Chapter 58

Yin Chaoge didn't answer Ari's words, his face was not indifferent, there was a "click", the sound of unbuttoning the seat belt, Yin Chaoge had already made the next move,
When Ari was still in shock, Yin Chaoge leaned over, covering Ari with his whole body, and pressed Ari against the leather seat. The space was so narrow that it was filled with the smell of Yin Chaoge,

Ah Li looked at Yin Chaoge's slowly enlarged face, subconsciously tried to push him away with both hands, but to no avail, Yin Chaoge had already kissed him forcefully,
The lips were captured by Yin Chaoge, Ah Li was stunned by the inexplicable kiss, stared at Yin Chaoge's eyes for a moment, forgot to resist, and didn't even understand what happened,
The cool touch around her mouth felt Yin Chaoge's beating heart violently. When she woke up, she missed the best time again. Why did they kiss inexplicably? This is not a good time to kiss, either.
Her lips were sore, as if she had been cut by a knife. Ari felt her own bloody smell. She touched it with her hand, it was very painful, and it really oozes blood. The rearview mirror can clearly see the tooth marks on her lips And the hole that came out, Ari was angry,

"Hiss, Yin Chaoge, you are a dog, you actually bite me, you kiss me as soon as you kiss, you don't bite people when you have a disagreement, how do you want me to meet people tomorrow?"

Yin Chaoge stepped back to his original seat, stared at the front for a while, mocking himself,
"Before I didn't understand what they said about not loving, until now, when I was kissing you, and you just looked at me with blank eyes, it was exactly the same as seven years ago, I understand, In fact, you don’t love me, and you don’t understand the reason why you approached me in the first place. I’ve thought about it for seven years, why you approached me, disturbed a lake of spring water, and then disappeared inexplicably. I’ve been looking for you for seven years, from hope to disappointment, Then I understood, "

Yin Chaoge turned his head and stared into Ari's eyes, indifferent and distant,
"So, as for what you want from me, I don't know, and I don't want to know. From now on, please stay away from me."

There was rumbling thunder outside, lightning flashes and thunder and thunder, but Ahri listened to Yin Chaoge's word for word, and thought she heard it wrong. She never thought that Yin Chaoge had been looking for Yin Chaoge for the past seven years. She is a child's play to her, but Yin Chaoge has always taken it to heart,

"You looked for me? I... sorry... but what do you understand?"

Yin Chaoge's face gradually turned blue, feeling helpless towards the cow playing the piano,
"get off!"

Ari looked at the surrounding environment, tightened the seat belt in his hand, and shook his head resolutely,
"Fuck, it's going to rain, you don't want to throw me on the street, even though it's wrong for me to tease you, but I can't do such a tasteless thing, I don't want it,"

"Get off, I don't want to repeat it a third time,"

In fact, you can reach the hotel by getting off the car and turning left, but Ahli, a road addict, obviously doesn't know that.
Yin Chaoge was determined. Ahri angrily unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car. As a result, his foot was twisted by the high heels when he got out of the car.
Looking at Yin Chaoge who was leaving in the dust, Ari took off his high heels and threw them over.

"You melon skin, if you kiss someone and turn your face and deny him, what's the difference from lifting your pants and denying him?"

She suddenly remembered that she had kissed others like this asshole seven years ago, and disappeared without a trace the next day. Could it be that Yin Chaoge really took revenge on her?
As the high heels fell, a flash of lightning struck down from the sky. Ahri shuddered and stepped on the ground with her bare feet. She felt a bone-chilling pain in her ankle. She sat on the ground in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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