dance should have A dance performed by a sexy hot girl, performed by a muscular man - there is really something weird and sexy that cannot be described!

And the latest comments that popped up were: "As a very traditional and self-loving otaku girl, I said that I can't sit's so fucking sexy..."

"Drooling three thousand feet, ask for the handsome guy's address! Ask for the handsome guy's communication number! Don't be stingy, broadcaster, ask for the handsome guy's address!!!"

"As a guy who only likes girls, I feel very sexy for no reason. This... is actually considered a benefit?"

Li Ling unconsciously read several comments, and then remembered that now is not the time to read comments.

Li Ling thought for a while, and wrote a comment in the comment area: "Hello! I am a friend who was brought to this planet by the 'Pretend God' with you. If you see this comment, please private message me your newsletter Number."

But this video is the hottest video in the community today, with a lot of comments, and the comments are updated very quickly.The comment sent by Li Ling was quickly overwhelmed by other comments.

Li Ling thought for a while, and then sent the same message in a private message to the live broadcaster of this video.

After doing this, Li Ling sighed. According to the popularity of this video, the live broadcaster probably received a lot of comments and private messages, and he didn't know if he could get in touch with that young man.

If she can get in touch, she can also discuss with him when to leave this world.

Li Ling raised his glass and drank the last sip of juice.She originally wanted to start the live broadcast, but unexpectedly, she was taken aback by the "hottest video" and "hottest video in this community".

"Huh..." Li Ling exhaled and clicked "OK" on the screen.

The translucent screen gradually shrunk, shrinking back to its original size.

The screen also turned into a simple question: "Do you want to start the live broadcast now?"

Li Ling clicked "Yes".

The translucent light screen quickly disappeared.The "Live Hemisphere" in the shape of half a red bean attached to the bracelet on Li Ling's left hand flickered.

Afterwards, the small live broadcast hemisphere immediately turned into a transparent color as if it had been coated with a layer of paint.

The small colorless hemisphere automatically flew up from the bracelet, and slowly hovered a few meters in front of Li Ling's eyes.

Because the hemisphere is so small, it is hardly noticeable when it becomes colorless.Therefore, at this time, Li Ling can completely pretend that the "live broadcast hemisphere" does not exist.

At this time, on the intranet of the live broadcast, a close-up of Li Ling's face and upper body had already appeared on the live video, which was uploaded and broadcast live in real time.

Although the live broadcast company said that it requires four hours of live broadcast per day and 600 star coins per month, the live broadcast company does not have high requirements for the content of the live broadcast.

If you want to be a live broadcast host who eats and waits to die, you can live broadcast your daily life for four hours a day.Of course, live broadcast hosts who want to make real money need to work hard on their live broadcast content.

Li Ling glanced at the almost invisible live broadcast hemisphere, and found that it was not very close to him.Li Ling knows that this thing is high-tech, even at a relatively long distance, it can take a clear close-up of a face.

Li Ling didn't care about it, and let it film everything about him and upload it to the Internet.There are more than tens of thousands of live broadcast hosts like her, without any exciting live content, it will not arouse the interest of any netizens at all.

Li Ling approached the washroom, cleaned up a bit, then returned to the room and changed into a set of pajamas, threw himself on the soft bed, pulled the soft quilt to cover his chest, and closed his eyes to rest.

For Li Ling, from the time Cang Xiaojun entered the cell last night until this afternoon, she was tense.Now, finally, everything is over.She even turned on the function of live broadcasting for four hours, so there was nothing to worry about.

If there is anything else, let's talk about it tomorrow.

Following several long and deep breaths, Li Ling quickly fell into a deep sleep.

The small live broadcast hemisphere slowly flew around the room following Li Ling's activities. It followed Li Ling's body and kept a certain distance from Li Ling to ensure that it would not affect all her activities.

The live broadcast hemisphere flew to Li Ling's bedside, hovered directly above her face for more than ten seconds, and then slowly flew to the wardrobe opposite the bed, where it remained motionless.

(End of this chapter)

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