Awakening ability

Chapter 106 Broken Heavenly Dragon

Chapter 106 Broken Heavenly Dragon
The monster python's gastric juice was somewhat destructive to Fang Hao, but after its stomach sac was cut by the sword, the gastric juice also dispersed in the abdominal cavity, and it could not wrap Fang Hao tightly like before. The harm to the body is also reduced.

Now that Fang Hao's Golden Core realm has been stabilized, that little bit of gastric juice can't do him much harm.

However, in the abdominal cavity of the monster python, the smell is very unpleasant.

If he had a choice, he would not want to stay in such a place for a moment.

The Golden Core Realm has been stabilized, so there is no need to stay here any longer.

With a move of his consciousness, the sword stuck in the flesh and blood of the monster python instantly shrank, fell out of the wound, and was caught in his hand.

Holding the hilt of the sword, he turned the sword from horizontal to vertical, pointing the sword tip directly at the throat of the demon python.

There was no other movement, just a tactic, and the pure magic power of the Jindan realm poured into the sword body, and the sword body glowed with white light, and it became bigger in an instant, becoming a sword with a length of four meters and a width of nearly one meter. Great Sword.

With a sound of "嗞拉", the demon python was ripped open from the inside.

Fang Hao has entered the Golden Core realm, and his mana is a hundred times purer than before. Now he is urging the sword with all his strength, and the power of the two or three thousand armor-piercing runes engraved on the sword is all destroyed. The sharpness of this sword More than ten times stronger than before?
When the sword hit, the monster python's skin was ripped apart, Chang Chang's abdominal cavity was opened, and Fang Hao rolled out of the flesh and blood.

Before he could stand still, he held the long sword in his hand and swung his sword back, slashing towards the body of the monster python.

Compared with sword control, he is better at holding a sword to defeat enemies.

The abdominal cavity was cut, and the dying monster python that had been tossed struggled again.

As soon as the huge body was lifted up, Fang Hao's sword had already slashed down.

On this day, Fang Hao charged 500 million in strength just by recharging himself.

After breaking through to the Golden Core Realm, his physical strength has been greatly improved.

Now his physical strength has exceeded 15 kilograms.

The thousands of armor-piercing runes carved by the long sword in his hand were also fully activated.

Under such circumstances, he struck hard with his sword, and its power can be imagined.

With a flash of sword light, the monster python's body was divided into two sections.

However, the two-parted demon python did not die. The tail part was rolled up and whipped towards Fang Hao fiercely.

As for the head section, he also raised his body and slapped Fang Hao with his two paws.

This movement was made when its body was not cut off by Fang Hao's sword. Even if Fang Hao cut it off with a sword, it did not stop it.

With a "bang", Fang Hao was swept by the monster python's huge tail, his body was sent flying several meters, and he hit the coffin suspended by four iron chains in the center of the stone chamber.

The power of the fourth-level demon python bombarded him, and even if he had entered the golden elixir realm, he would never be easy.

His body hung on the coffin like a painting. He felt that his internal organs were about to be shattered, and stars were shining in his eyes.

If he hadn't entered the Golden Core Realm and suffered such a heavy blow, there would be absolutely no way out.

However, this blow flew away, and it just happened to avoid the claws on the upper body of the monster python.

The demon python's eyes were blood red, and it rushed over again with half of its body.

This is a life-and-death situation.

After killing Fang Hao, with the powerful vitality of its fourth-order demon body, even if it was cut in half, the internal organs would be greatly damaged, as long as there is enough time to recuperate, it can still recover.

If it can't kill Fang Hao, then it will die here.

There is no doubt about this.

Fang Hao also understands this truth.

Today he never thought of letting go of this demon python.

The body had just been hit on the coffin and could not recover for a while, but the magic power could operate freely.

As soon as his consciousness moved, the long sword in his hand turned into a ray of white light and met the monster python.

At such a short distance, the power of Yujianshu is not as powerful as his sword attack.

But this sword went up, at least it blocked him from the monster python's attack.

He regained his composure, fell off the coffin, and ignored the sword. He clenched his fists, paused in his steps, and performed the last martial skill in the Thirteenth Form of Tianlong Po.

Broken Heavenly Dragon!

Tianlong Po is the martial skill of slaying a dragon with bare hands. This kind of martial skill is very suitable for dealing with the demon python that has turned into a dragon.

This move is issued with full force, which can increase the attack power to ten times the normal level.

After Fang Hao learned this style, he has never issued it with all his strength.

On the one hand, he has never encountered a monster worthy of him using this technique.

On the other hand, if he performs this move, he will lose his strength, which will cause great harm to his body.

That is a life-saving move.

However, now that he has entered the golden elixir realm, his body functions have been greatly improved, and if he uses that move again, the damage to himself will not be that great.

With this move, a whirlwind blew up inside the stone chamber.

The whirlwind was behind him.

His body had already broken through the air barrier, leaped towards the monster python like lightning, and punched the monster python's head with a punch.

The demon python felt the aura of death, and wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

The speed of this punch was too fast, the distance was only a few meters, and there was no time to dodge.

Punch down.

Fang Hao now has more than 15 kilograms of physical strength, and after using the broken sky dragon, his attack power has increased tenfold.

The power of this punch has exceeded a thousand tons.

The air could not withstand such force, causing sparks to rub in the air and making a sharp sound.

A punch hit the demon python on the head.

With a sound of "click", the monster python's hard skull was crushed.

The huge head was blown to pieces.

Half of the body fell to the ground, and there was no life in an instant.

A fourth-order demon python that had just turned into a dragon was killed by Fang Hao's punch.

After using the broken sky dragon pose, Fang Hao also felt weak for a while, and fell from the air, his standing was unstable, and he knelt down on one leg.

He quickly put his hands on the ground to prevent himself from falling.

After all, it was a trick that exploded with ten times the strength, and it overdrawn his body too much. Even if he had already entered the golden core realm, he still felt a little overwhelmed and felt a deep sense of fatigue.

At this time, there was a ding in my mind, and the system voice rang again:

"Congratulations to the host, complete the task issued by the system, and get 500 points from the system."

"Since the host killed the monster python, the monster python had already succeeded in hitting the fourth order, and the task was more difficult, and the host will be rewarded with an additional 1000 points."

"The host system now has 1540 points and can upgrade the system to level three."

"May I ask the host, do you want to upgrade the system?"

Fang Hao was stunned. He didn't expect that the system would also give additional rewards. This was really an unexpected surprise.

For the system's inquiry, he replied without any hesitation:



(The subscription data came out yesterday. The first subscription was 21, and the average subscription was 20. Well, it’s a little better than the author imagined. After all, the number of collections is there.)
(End of this chapter)

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