Awakening ability

Chapter 161 Spirit Spring Valley

Chapter 161 Spirit Spring Valley

That avenue continued for five or six miles, and the cliffs on both sides finally disappeared, and the terrain became flat.

Along the way, you can see some buildings one after another, most of which are made of wood and look antique.

The scenery is not bad.

There is a lot of sorted land over there, and I don't know what to plant.

It seems that even within this cultivating sect, there is still a profession of farmer.

I don't know how big the dojo of this sect is, but as far as I can see now, the area is not much smaller.

And this is only part of the outer door.

Ouyang Zhi pointed to several misty mountain peaks in the distance and said:
"The seven hills over there, plus the two hills here, are the area of ​​our Xuandu Sect's outer sect."

"The nine peaks of the outer door and the eighteen peaks of the inner door are the dojos of our Xuandu sect. According to the calculations of your world, the total area is more than 13 square kilometers."

With an area of ​​more than 13 square kilometers, many students gasped when they said this.

They saw how big the dojo was, but they didn't expect it to be that big.

Some provinces in China only have such an area.

There are some countries on earth that don’t even have such a large area.

But in this world, it is just a dojo of a sect.

Thinking about it feels a little shocking.

I don't know how long it will take to walk all over this dojo.

However, Ouyang Zhi did not take them away for too long.

Take them on a detour from the main road, and introduce them as you go:

"These two mountain peaks are the places where our sect welcomes guests. You have come from afar and are also guests, so I will arrange you here."

"This mountain is called Yingxian Peak. Apart from the disciples who take care of the Lingtian, the people who live here are you guests who come from afar. It is divided into two areas for men and women, one is the colorful butterfly valley, and the other is the spirit spring valley. , the distance between the two areas is only two or three miles, and it will not affect your usual exchanges."

They are now walking at the foot of Yingxian Peak.

Yingxian Peak is so high that Fang Hao, a monk in the early stage of Jindan at the foot of the mountain, cannot sense the top of the peak with his spiritual consciousness, but can only sense the mountainside.

How far is the distance between the mountainside and the peak, and the eyes can't tell.

Under the mountains, people look particularly small.

But Fang Hao noticed that the high mountain was not abandoned, it was reclaimed.

Some are planted with fruit trees, and some branches can still see fruit.

There are some flowers and plants. Although we can't tell what species they are, we can see from the shape of the distribution of those flowers and plants that they have been managed artificially and do not grow there naturally.

In some places, people were even seen weeding the fields full of flowers and plants.

If you sense it with your spiritual sense, they are basically monks in the realm of Qi training.

"It seems like the outer disciples here are not having an easy time." Fang Hao thought to himself.

The first place they arrived was Lingquan Valley.

A valley with a gentle slope and a stream at the bottom.

On both sides of the stream, apart from the trees, there are houses one after another.

The houses here are slightly different from the ones I saw before, because many of them are made of stone instead of the wooden houses I saw before.

According to Ouyang Zhi's introduction, the houses here are basically built by the students in front of them.

The area of ​​this valley is quite large, and the slope is gentle. Not only can houses be built next to the stream at the bottom of the valley, but there are also many places on the hillside where houses can be built.

Ouyang Zhi told them that if they were not satisfied with the arranged residence, they could choose a place in this valley to build their own house.

Anyway, they can cut down the trees in this valley at will, and they can take the stones at will.

There are so many places so proud.

Male students are placed here.

Caidie Valley, where female students are housed, is still two or three miles away.

Ouyang Zhi led the team to move on.

However, all the male disciples of the Xuandu Sect who followed him stayed behind. One person was in charge of a dozen or so students, and brought them into Lingquan Valley in batches, and resettled them in their residences.

There are more than 100 wooden houses and stone houses in Lingquan Valley, which were used by the students who came here for further studies. Now all of them are empty, and they are just used to accommodate these students.

However, the total number of students who came to study in the past few times is not as many as the students who came this time, and the housing is obviously not enough.

It is impossible to have a house for one person, we can only accommodate two or three people depending on the size of the houses.

Of course, if they feel uncomfortable living, they can choose to build a house by themselves.

Choose the site yourself, design it yourself, build it yourself.

Fang Hao had such an idea.

Although he has never built a house, isn't the matter of a house just to build a few walls and add a roof?
The reference books he downloaded seem to include architecture, so you can learn it.

It's not unbearable to live with others, that's how I spent my four years in college.

But if you have the opportunity to live in a single-family house, there is no need to share it with others.

What surprised him was that he was assigned a separate house.

The reason given by the disciple of the Xuandu faction assigned was that Fang Hao had a dog, which was considered a quota, which was equivalent to two people.

Some houses live in three people, some houses live in two people, and he is qualified to live in a house alone with the dog.

Others may not want to live with a dog.

Therefore, he decided to let Fang Hao and Huang Tianba live in a separate house.

Then Fang Hao no longer wanted to build a house by himself.

If you have a ready-made house and go to build a house, isn’t that what you do?

He's not that hypocritical.

Although the students who were with me felt a little unconvinced about this arrangement—why do others have to squeeze into a room, but you can live in a room by yourself with a dog?

But they were newcomers, and they didn't know what Xuandu's attitude towards them guests was, so they didn't dare to object.

Of course, Fang Hao himself would not object, and was very satisfied with this arrangement.

Seeing that he was satisfied, the Xuandu disciple who made the arrangement was secretly relieved.

This Xuandu sect disciple didn't know Fang Hao, but he could feel that Fang Hao's cultivation was very high, far higher than himself, even higher than his immediate boss Ouyang Zhi's cultivation.

According to his understanding, those guests who came from afar, as long as their cultivation reached the foundation establishment level, 100% of them would be accepted into the inner sect for training.

He felt that Fang Hao was only staying here temporarily, and he might be admitted to the inner sect in two days.

He didn't dare to provoke such a big man.

Regardless of whether it's fair or not, let's serve this powerful character to our satisfaction first.

Maybe when the big man is happy, he will reward himself with a fortune.

(End of this chapter)

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