Chapter 344

Fang Hao was a little surprised by Su Ziyan's attitude.

It's not that he didn't know that Su Ziyan's attitude towards him had always been somewhat repulsive. Seeing Su Ziyan here this time, he was already prepared in his heart to be made things difficult by the other party.

I didn't expect that when we met, there was a smile on his face, and his attitude was very good.

Regardless of whether Su Ziyan's attitude is good or not, Fang Hao's attitude must be good.

He replied: "Xiaoxiao didn't come over, and the college has to let her watch it. I'm here to submit an application report."

"What report?" Su Ziyan asked.

"It's like this. A while ago, our Star City Ability Training Academy held an activity of approaching abilities, and recruited more than 1000 high school students to enter the inner courtyard for training. After that, they all succeeded in introducing Qi into their bodies, and voluntarily joined our ability training. The inner courtyard of the academy has become a formal student. In this way, we have more than 1000 formal students in our inner courtyard. The previous cultivation resources must not be enough, so we need the Ability Association to give us more resources." Fang Hao explained.

Then he took out the printed report and handed it to Su Ziyan: "Director Su, now you are in charge here, and I will hand over this application report to you."

In this office, there are still several directors. Hearing what Fang Hao said, no matter whether they are directors from the Xuandu faction or local directors, they are all stunned.

The directors of the Xuandu faction looked at each other, with a gloomy look on their brows.

The director of the local faction looked at Fang Hao in shock: "You...all the students you recruited have become regular students of the inner court? How did you do it?"

"When I held the activity of approaching supernatural powers, I tested their qualifications and found that they were all suitable for cultivation, so I recruited them all and let them receive training in cultivation. Try to see if they can be trained successfully. I am very satisfied with the result, they have all stepped into the threshold of cultivation." Fang Hao said.

"Are they all supernatural beings?" the director asked.

"I don't know if they are supernatural beings," Fang Hao said, "I can only be sure that they can cultivate, and their aptitude for cultivation is still very good, and they can have the ability to surpass supernatural beings through cultivation."

The director thought about it for a while, and his face turned ugly: "Dean Fang, what are you doing? The nature of the academy is very clear. The ability training academy is for training people with abilities. You recruit some people who are not abilities. What do people in college do?"

Fang Hao said: "Now the country needs more students who can cultivate to deal with the threat of monsters and maintain national security."

"The country needs a lot of things, but the resources of our supernatural association should only be given to supernatural beings, not to non-supernatural beings." The director said unhappily, "It's like you can't use money from the oil company to subsidize Like the power company, it just doesn't make sense."

The director who spoke was a senior supernatural person, and he was responsible for the establishment of the National Supernatural Association.

He can be said to be the first group of people to awaken their abilities, and he has a relatively large influence among that group of people, so he became one of the founders of the National Ability Association.

But in the beginning, the National Supernatural Association was just a grass-roots team with no establishment at all, just regular gatherings and exchanges.

Later, the state intervened, changed the nature of the association, and also controlled the association. Only then did the association grow stronger, obtain more resources, and have a formal establishment.

The original conveners have also become directors, and they still have a certain status in the association, and they are quite satisfied with being able to enjoy the treatment at the hall level.

However, although their status is very high and their qualifications are very deep, their combat effectiveness is not strong.

Because the lower bloodlines are the easiest to awaken, the first to awaken the ability, the ability is generally very weak, and now any student who has been trained in the inner courtyard of the Ability Academy for several months can kill him.

People like him can enjoy such high treatment now, entirely because of their status as supernatural beings.

Now the problem of monsters can only be solved by supernatural beings, and the treatment of supernatural beings will naturally be very high.

However, Fang Hao's current approach is to expand the enrollment of the supernatural training academy to the general population, and to select people who can practice among ordinary people for training, and it has succeeded. This is a subversive behavior for the supernatural world.

Let him continue to train, let that group of students become a force against monsters, and the country will see that the role of supernatural beings is not so essential, and the social status and resource tilt they enjoy will be greatly reduced. decline.

This is related to personal interests, and he cannot tolerate it.

With him taking the lead, several other directors also expressed their opposition:
"Dean Fang, if you are looking for resource support, you should find other departments, not the Ability Association. The resources of the Ability Association will only support people with abilities."

"The resources obtained by the association are not even enough for people with superpowers. Where are the resources to take care of people without superpowers?"

"Our supernatural association is an association serving supernatural beings, not a charity. It's unreasonable for you to come to us for resources for a group of ordinary people, Dean Fang."

Faced with these criticisms, Fang Hao said: "I think the safety of the country and the people is the greatest reason."

"You can go to the country for resources." A director said sarcastically.

Su Ziyan looked at the application report submitted by Fang Hao, and did not participate in the quarrel, but frowned.

She wanted to help Fang Hao, but she also knew that Fang Hao's behavior violated the interests of many people, and it did not match the strategy of the Xuandu faction here, so it might be difficult to succeed.

Fang Hao knew it would cause controversy from the very beginning, and he didn't bother to engage in that verbal dispute, so he just said:

"I submitted this application report and handed it over to the association. Whether you will review it and whether it can pass the review is your business. You suggest that I go to the country to ask for resources, that's okay, you guys If it doesn’t pass, I’ll report to the Ministry of Education and ask for more resources.”

"Hahahaha," a director couldn't help laughing, "Dean Fang, have you drunk too much and lost your mind? All the resources needed for cultivation are kept and processed by the National Supernatural Association, and they are not in From the Ministry of Education, if you report to the Ministry of Education, can you get resources?"

Fang Hao glanced at him and said: "It depends on whether the country will continue to let you people who only see the interests of small circles continue to keep these important resources after you veto my report."

The director's laughter suddenly stopped as if his throat was being strangled.

They can put the interests of the circle of supernatural beings first, but whether the country will put the interests of their circle first is a question.

And the answer to the question is obvious - impossible!

(End of this chapter)

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