Chapter 260 Extra Story (39)

Standing at a safe distance, He Sheng was devastated. Seeing that Su Luoying's clothes were messy and her shoulders were exposed, she quickly turned her head and said no evil

"Speak, yes, speak,"

"I wake up at six every day, play guitar, practice..."

Su Luoying's head was covered with black lines, her body's central nervous system that controls body temperature was out of control, the warmth came again, and it became more and more difficult to control, she gritted her teeth,
"Tell me something valuable, these trivial things. The more I talk about them, the more uncomfortable I feel."

He Sheng rubbed his slender fingers nervously, walking back and forth,


After thinking for a long time about having something in common with Su Luoying,

"Do you remember when you were a child? You used to come to my house to play, broke my father's favorite antique vase, and you slandered me for doing it."

"Also, you pulled up all the corn that was thriving in the grandfather's yard next door, and lied to me that it was sugar cane, which made me eat a lot, and finally caused me to be punished,"

When Su Luoying heard He Sheng's nagging, she suddenly wanted to laugh, but she didn't realize that He Sheng and Su Luoying still had so many unbearable past events.

She stabilized her mind, touched the makeup mirror that Bei Jingjing had left under the table with her hand, made up her mind, pulled out the mirror, broke it hard, and then clenched her hands tightly. Finally sober again.

He Sheng didn't dare to look at Su Luoying all the time, and continued to talk to himself with erratic gaze,
Thinking about the past, my whole body became solemn, and my thoughts began to float unconsciously.

"Fairy, I really hate you. I've always wondered why we were still young. Why did you rush to separate yourself from me after something happened in my family? I'm surprised. A woman pays attention to wealth and class since she was a child. She How disgusting it must be"

"Later you were with Mo Yao and pretended not to know me. I didn't care, because I didn't care about people like you. But you became more and more outrageous. You even betrayed Mo Yao, met Qin Yan secretly, and deliberately sabotaged the band. Forget it, you would rather be hit by a car on the day of the music festival than shamelessly confess your love to Mr. MK,"

"Look at all the bad things you've done, it's like a different person after the car accident."

"You are a bit confusing to me now."

Listening to He Sheng's words, Su Luoying suddenly thought of something, Qin Yan and Xu Moyao were at odds with each other, and Su Luoying secretly met Qin Yan, could it be that Qin Yan was the big-tailed wolf in the phone.

Su Yingluo's mind became more and more confused, blood gushed out from her hands, she stared at the blood on her hands, her heart filled with fear, she vaguely saw the blood everywhere on the day she jumped off the building,

Her breathing became faster and faster, her fear amplified, she suddenly felt nauseated and dizzy, her limbs became cold, her vision went dark, and she fainted.

Suddenly it became quiet. Su Luoying, who was still breathing heavily, started to breathe quietly. He Sheng quickly turned his head and saw that Su Luoying's left hand was covered with blood and she collapsed to the ground. It seemed that she had no breath.

"Hey, what's wrong with you, wake up"

He Sheng hugged Su Luoying hastily, pinched her Renzhong acupoint with his thumb, trying to wake her up

Mixed with vibrato.

Xu Moyao, who was supposed to arrive at the practice room on time, was dragged by Alan to chat nonsense for a long time, listening to Alan's chatter without thinking,
Until Bei Jingjing ran over with an ugly face,
"Why are you here? I saw it just now. I saw the goblin and He Sheng. They..."

When Xu Moyao heard what Bei Jingjing had pointed out, he naturally became a little nervous.
"What happened to the goblin and He Sheng?

Seeing that Bei Jingjing was panting heavily, Xu Moyao asked impatiently,

"You should hurry up and say it"

Bei Jingjing's eyes flashed with pride, and she said hesitantly,

"I saw, I saw, I saw Goblin and He Sheng making love to each other in the practice room, their attitudes were ambiguous..."

Before Bei Jingjing finished speaking, Xu Moyao looked a little embarrassed. Thinking of the two of them skateboarding and interacting together this morning, as well as the school's gossip, he was indeed a little suspicious, so he left the two of them and went straight to the practice room.

Running all the way, before entering the practice room, he heard He Sheng's panicked cries for help. Xu Moyao felt that something was wrong, the door was locked,

"What happen to you guys"

He Sheng heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Xu Moyao's voice.

"The goblin has fainted, find someone to open the door"

Xu Moyao picked up the lock on the door with an unhappy expression on his face. It seemed that they were being plotted against. He had just foolishly suspected his good brother and girlfriend.

"Kang Dang"

He kicked the door open with a few irritated feet.
Seeing He Sheng supporting Su Luoying, Su Luoying's clothes were disheveled, her left hand was covered with blood, and she had fainted, so she hurried forward
"Hurry to the infirmary,"

He Sheng hugged Su Luoying, stood up and cast a fierce glance at Bei Jingjing who had just followed,
"It's more serious, go to the hospital directly,"

When Bei Jingjing saw He Sheng's eyes, she shivered in fright and quickly turned her head away. Even Allen was shocked. He didn't expect the matter to be so big.

. . .

Sophia Hotel, the coffee shop on the third floor, Min Zhen and Xu Yuan sat opposite each other, the two were silent,
Xu Yuan took a sip of the black coffee in front of him, feeling a bit bitter and unspeakable,

"Min Zhen, we have known each other for more than ten years, right?"

Min Zhen caressed the body of the coffee cup in front of him, his eyes were indifferent, and his peach eyes were slightly closed, making it hard to see what he was thinking.

He didn't answer, and waited for Xu Yuan's next words. Xu Yuan pushed the gold-rimmed eyes on his eyes, and said mockingly, "You know what? What I hate the most in my life is introducing my sister to you,"

Turning her head to look at the flat ground where Su Luoying died that day, the blood splattered everywhere, how painful it must be,
"She died in this building,"

Min Zhen's hand clenched the coffee cup slightly, a flash of pain flashed in his eyes, and he heard Xu Yuan continue to say,

"You know that Liang Yu and Su Li have a cooperative relationship, and you want them to turn against each other and disintegrate their alliance, so you start with my sister's marriage, and you really succeeded,"

Xu Yuan paused for a moment, he really hated Min Zhen who was so calm at the moment, why were they friends?
"Have you ever thought that my sister would die unexpectedly? Have you ever considered that it was an innocent life when you did these things? Well, of course you don't care about human life. You would have stuck a stone into the kidnapper's body when you were five years old. Why would you care about your neck if you don’t love a woman?”

Min Zhen really had nothing to say, this game was indeed designed by him, Luo Ying's death was unexpected to him, his sadness was no less than that of Xu Yuan, but he could only apologize,

"Xu Yuan, I didn't expect..."

"Didn't expect that?" Xu Yuan suddenly stood up angrily,
"You killed a life without thinking. Now you got your wish. According to your ideas, Su Li embezzled huge sums of money from the company to acquire Yu. Huihuang Entertainment Company. Liang Yu is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He has already neglected the company. Su Li acquired You are an empty shell and facing jail time, now they are dog eat dog, you can reap the benefits,"

(End of this chapter)

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