Awakening ability

Chapter 42 Inner Court

Chapter 42 Inner Court
Fang Hao accepted the man's envy calmly.

He felt he deserved it.

Unfortunately, that person didn't ask him how he was recommended by Meng Tianyun, which made him have no choice but to show off.

In fact, that person was quite curious about why Fang Hao was recommended by a standing director of the National Supernatural Association, but he didn't dare to ask.

He felt that unless the other party was willing to speak out about those important people, he should not know about it.

Knowing too much is not a good thing.

He understands.

Little people die from knowing too much.

He positioned himself as a small person.

So he kept holding back without asking.

Fang Hao kept holding back what he wanted to say.

Both of them were holding back very hard.

Walking all the way, Fang Hao saw a lot of people, and couldn't help asking: "How many students are there in our academy? It seems that there are quite a lot."

"The training in the outer school is held every six months. In the past few years, a total of 2000 to 11 students have been trained, and more than 3000 people have stayed in the school. This year's expansion of the school's enrollment, it is not yet known how many students can be recruited, but according to the latest statistics, As of last night, [-] students have been recruited for this period. There are two more days to stop enrollment, and the final number may be around [-] to [-]."

"Increased so much at once?" Fang Hao was surprised.

"Yes. For this enrollment expansion, the teaching buildings and dormitories have been expanded since the first half of last year, and the number of students approved to stay in school has also increased a lot. Otherwise, I wouldn't have the chance to stay in school with my grades."

"Is the treatment good for staying in school?" Fang Hao was a little curious.

"Of course it's good," the man said, "Stay here and have the opportunity to learn more and make yourself stronger."

"What about the salary?" Fang Hao asked again.

The man gave him a strange look: "Compared with becoming stronger, is salary important?"

Fang Hao understood what he meant—that is, the salary is not high.

But he also agrees with this view.

Compared with becoming stronger, wages are really not that important.

"Is the teaching environment here okay?" Fang Hao asked again.

"I don't know about the inner courtyard, but the outer courtyard is pretty good." The man replied.

Not everyone can enter the inner courtyard.

As an outstanding student staying at the school, although he had the opportunity to go to the inner courtyard twice, he only came and went in a hurry, and he didn't know how the teaching environment was there.

After reaching the bottom of this basin, he led Fang Hao westward for more than a mile, passed those buildings, and came to the bottom of a cliff.

The cliff is more than [-] meters high, almost at a vertical angle, the wall is as smooth as a mirror, and there is no place to stay.

The hardened concrete road extends to the bottom of the cliff.

"The inner courtyard is over there." The man said to Fang Hao.

After bypassing a small forest, Fang Hao saw that there was a tunnel under the cliff. At a glance, the entrance of the cave was dark, and he didn't know where the end was.

Outside the tunnel, there is a guard box, and a middle-aged man is sitting outside the guard box playing with his mobile phone.

After they got closer, he reluctantly put the phone in his pocket.

After reading Fang Hao's recommendation letter, he registered with Fang Hao's ID card, and then let the two of them in.

Fang Hao turned on the flashlight mode of his mobile phone, and the two walked forward in the dark tunnel.

As I walked, I felt inexplicably nervous, thinking of some ghost stories I had heard before.

The tunnel is more than 1000 meters long and can allow two large trucks to pass side by side.

Fang Hao noticed that there were street lights inside, but they were not turned on.

The air inside is very bad.

That part of the road was very depressing.

As he walked, his eyes lit up, and he had already seen the exit.

The air is also slowly getting better.

After exiting the tunnel, Fang Hao felt that the air here was extraordinarily fresh, and couldn't help but take a deep breath:

"The air here is so good!"

I never imagined that the air could be so fresh.

"Of course," said the person who brought him here, "this is the place with the strongest aura in the whole country, maybe the place with the richest aura in the entire earth. It's no wonder it's not good."

There was deep envy in his tone.

"Aura?" Fang Hao was taken aback. "Is the academy named like that? Does the revival of aura mentioned in online novels really exist?"

"Yes," said the humane, "Actually, there is a saying that the sudden emergence of so many online novels in the past few years is that the relevant parties deliberately released rumors so that everyone can accept the changes in this world."

Fang Hao was taken aback: "I underestimated those online writers, so they still bear such responsibilities."

"Although they live humblely at the bottom of this society, they are also people who have contributed to the stability and prosperity of this country," the man sighed, "Even if it is a piece of toilet paper, he still plays the role he should play. "

Fang Hao was in awe.

Coming out of the tunnel, there is another basin.

But this basin is different from the basin in the outer courtyard. This basin is surrounded by cliffs on all sides, and the only passage is this tunnel.

There are also buildings inside, but the architectural styles are completely different from those in the outer courtyard.

The buildings in the outer courtyard are like ordinary campuses, at most, the green area is a little more than ordinary campuses.

The architectural style of the inner courtyard is like an ancient garden, with courtyards and terraces hidden among lush trees.

Walking on the road paved with bluestone slabs, Fang Hao even had a feeling—has he traveled to ancient times?

This architectural style is quite beautiful, but it is also a bit too extravagant.

The area of ​​this basin is quite large, larger than the area of ​​the outer courtyard.

But looking at those buildings, Fang Hao felt that the number of students that could accommodate them might not even be one-tenth of the outer courtyard.

Fang Hao couldn't help asking that person: "How many students are there in the inner courtyard now?"

The man thought for a while: "There are about 300 students in the inner courtyard who have not graduated so far. With the large-scale expansion of enrollment this year, there may be hundreds more."

"So little?" Fang Hao was taken aback.

"It's not easy to enter the inner courtyard."

The man sighed.

He glanced at Fang Hao enviously.

He dreamed of entering the inner courtyard.

Among other things, the concentration of aura here can make his abilities more powerful.

But it is too difficult to enter the inner courtyard.

The freshman in front of me doesn't know what advantages he has, but he can directly become a student of the inner courtyard, which is really enviable.

Fang Hao heard that there are so few colleges in the inner courtyard, but he also understands why this kind of architectural style that wastes land use area is used here.

With hundreds of people occupying such a large area, they can indeed be more arbitrary.

It seems that living here is much better than living in a villa.

At this time, he could already deeply feel the gold content of that letter of recommendation.

(End of this chapter)

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