beauty bible

Chapter 80 Blacklist

Chapter 80 Blacklist

After searching for a long time in the mountains and forests, Li Ling could not find any wild fruits, but he did find a lot of wild vegetables.Seeing that it was getting dark, Li Ling gave up looking for food and dug wood on the side of a mountain wall to make a fire and roast wild vegetables.

I have never done this before, only saw others do it, and it took Li Ling quite a while to make fire.

After eating more than a dozen skewers of grilled vegetables without any oil or salt, Li Ling's hunger was slightly relieved.

There were many branches and fallen leaves in the mountain forest. Li Ling quickly gathered a large pile of dead branches and fallen leaves beside him, and lit a small fire.

The night was getting dark, and the roar of wild animals gradually sounded in the wild mountains and forests.Li Ling looked at the warm fire, feeling no fear in his heart.

She thought with some worry in her heart, at her speed, stop and go, and spend time looking for food and water, wonder if she can catch up with the [-] troops?

If she couldn't keep up with the [-] troops, it would be quite difficult for her to go directly to Jinlin City like this.It is more appropriate for her to find a place where she can get food and water and practice martial arts first.As long as her martial arts can break through to the low-level human level, she won't have to be afraid of zombies when she goes on the road again.Moreover, at that time, she could hunt animals by herself or take her prey on the road, so she didn't have to worry about food every day.

After thinking about it, Li Ling began to miss the days of the future technological world.It would be great if she could break through to a low-level human-level martial arts within that period of time.

Li Ling sat leaning against the mountain wall. Although there was no cold wind blowing on his body, he only had a thin dress on his body, so it was a bit cold after all.

Drinking uncooked water, eating wild vegetables and fruits, and sleeping directly in the cold night, I don't know how long my body can last in such a life?
Li Ling sat in the dark night, looking up at the tall tree crowns.

The sounds of various animals came from a distance, making the quiet mountain forest a bit more mysterious.

Li Ling didn't know if she was lonely, but she missed her aunt.How great would it be if Auntie and Xiao Chao were still with her at this time?Even if they lacked food and clothing, the three of them huddled together, and they must still have warmth in all the difficulties.

Li Ling shook his head: "No matter what... the most urgent thing is to practice martial arts!"

Withdrawing his endless thoughts, Li Ling sat cross-legged, with his heart turned to the sky, closed his eyes, and began to practice according to the martial arts recorded in the "Beauty Bible".

Once immersed in cultivation, Li Ling forgot about the dark night, the cool night breeze, and sitting alone in the forest.

She thought that she would stop practicing when she woke up in the morning.Unexpectedly, in the middle of the night, she suddenly heard a sharp cry of "beep-beep-beep-".

Li Ling opened his eyes and raised his left hand.

It's the live hemisphere that's chirping.

Li Ling had never heard of this situation. She said: "The live broadcast hemisphere is on."

The translucent light screen opens quickly.

"Dear broadcaster, the system has detected that you have violated the contract. 600 star coins per month, four hours of live broadcasts per day. You have charged 600 star coins, but you did not do four hours of live broadcast yesterday. You violated The contract has now been blocked by the system."

"Putting black?" Li Ling twitched the corner of his mouth.


How she had forgotten it!

In this world, do we still have to follow the four-hour daily live broadcast rule?
Li Ling hesitated and clicked on the light screen.

The translucent light screen flashed.

"Dear broadcaster, due to your bad credit, the system will shut down all functions of the live broadcast hemisphere. Except for system messages, you will not receive any other information."

"In addition, the system will punish the bad behavior of the broadcaster. The live broadcast hemisphere will be forced to open for two months, and the broadcaster will be broadcast continuously for 24 hours. In order to prevent the broadcaster from violently destroying the live broadcast hemisphere, the live broadcast hemisphere will enter Invisibility."

"After the two-month mandatory live broadcast is over, the broadcaster can choose to renew the contract with the Great Universe Alliance, or terminate the contract. If the broadcaster chooses to renew the contract, please abide by the live broadcast rules. If the broadcaster chooses to terminate the contract, the live broadcast hemisphere can be retained , can also be decomposed by itself.”

Li Ling was shocked by the live broadcast again: "24-hour forced live broadcast?!"

If it is a four-hour live video, Li Ling still has a choice.This 24-hour forced live broadcast... Li Ling simply cannot accept it!
Li Ling chose "No" on the web page.

The translucent light screen jumps to another page.

"Dear broadcaster, if you choose not to accept the punishment, then please pay the liquidated damages directly - 6000 star coins."

Li Ling's hands froze, not knowing what to do.She didn't want to be broadcast live 24 hours a day, and she didn't have the money to pay liquidated damages.

But if the debt is not repaid, how can there be such a good thing in this world? !
"Beep—beep—beep—" the live broadcast hemisphere rang again.

This time, before Li Ling could react, a sentence flashed on the translucent light screen: "The broadcaster has not paid liquidated damages. In order to prevent the broadcaster from violently damaging the live broadcast hemisphere, the live broadcast hemisphere has entered a forced open state!"

The translucent light screen quickly disappeared. When Li Ling's eyes glanced at the bracelet, there was no live broadcast hemisphere on the bracelet!
"Is it invisible? Flying?" Li Ling stood up and searched everywhere with his eyes wide open, but he couldn't find the live hemisphere.

"So... now you start uploading live videos again?" Li Ling raised her forehead, and she only thought of one word: egg hurts!
"Ahhh!" After struggling for a while, Li Ling gritted his teeth: "The debt collection has gone to the other side of the universe! Really! It's not intentional!"

Li Ling was really unhappy with the feeling of being filmed all the time: "...two months, two months of mandatory filming!"

Li Ling stared at the dark sky and thought to himself: How will I open the bracelet in the future?

Could it be that, in order not to let others see the secret of this bracelet, from now on, every time you open the bracelet, you have to take off your clothes?Or sneaking up on the bed - so as to prevent being captured by the live broadcast and then being seen by other netizens? !
"Ahhhh... so annoying! No wonder the live broadcast hemisphere has to fly away invisibly! There are many people who can't accept this, so just destroy it violently!"

The reason why I did the live video broadcast at the beginning was because I wanted to pay back the money earlier.Now, Li Ling never expected that the live broadcast hemisphere would follow her to this doomsday world.Li Ling also couldn't imagine that she was on a planet in an unknown corner of the universe, and she actually wanted to make a live broadcast for distant netizens to watch? !

The incident of live broadcasting the hemisphere completely wiped out any thoughts of "lonely thoughts" in Li Ling's mind.

She stared at the sky for a while, but couldn't find where the live broadcast hemisphere was, and said bitterly: "High technology!"

Li Ling sat down angrily, ignored the invisible live broadcast hemisphere, and started to practice again.


In the distant starry sky.

On a brown planet, corpses are strewn all over the place.

The corpses lying on the ground, some were broken human bodies, some were metal bodies blown to pieces, and some were ugly and huge "monster" bodies.

The tall man in a black windbreaker held a black spear in one hand, half kneeling on the brown ground, staring straight ahead with cold eyes, panting softly.

It has been ten years, and this is the most dangerous battle he has ever encountered!
In this battle, all the soldiers and robots he brought were killed, but he was the only one who fought to the end.

The night wind in the Xinxiaye Starfield is indeed the coldest.

After a long while, when the trauma on his body slowly healed and recovered, Xia Qi stood up.

This battle came suddenly and cunningly. The several types of beasts sent by the Zerg completely restrained the soldiers' abilities—someone in the army wanted to die.

Xia Qi walked like the wind, searching for available spaceships nearby.Soon, he found that all the spaceships when he came, even the spare spaceship had been broken.

The bracelet had been shattered during the battle, Xia Qi took out a small live broadcast hemisphere from his clothes.

On the planet full of corpses, Xia Qi's cold voice sounded.

"The live hemisphere is on."

"Open the highest authority."

"Open the system blacklist."

"Select the latest blacklisted user, borrow his information channel, and send my coordinates to the military headquarters of You Xieyi Planet."

The translucent light screen changes rapidly amidst the icy sound.

"The owner has been identified, the highest authority has been activated... the system blacklist has been opened... the latest blacklist user 'Li Tiaoju jump jump jump jump jump jump seven jumps' has been selected... Sending coordinates: +3307947, +5187832, -4900481 To You Xieyi Army Headquarters...the message failed to be sent."

Xia Qi's eyes condensed slightly: "The reason for the failure?"

"The information channel of the blacklisted user 'Li Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Tiao Qi Tiao' is an anonymous channel, and the signal is too weak to transmit information to the military headquarters normally."

Anonymous channel in a live streaming company?

Xia Qi's face became even colder: "Check all the information records of this user to see if he is an interstellar criminal."

"Inquiry... Query failed! Unable to locate the user's address, unable to search for birth records, insufficient information to judge."

After turning on the highest authority, he still can't locate the other party's address... This person must be a criminal on the run!Moreover, he must not be an ordinary petty criminal!
Xia Qi said coldly: "Record this user."

"On the record."

Xia Qi spoke again: "Update the blacklisted users, reselect the information channel, and send my coordinates to You Xieyizhou's military headquarters."

"The blacklisted users have been updated... The blacklisted users have been selected 'I don't want to code every day, it's so annoying'... Send coordinates: +3307947, +5187832, -4900481 to You Xieyi Military Headquarters...The message was sent successfully."

Xia Qi stood in the night wind, but within half an hour, the spaceship flew to the surface of the planet and landed slowly.

The door of the spaceship opened quickly, and dozens of powerful fighters walked out quickly, seeing the remains of the corpse on the surface of the planet, all of them looked solemn.

A black-faced man with a huge build quickly walked up to Xia Qi: "Marshal!"

Xia Qi strode towards the spaceship: "Let someone clean up the battlefield. After this battle, I will take half a year off and return to Star Emperor."

"Yes!" The black-faced man waved to the soldiers beside him.

The soldiers hurriedly opened their wristbands and contacted the military to send several spaceships to sort out the remains on the battlefield.

The black-faced man followed behind Xia Qi: "Marshal! Since you are going to take a vacation for half a year, I will also take a vacation. I will accompany you to the Emperor Star."


(End of this chapter)

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