Awakening ability

Chapter 329 I Support You

Chapter 329 I Support You
When Xu Feng came over, the two formal students saw a glimmer of hope, thinking that Teacher Xu would save them.

However, the current situation is that Teacher Xu was expelled on the spot, and he also accepted the result of being expelled, and left after finding a step.

A senior lecturer in the Jindan realm was like this, but the two of them were just students in the Qi training realm.

They don't think they can be more important than Teacher Xu.

So, as soon as the bonds are released, they beg for mercy.

They can accept leaving the academy, but abolishing their cultivation and making them unable to practice in the future is really unacceptable.

Then he becomes a useless person.

It is embarrassing to beg for mercy, but what is embarrassment compared to becoming a useless person?
Those high school students felt happy seeing the two of them like this.

For these two people who had bullied them before, they would not have any mercy.

Only a few formal students looked at it with sadness, a sense of sadness that something of its own kind would harm its own kind.

It's just that they dare not say anything.

A senior lecturer from Xu Feng came to plead for mercy, but he was fired on the spot and had no choice but to leave in despair.

These students, how dare they speak out.

Fang Hao looked at the two students coldly: "Now that you know the consequences, you know you are wrong? If there is no such punishment, do you think you are wrong?"

Two students wailed: "Dean, we swear we will never do such a thing again next time."

"I am a *** person, and I don't believe in swearing," Fang Hao said. "I only believe that if you do something wrong, you should be punished, so that others will not make the same mistake."

At this point, the meaning is very clear. The two students must abolish their cultivation.

The two students collapsed to the ground in fright, only begging incessantly.

Xu Feng didn't even give face, so how could Fang Hao give these two students face?
Moreover, first of all, these people do not give themselves the face of being the dean of the college.

For him, this is no longer a conflict among the people, but a struggle between ourselves and the enemy, and he has no intention of showing mercy.

With a spit of mana, the voices of the two people were blocked, and then he took out his mobile phone and called the secretary:
"You notify me of everyone in the inner courtyard, whether it's a teacher or a student, and let them all gather at the main square. I have something to announce."

After making the phone call, he said to the students in the cafeteria: "You all go too. This matter is quite bad. I want to give you an explanation in front of all the students in the inner courtyard."

This matter must be known to everyone in the inner court, and all students must see what the fate of bullying these freshmen is.

It's just that it's not enough to hear, let them see with their own eyes how the cultivation base of these two students was abolished.

He had no sympathy for these two students.

Healing diseases and saving lives does not include these two students who provoked trouble.

When it comes to curing illnesses and saving lives, it can only be aimed at those formal students who have not yet challenged themselves.

And these two students are the cure.

After being cured, they will turn into medicine dregs.

He restrained the two students with force and walked towards the main square, and those students followed.

Some even called to inform their new friends they had met in the inner courtyard, asking them to go to the main square quickly because something important was happening.

The college's announcement also rang, asking everyone to go to the main square.

The main square is right in front of the Government Affairs Building. It is a square with an area of ​​several thousand square meters. If there is any important event in the inner courtyard of the college that requires everyone to be present, they will choose to gather here.

There is a high platform, a rostrum, seats, and a loudspeaker, where the leaders speak.

Fang Hao is the leader of this academy.

When he arrived, Yao Xiaoxiao and Wu Mengmeng had already arrived.

Wu Mengmeng is just a lecturer, so she has no way to go up to the high platform, but just stands below.

As the executive vice president, Yao Xiaoxiao can sit beside Fang Hao.

Fang Hao threw the two students on the high platform and sat there, waiting for the teachers and students from the inner courtyard to arrive.

The only lecturer here is Wu Mengmeng.

Seeing that the person did not come so quickly, he called his secretary again:
"You send the notice again. If you haven't arrived within 10 minutes, whether it's a teacher or a student, you will be expelled."

The secretary was stunned for a moment: "Dean, this is not good, is it?"

Fang Hao: "There is nothing wrong, just do as I say."

Today, he has become more murderous. He must establish his authority in this college. Anyone who dares to violate the law will be expelled.

Some people can unite, some people unite is just a scourge, it is better to drive them out early.

Yao Xiaoxiao stuck out his tongue, and asked Fang Hao in a low voice: "What's going on today? You seem very angry."

Fang Hao's face was very ugly: "Someone secretly made a small move to drive away all the students I recruited. That is destroying my foundation. I absolutely cannot tolerate this kind of thing happening."

"I support you!" Yao Xiaoxiao waved his fist lightly and said.

Fang Hao said: "Maybe I will fire all the lecturers in the inner academy now. Then there may be only you, me and your senior sister left in the inner academy to train those students. At the same time, we have to deal with the monster crisis in the province. You have to be mentally prepared like that, it might be very busy then.”

Yao Xiaoxiao said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, my master also brought some people from Ningbiya over, at worst, let her send all of them here to support us."

Fang Hao nodded: "That's almost it."

Although there are only a dozen or so people brought by Ningbiya, the lowest cultivation is at the Jindan stage, and there are a few Nascent Soul stagers. With these people, their quick response ability is enough to deal with the monsters in this province. beast problem.

At least they are stronger than the current team in dealing with monsters.

In terms of teaching, Fang Hao thinks that he alone is enough.

He can stop practicing and spend all his time teaching.

Now that science and technology are so advanced, it is completely possible to use high-tech methods to carry out one-to-many teaching work.

The students in the audience couldn't hear their conversation because their voices were very low.

However, the spiritual consciousness of the lecturers in the inner courtyard who were concerned about this matter was put in here, and they could hear clearly.

They had already agreed not to attend this rally to boycott Fang Hao.

The duty of the Star City Ability Training Academy is not only to train people with abilities, but also to protect the peace of a province and solve the problems of all monsters in the province.

Without their assistance, just Fang Hao and Wu Mengmeng, no matter how strong they are, would not be able to solve so many problems.

So they must unite to force Fang Hao to submit.

But when he heard Fang Hao's decisive statement, he panicked.

It's okay to leave here, but you have to resign anyway. If you really want to be fired, it's quite embarrassing.

Question marks were issued one by one in their internal group:
"What are we going to do now? Wait for him to fire us?"

(End of this chapter)

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