The Genius of Naruto Naruto

Chapter 42 Approaching the Daming Mansion

Chapter 42 Approaching the Daming Mansion

According to Naruto's understanding of the land of land these days, Naruto first took a boat and continued downstream, and after encountering a village, he walked to the prosperous town of the land of land.Along the way, Naruto ate the dry food given by the family before he left, and sat in a small boat, and had a very relaxing time, and before he knew it, he arrived at the village where he had to go ashore.Naruto got off the boat and walked directly on the main road. Although he met some people from the Land of Earth along the way, they were all ordinary people.

Naruto traveled day and night, and finally approached Naruto's destination on the third day. He felt that there were more and more people on the road, and there appeared some fashionable people. Naruto went straight to the crowded place. Keep approaching, and soon arrived at Naruto's expected destination, the most prosperous town in the Land of Earth.In such a place, there are bazaars, shops, and many entertainment venues, and there are all kinds of people coming and going, and Naruto is just one of the very inconspicuous ordinary people.

The news that the daimyo will hold a sacrifice has already begun to spread in the Land of Earth, which is a very important thing in the Land of Earth, so during this period of time, the Land of Earth is becoming more and more lively, and many civilians from the Land of Earth will also come watch.The name of the Land of Earth is still very prestigious in the Land of Earth. Under his governance, the Land of Earth has become stronger and stronger, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. In addition, the country of Earth has had good weather and good weather these years. Such a stable situation can indeed be said to be the love of heaven.And every year of great harvest, the daimyos of the land of earth must hold sacrifices to thank their "gods" for their blessing and protection.

Daming Mansion is also a well-known place. This year’s daimyos have always been very close to the people since they inherited the position of daimyo. Even ordinary people can come directly to Daming Mansion if they have something that the government does not resolve. The gate of Daming Mansion is open all year round. It was open, and there were guards at the door who were directly responsible for conveying the message.As ordinary civilians, even if they usually want to take a look around the Daming Mansion, it is allowed. As long as they do not force their way in, the guards are not allowed to interfere.Therefore, there are often many people watching around the Daming Mansion, hoping to catch a glimpse of the daimyo's demeanor.However, daimyo's work is very busy, and under normal circumstances, he won't come out at all, unless there is something important.

Naruto was also among the crowd. In Naruto's eyes, the Daming Mansion was not only tall and magnificent, but also had a unique architectural style, and it was also very safe for the daimyo.On the surface, it looks like a decorative design, but it can actually accommodate a large number of ninjas and guards. Once there is any change, a large group of people can be dispatched in an instant.And the daimyo was always accompanied by powerful ninjas, if he wanted to assassinate him in the daimyo mansion, he would not even be able to do it at the kage level.

Naruto had nothing to do for a while, so he could wait patiently, and usually sat in the teahouse drinking tea and listening to the chats of the people of the Land of Earth.

Citizen A: "I heard that the daimyo personally helped an old man deal with the government's bullying of him a while ago. Later, the local government not only apologized, but also received severe punishment. It is really a blessing from God to have such a daimyo. "

Everyone else said yes
Citizen B said: "Furthermore, the three sons of the daimyo have inherited his virtues, and their listening and speaking skills are very good. They have assisted the daimyo in dealing with the country's affairs since they were young, but they don't know who will inherit the daimyo's position in the future."

Citizen C said: "No matter which son inherits, it is very good for us. These years are really a rare prosperity for our land of land. I believe this prosperity will continue like this."

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

Naruto was listening, this was the voice of the common people of the Land of Earth, and it was also the most authentic voice.If there are no accidents, the country of earth is likely to continue to develop like this.However, if the daimyo dies unexpectedly and no heir is selected before death, the three sons are likely to fight endlessly for the succession of the daimyo.It would be fine if the three of them were strong and weak, but it would be difficult to deal with a few sons like this who are very capable, and it is very likely that they will be in civil strife for a long time.

Dressed up as a person who came from a remote area of ​​the Land of Earth to watch the sacrifice, Naruto lived in a hotel to practice, went to the market, and went to teahouses and other places to secretly collect information. Go to Daming Mansion to take a look.The longer the observation time, the more frightened Naruto was. Although everyone could go to the Daming Mansion on the surface, in fact there were not many masters in it, and the strength of the two masters close to the Daming was even more unfathomable.Although usually only one of these two people is present, and the other will rest at home during the holidays, but if the daimyo wants to go out, both of them must be present.

Naruto originally planned to act when the daimyo held a sacrifice, but Naruto also visited the place of the sacrifice. Although the sacrifice has not yet started, preparations have already begun there. It feels more dangerous than the Daming Mansion.In addition, many important people must be present on this day, and there must be many powerful ninjas among them. I am afraid that as long as I show up at that time, I will be finished.The more he learned about the situation, the more anxious Naruto became. The sacrifice will start soon, and it will be even more difficult to find another opportunity after missing this opportunity.

However, Naruto accidentally noticed a detail. Neither of the two personal guards of the daimyo lived in the daimyo's mansion. Usually, the two took turns to protect the daimyo's safety, while the other would return to his home, or Will take their loved ones to play everywhere.Naruto thought the same, as powerful ninjas, they generally prefer freedom. It is already very good for them to be willing to be the personal guards of the daimyo, and it is impossible to ask them to live in the daimyo mansion for a long time.

As for the residences of these two people, Naruto could only use a telescope to observe from a distance, for fear of being alarmed.But what is certain is that the two people's residences are relatively simple, and there are no guards at all. Apart from some relatives who don't know ninjutsu, there are some servants in the house.Naruto thought about it, he was a powerful ninja and didn't need any guards at all, and many strong men didn't like that kind of big mansion, on the contrary they liked quietness.

No matter how you think about this situation, you can only use two words to describe it, that is normal, but this kind of normal made Naruto find a loophole.However, this is also a loophole that only Naruto can take advantage of. Naruto found a solution by observing the habits of the two personal guards.

(End of this chapter)

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