Awakening ability

Chapter 8 Compilation Issues

Chapter 8 Compilation Issues

Fang Dalu is a mature real estate businessman with rich social experience. He is more accepting of the control of supernatural beings by relevant parties. He explained to Fang Hao:
"This is quite normal. Some superpowers are too destructive to society. If they cannot be controlled, social order will be in chaos. It is very reasonable to establish a part of the organization and then use the part of the establishment to control the part outside the establishment. operation."

After people with supernatural powers began to appear, as a person without supernatural powers, the first thing Fang Dalu thought about was to restrict those with supernatural abilities, otherwise the society would feel too insecure.

Seeing Fang Hao acting so depressed, there was one thing he was embarrassed to say——as the city's evil committee member, three years ago, he began to make proposals to call on relevant parties to restrict those people with abilities from using their abilities.

It is proposed every year, and a number of committee members jointly submit their own proposals.

——At that time, he really didn't think that his useless son who was addicted to online games would have supernatural powers one day.

Now I feel like I am trapped in a cocoon.

But having said that, there was such an idea above, and it had nothing to do with his proposal.

He is just an evil committee member in the city and can't play much role.

This is the general trend, and nothing will change with or without him.

"But in this way, wouldn't it be too unfair that people with supernatural abilities like me can't use their own abilities?" Fang Hao said dissatisfied.

Fang Dalu said: "But the existence of superpowers is also a very unfair thing for ordinary people. The first thing to consider above is the interests of the majority of people."

Fang Hao knew that what Fang Dalu said was correct, but he still couldn't be happy, and said depressedly: "The truth is that, but the problem is that now I have become a supernatural person, and I feel very uncomfortable, what should I do?"

"Why can't you change your way of thinking?" Fang Dalu said, "Since there is a system that can use abilities, then you should work hard to create a system!"

Fang Hao pointed to Yao Yuanzhi: "But this little winter melon said just now that if you want to be organized, you must enter the Ability Training Academy. If you want to enter the Ability Training Academy, you must be recommended by former students. He can let his daughter Marry Ding Yin's son in exchange for a recommended spot, but what should I do? Ding Yin's son doesn't like men either!"

Yao Xiaoxiao was angry with her father. Fang Hao had no objection to belittling her father as a short winter melon, but when he heard what Fang Hao said later, he was taken aback and looked at Fang Hao with tears in his eyes. He was really worried that he would sell his body for an establishment.

She has always suspected that Fang Hao doesn't like herself, is it because he doesn't like women, but likes men.

Now there are only male and female CPs on the Internet, crispy duck novels are everywhere, and Fang Hao has always been indifferent to her, so she has to doubt this.

She doesn't think the game has that much charm.

She has played the games played by Fang Hao, and it's obviously not fun at all. How could she be more attractive than her?
She can only suspect that Fang Hao doesn't like women at all-this is why she can make herself feel better.

Of course she knew that Fang Hao didn't like her, and some even hated her. It was her wishful thinking between the two of them.

If it weren't for the marriage contract, there would be no possibility of being together at all.

But now that engagement has been lost by her father.

At this time, she felt like the sky was falling, and she was in a very bad mood.

If Fang Hao still sells his body to a man in order to obtain a establishment, then the sky will really fall.

Fang Dalu pointed to Fang Hao, with a feeling of hating iron but not steel: "Can't you turn your mind around? Since those who have entered the Ability Academy can recommend others to go in, it is not just Ding Yin who has entered the Ability Academy One, can’t you find someone else to recommend you to go in?”

Fang Hao looked at him, surprised and delighted: "Do you know anyone else who has entered the Academy of Ability?"

"I don't know," Fang Dalu said, "but I think my money will."

This is the unique confidence of a billionaire.

"I think you look down on us supernatural beings..." Fang Hao said a little uncomfortable.

He has now consciously moved his butt to the side of the supernatural being.

It's a ridiculous thing for a mere businessman to use money to subdue supernatural beings.

But his voice is small.

Because what he got was not supernatural powers, but a system that required money to become stronger, and money was inseparable from improving himself.

Especially inseparable from the money of this mere businessman.

I don’t know if money can subdue a person with superpowers, but it can subdue him anyway.

"After the emergence of supernatural beings, the world has changed. No one knows what it will look like in the future, but for now, money can still play a role." Fang Dalu said.

He has some emotion.

A few years ago, he had already understood that the emergence of a large number of supernatural beings had changed the pattern of the world, and the magic power possessed by money was far less than before.

Money can still exert a little power now, but he has no idea how long this power can be exerted.

In the past few years, he has spent his time in fear, fearing that one day society would change drastically and the wealth he had worked so hard to accumulate would be seized by people with supernatural powers.

Fortunately, Fang Hao inspired his supernatural powers, so Fang Dalu had a little bottom.

However, with more and more supernatural beings, Fang Hao is the only supernatural being in the Fang family. He is not very confident about being able to protect the billions of dollars of property.

What Yao Yuanzhi mentioned about the Ability Academy made him attach great importance to it.

The focus is not on the ability training, but the news that the relevant party will include the ability person in the establishment and restrict the ability person to use the ability.

For a vested interest in the current social structure, he welcomes such a policy very much.

As long as all the supernatural beings can be controlled and the current social order maintained, the social structure will not change much, and his wealth will be safe.

This also made him realize that it would be very important for supernatural beings to have a supernatural organization.

Only the supernatural beings can control the supernatural beings.

Organized superpowers will become a new privileged class.

This is a new outlet.

As the saying goes, a pig can fly as long as it stands on the air vent.

He glanced at Fang Hao, estimated the IQ of this son who had been addicted to games for several years, and thought that he should be higher than a pig, and he could still fly if he stood in the wind.

So he said, "You have to go in that Ability Academy, and you have to get the establishment."

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  In addition, starting today, two chapters will be updated every day.

(End of this chapter)

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